
Showing posts from March, 2015
THE COMING INVASION - PART 3! Is it truly possible for God to do something quickly? I want you to notice what Amos 9:13 says; Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that the plowman shall overtake the reaper, and the treader of grapes him that soweth seed; and the mountains shall drop sweet wine, and all the hills shall melt. What is God saying? He's going to accelerate things to the point that the person who is sowing the seed better gets out of the way quick, because the moment the seed hits the ground, the reaper will be right behind him because immediate growth and maturity will take place. He said the sower will be overtaken by the harvester. As quick as he can sow it in the ground, the harvester is right behind him with a combine ready to harvest. Right behind the harvester comes the sower again. Right behind the sower, comes the reaper again. It's not a problem for God to accelerate things and that's what He plans to do according to that scripture. ...
THE COMING INVASION - PART 2! God is going to raise up some Believers who will become "ministers of finances". They'll be responsible for more money than they ever dreamed of. God is going to give some Believers businesses that are going to be so prosperous that many will ask, How are you doing it and where are you getting it? And they'll respond, My God supplies all my needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Why would God do this? It's very simple: To win cities and nations to Himself! It's time to invade every man's world. God is looking for some faithful people. He's looking for those who won't run when the pressure is on. God is looking for those who cannot be corrupted. Those who will not compromise. Those who are not moved by persecution or opposition. Those who will stand up for what they believe in. It's time to make a quality decision to unveil the true power of God to your city and nation. People are going to ...
THE COMING INVASION - PART 1! It's time that we channel all of our energies, all of our efforts, all of our finances, all of our prayers, and all of our faith into taking cities and entire nations for the kingdom of God. Do you realize that we are so close to the appearing of the Lord Jesus? That's why we must take over our cities and nations and do it quickly! God has been training us up for this time. He wants us to become vessels of the Holy Spirit to carry His presence and His power into the world and make an impact. Isn't that awesome to think about? You can impact an entire nation. It doesn't matter what kind of occupation you have—whether you work in construction, a bus driver, or a house wife, you can impact your city and your nation with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God wants to use you. You just need to be willing. God not only wants us to go into all the world geographically, but He wants us to invade every man's world. He wants us to invade t...


TIMELY NOTES! Time is a friend to no one. Time has no relationship with anyone, it's everyone that has to be in a relationship with time. TIME DOESN'T NEED YOU, IT'S YOU THAT NEED TIME TO STRUCTURE YOUR LIFE. Time is the most important resource that God gave to man, and He gave every man equal time. Everyone has 24 hours to himself in a day, just as everyone has 7 days to himself in a week. WHAT YOU DO WITH TIME DETERMINES WHAT YOU GET FROM LIFE. I've heard many individuals say "I don't have time", but it's important to state here that YOU'D NEVER HAVE TIME FOR WHAT YOU'VE NOT CREATED TIME FOR. The reason why many individuals don't attend church services during the week is not because they don't have time enough to attend those services, but because they've not created time for them. Many people are too busy to even read books. They forget that READING IS PART OF LIVING! And most often many of them end up terminated from their j...


TIMELY NOTES! What you can't think you can't see. EVERY STEP FORWARD STARTS WITH A THOUGHT FORWARD. God saw darkness on the earth, but until His Spirit moved forward He didn't create  a way forward. Where you are today is a product of your thoughts. It's true that God shows mercy to who He'd show mercy; but He has a free-hand for thinkers. The bible says "as a man thinks in his heart, so is he", that also means a man is never restricted from becoming what he thinks. This was exactly what happened at the tower of Babylon; they were already building what they thought, but the only thing that stopped them was their evil intention. Even though they were people who greatly sinned against God, God still gave them a free-hand to reach where they did - because it was in their thought. As a christian, it's wrong to think that God wants you to be poor. POVERTY IS NOT GOD'S CHOICE FOR YOU; POVERTY IS DESIGNED FOR THOSE WHO HAVE THINKING PROBLEMS. The reas...


TIMELY NOTES! Many people delay God from blessing them. They think God will have to manufacturer their requests before He gives it to them. The fact that you just discovered a need doesn't mean God will have to prepare Himself to meet that need. The bible says He's a very present help in the time of need. That could also mean that, before the need came the help had been created. Satan is a looser, he only has sense enough to complicate what God has made. That's why it looks so complicated to go to school, get a good job, or even get married - in the world today. Every blessing has a due season, just as every medicine has an expiry date. But the difference is that; while a manufacturer determines the expiry date for his product, it is faith that determines the due season for the release of your blessing. The bible says "in due season you shall reap, if you don't faint". Jacob told Esau that while he fights with his sword, a time will come when he'd get ...


