

LADIES CAN HAVE THE MAN OF THEIR DREAMS...  Ladies, the man of your dream would remain "THE MAN OF YOUR DREAM". So except you're ready to pull him out of your dream, stop delaying yourself and face the man in your real world.  Yes, face the man in your world. Work with him till he transforms to the man of your dream. Come to think of it; if you find the man of your dream, chances are that you may not be the woman of his dreams. It is not only companies that check CVs, husbands do too. Trust me, dreams can be misleading.  When it comes to rating your man, don't look at him through your "dreams", look at him through your vision of the future. If you can see yourself in a dreamworld through your vision with him, then you've found your dream man.  This may be against everything you've heard about choosing your man, but I'm just trying to make sure you don't #RefuseYourMan Therefore, my charge for you is this; don't give-in to laziness or idle...


LADIES DON'T GET OVERDUE FOR MARRIAGE... Ladies, God didn't tell a woman to find a husband; rather, He told the man to find a wife. So until your man finds you, you're not overdue for marriage. If you respond to the pressures, you may end up in detention, instead of enjoying marital pleasures. Moreover, when it comes to marriage, only two people trigger the process. While man has the responsibility to find a wife, God takes the responsibility to set the single man and woman into families. So God does the settings, men do the finding. Women don't have a role in it.  If you don't get married, then you're free to hold God responsible for not setting your marriage. This also means you don't need to go about "toasting" men with your body, because the only thing you're expected to say to a man when it comes to marriage is "YES! I WILL MARRY YOU", and that's after he has proposed. This may totally be against everything you've heard a...


"I wanted us to play against Arsenal..." I used to love football, but that was when Austin J. J. Okocha was in Bolton. "Bolton Wanderers" was the answer I always gave to those who asked which club I supported.  "Anslem, are you okay?". Absolutely, don't even bother to ask again. But wait, before you unfriend me out of anger, I have something to say.  It's not like I was okay with the fact that they were losers, but I liked the feeling I got whenever Okocha was playing a match with them. It was a feeling of hope.  That feeling of hope continued until it was time to face WESTHAM UNITED. I remember watching that match through a neighbour's window. You know how it was to pay for sport channels on DSTV back then nau.  But where or how I watched the match didn't even matter, because we won. It was one of the happiest moments of my life. Okocha scored the team's goal of the season, and he was the key player of the match.  That's how life i...


LOVE GOD BACK...  God loves everybody, but it's not everybody that loves God in return.  Those who God loves enjoy daily bread, but those who love God in return enjoy daily wage.  Those who God loves have access to daily loads of blessing, but God reserves unimaginable blessings for those who love Him in return.  God services those He loves, but those who love Him in return serve Him and all His interests.  God may love us equally, but we're rated differently. The bible says a man is rated according to his wisdom.  If your aim is to impact your world, then settling for daily bread and benefits won't be enough, you need daily wages and God's reserved blessings.  Daily breads have no reserve to feed others, but those who enjoy God's reserve feed others without stress. That's impact!  If you want to do unimaginable things, then you need to gain access to God's unimaginable blessings.  Dont be deceived, God cannot be mocked. You'd definitely reap the labour ...


TIMELY NOTES!  When a principle is set by a superior person, all his subordinates will be subject to it. For instance, you should not expect to be alive if you decide to jump off a ten storey building. And that is because the principle that governs gravity was created by a superior person. You may amend your own principles easily, but to change the principles of your superior, you would need to become like your superior.  Naturally, any weight must sink when it contacts water. But Jesus was able to amend it when He walked on water. And that is because he created the principle. With faith, Peter also walked on water; but when he lost faith, he became subject to the principles of sinking. Naturally, everybody in the world is subject to sickness and diseases, but sickness and diseases are subject to the principles of faith. The Bible defines faith as "the victory that overcomes the world". Which means no matter what is happening, the principles of faith will still prevail. Natur...


TIMELY NOTES!  In Ezekiel 37:10, the Bible tells us that "as Ezekiel prophesied as God commanded him, the breath came into those bones, and they lived, stood up upon on their feet, and became an exceeding great army". God's word carries the breath of life; anytime you speak His word to a situation, He breaths life into that situation. No wonder Proverbs 4:20-22 tells us that if we attend to God's word, we would add life to our flesh. We would also recall that during creation, it was the same breath that God put into the lifeless man.  I feel bad when I see Christians live without a proof of their redemption. They have received eternal life, yet they live like people who have no life. When would believers understand that the word of God is what breaths life into their endeavours? The life of our business, jobs, career, education, marriage, relationships, and family; they are all tied to God's word. I often pity congregations that gather to hear compromised preachin...