TIMELY NOTES! Faith is most efficient when accompanied by joy. Just as faith works by love, joy is the thrust behind faith. Your faith declarations would only be wishes without joy. Joy is the strength of faith; that's why faith needs joy in order to draw water out of the wells of salvation. Love is the parent of faith, while joy is an alia. Faith alone would never take you to your destination. It got to a point where Jesus had to look up to joy in order to endure the pain and torture that was coming to Him. He had faith, but He needed joy to strengthen His faith. Faith comes by meditating on the word of God. Joy also comes by meditating on the word, but most times it comes at the remembrance of the promise of God - even in the presence of storms. When Jesus remembered the promise that was set before Him, to sit at the right hand of God and judge His people, joy came alive in Him. Faith is never far away from joy. If you loose your joy in battle, no matter how powerfully you ma...


IT'S A LAUGHING MATTER! Satan is not in a position to determine when and where you should laugh. The bible says "at destruction and famine you shall laugh". Laughing in the presence of challenges is the fastest way to remind the devil that he's fighting a lost battle. The bible tells us how God laughs at Satan because he knows that his time is coming. If your heavenly Father laughs at Satan, you have no reason to panic when he comes around you. By redemption, we're seated in heavenly places with Jesus. And they that seat in heaven shall laugh. Laughter is a usual routine for those that live in heaven on earth. And the present condition of things cannot defile that commandment. Before you sit down to cry, rise up and laugh. If Satan can't stop you from laughing then he can't stop you from winning. Laughter is a display of joy; if you want to protect your joy then you must strike back with a laugh. The devil is fund of showing people evil pictures; you...


TIMELY NOTES! Don't sell your joy! It might interest you to know that even the devil likes to be joyful, and that is why he tries so hard to steal our resources. Stealing, killing and destroying the resources of people naturally makes him joyful. He doesn't care about how you'd feel or what you'd go through when he steals your goods, he cares about himself only; and that means he's selfish! He also knows that he can't stop you from accessing God's blessing when your joy is intact. The devil is seriously contending for the last laugh. Anytime he sees you laughing, he starts gnashing his teeth. Remember that it's he who laughs last that laughs best. Jesus preferred to suffer than to give up his joy. He had a mental picture of Himself -  laughing at the end. I'm sure that the devil was gnashing his teeth when Jesus ascended to heaven, because the bible says "they that sit in heaven shall laugh". Furthermore, the bible says Jesus made a show ...


TIMELY NOTES! Every demonic weight requires some level of faith to overcome it. The level of faith you'd need to move a mountain is small compared to the level of faith you'd need to destroy the mountain. Many believers are dwelling on the mustard seed level of faith, and that's why their mountains keep coming back - even after they've moved them. The mountain you don't destroy may resurface at any time. Many people are building their fears instead of building their faith. While some people are afraid of Satan, Satan is also afraid of the faith of some other people. Satan is not actually against you, but against your faith. If he can succeed in taking your faith then he has successfully taken you. If Jesus could refer to Peter as "satan", then it means the lack of faith in a person equals the person to the devil. It's dangerous to live among people without faith, that's why the bible says we should guard our hearts with all diligence. Meditatin...


TIMELY NOTES! Fear is dwelling on all that could go wrong instead of what will go right. Most likely, David was afraid when he met Goliath with a slingshot and three stones. But because he had mastered his fear by trusting in God instead of thinking about all that could go wrong, he freed the Israelites from the oppression of their enemies and honored the name of God. His faith in God moved him beyond fear to power. FEAR IS SEEING GOLIATH TOO BIG TO HIT, FAITH IS SEEING GOLIATH TOO BIG TO MISS. Faith is our God-given mode of operation; if you're not operating by faith then you're malfunctioning. Though accidents happen, but the fear of accident may limit you from having a car and driving. The fear of failing your exams may stop you from going to school and having a good career. The fear of carrying a baby for months may stop you from finding a right suitor. The fear of sickness would definitely stop you from thinking progressively. NOTHING EVIL HAPPENS UNTIL FEAR IS IN PLAC...


TIMELY NOTES! Let your mind be on the move! Discovery comes to those who move their mind across the issues of life. In the beginning, God saw that the earth was without form and empty, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. But in the cause of moving His Spirit across the waters, He discovered a solution - and declared a word of faith which His Spirit had moved to perform. God saw a problem, just as many people see problems in their nations. But instead of complaining about it, He moved to correct it! Many believers have the word of faith, but very few move according to the demands of the word they have. The word of faith is not for making complains but for creating a solution. We'd also discover that it takes the strength of the Spirit to move at the instance of the word of faith. The Spirit moved at the instance of God's word to perform what God said. The bible makes it clear that we can't manifest the works of faith in the energy of the flesh, but by the Spirit ...


TIMELY NOTES! God's word is God's works about to happen. Everywhere the word goes, it goes to work out a blessing. God's word is a working-machine, and what it produces are testimonies. Testimonies are the workings of God that are produced by the word of God. In Luke 5:17, as Jesus was teaching the word, the word went forth to produce testimonies. The bible says "He sent His word and it healed and delivered them from their destruction". Anytime you declare the word in faith, you're simply creating an atmosphere for testimonies. The end product of the word are testimonies; if the testimony you generate is small then the word in you is small. If you want to be full of testimonies, then you must strive to take the whole armour of God, which is His word. Finally, there are two types of testimonies; there is the testimony of His word, and the testimony of His works. And it's important to let you know that until you testify of His word you may never experi...


GIFT: A SEED FOR MAN'S REMEMBRANCE! Every gift has a force within it that makes it impossible for it's carrier to be forgotten. An aunt and friend of mine helped me to understand this truth when she said; the spirit of remembrance is in a gift, just as the spirit of fruitfulness is in the word of God. The bible makes clear that it's impossible for God's word to return without fulfilling what it was sent to do. That also means it is impossible to maximize the gift of God in you and not be remembered. The bible says the gift of a man makes room for him and brings him before great men. Using your gift may start on a rough note, but you're sure to end on a glorious note. Joseph started on a rough note, his brothers even threatened to kill him - but eventually sold him out for slavery out of compassion. But at the end, he was remembered - and was brought before a great king. When a gift is needed, the carrier of the gift is automatically needed. When a gift is glorif...


TIMELY NOTES! God doesn't feel good when our prayers are not answered. As a matter of scriptures, He is not a God that is not touched by the feelings of our infirmities. God is compassionate, He feels what we feel when our prayers are unanswered. Remember that Jesus called on God when He was on the cross, but there was no response from heaven. Jesus felt forsaken because He probably thought that God had forgotten His promise. That story further confirms that Jesus knows what it feels like to have unanswered prayers. The bible says we should "call upon God and He will answer; but how can we call whom we've not believed, and how can we believe whom we've not heard?" This means that, God is not the reason for our unanswered prayers, but our belief system. It takes right hearing to have a right believing, and you can't ask rightly until you believe rightly. If you're believing God for what you wrongly heard, then don't expect response from heaven. God...


TIMELY NOTES! Every believer has an equal heritage of faith, which grants them access to God's blessing. The moment you sell your faith, you'd also loose access to blessing. Esau sold his birthright, and subtlety made him to loose his blessing. The bible says that God has blessed us with all spiritual blessing, and given us all things that pertains to life and godliness through the knowledge of he that has called us unto glory. This means that; God is not trying to draw a plan on how he would bless us, neither is he preparing a special blessing for us, no! He has blessed us already, and if the blessing is not showing then it means someone has bought or stolen it - just as Jacob bought the blessing of Esau. The bible says we shall be above only; but if we're not above, it means someone has bought our place at the top. Isaac told Esau that there was no more blessing for him, and that he'd have to live by the sword while serving his younger brother - until the day he g...


TIMELY NOTES! God doesn't feel good when our prayers are not answered. As a matter of scriptures, He is not a God that is not touched by the feelings of our infirmities. God is compassionate, He feels what we feel when our prayers are unanswered. Remember that Jesus called on God when He was on the cross, but there was no response from heaven. Jesus felt forsaken because He probably thought that God had forgotten His promise. That story further confirms that Jesus knows what it feels like to have unanswered prayers. The bible says we should "call upon God and He will answer; but how can we call whom we've not believed, and how can we believe whom we've not heard?" This means that, God is not the reason for our unanswered prayers, but our belief system. It takes right hearing to have a right believing, and you can't ask rightly until you believe rightly. If you're believing God for what you wrongly heard, then don't expect response from heaven. God...

Emeka Anslem's invitation is awaiting your response



TIMELY NOTES! Faith is required to gain victory over the forces of the wicked, and it's also required to retain victory. Many believers drop the shield of faith when they win a battle, and this is why their challenges always come back to them. Winning a battle doesn't guarantee that you'd win the war. The bible tells us to resist the devil; and even when we've successfully resisted him, we still need to resist him steadfastly. There is no holiday in the realm of the spirit. After Jesus resisted satan three times, the bible tells us that "satan went away for a season". And It wasn't long before he came back - reinforced. He even manifested himself in the life of Jesus' disciples. But Jesus was always ahead of Satan; even when satan was away He still remembered to pray and fast, He still remembered to reach out to the lost. If you forget the steps you took to be free from satan, you may have to start over again. There is no graduation in the school o...


WORK IS THE EVIDENCE OF FAITH! The power of faith is unlimited but our dominion over the issues of life is strictly determined by our level of faith. God does not delay - no matter the measure of blessing you desire; but the measure of blessings we desire will also demand an equal measure of faith. Daniel engaged his faith in prayers for 3 days to discover the kings dream along with its interpretation. But when it came to saving his people from the plan of the wicked, he prayed and fasted for 21 days - until an angel came down with a solution. Daniel understood that the measure of blessing he was asking for will require more than a 3-day prayer; he knew it was something he had to press until he gets the answer. God does not have problem giving you what you ask for, He only has problem understanding the position of your heart. If what you're asking for is in your heart, you'd work hard until you see it in your life. That's what Daniel did, it was in his heart to see his ...


TIMELY NOTES! A person who walks by faith is not moved by what others around him may think or say or do because his ears and his eyes, his mind and his heart, are firmly fixed on the Word of the Lord. Living a lifestyle of faith is God's idea of living a life of heaven on earth. You can't truly live by faith and be seeing issues of life. The bibles says "my son, attend to my words, let them not depart from your eyes... For they are life unto all your flesh". That means the moment you start falling sick, you've drifted your eyes and attention from His word and started seeing sickness or giving attention to it. In actuality, the trouble you don't see can't get your attention. The word of God will have no effect in you if what people say affects you. They said many evil things to Jesus, but He was never bothered because He understood what the word said concerning Him. People may tell you facts about your present condition, but facts are false in the face...


TIMELY NOTES! Having faith without a connectivity to the Author of faith is a waste of time. Faith may please God, but love creates a link between the one who has faith in God and God Himself. The bibles says "faith is the substance of things hoped for"; that could also mean that faith dwells on material things. But God is love; having true love in your heart is simply having God in your heart. This makes it impossible for your faith to please God without love for Him in your heart. Being filled with the word of faith doesn't mean you're filled with love for God. Love for God is something you must consciously decide to build. Trying to build a relationship with God is closely related to how a man tries to get a woman to like him. When a man wins a woman's heart, he can believe her for anything that is in her capacity to do - which she would do without fail. The bible talks about a set of people that God will answer even before they pray; and while they're...


TIMELY NOTES! There is a difference between living by faith and appropriating or applying the word of faith. The bible talks about three positions of faith, which are; the word of faith, the law of faith, and the spirit of faith. The word of faith is the message; the law of faith is the application or the appropriation of the word of faith; while the spirit of faith is the lifestyle of faith. Some students don't enjoy going to school, while some other students don't only love going to school, they live their life for school. The difference between these two groups is the school spirit. The one who doesn't enjoy school is only bound by school laws, because he'd only be moved to study when there is a test or an exam. The one who live for school is not bound by school laws but is led by the school spirit. He prepares himself daily to make good grades. This is how many Christians are in this world; some take faith as a lifestyle while some others only appropriate the w...


TIMELY NOTES! Trials are satan's design. God never sends trials to people; it would be a devastating blow on your faith if you ever believe that God sends trials. If God sends trials, then certainly you don't want to resist God. For instance, in the area of sickness, if it's God's will for you to be sick, why go to a doctor to try to get out of God's will? But it is God's will for you to be well. The bible tells us that God wishes above all things that we prosper and be in health. God wants you healed, and He will go any way you choose: whether through doctors or through His Word, or even both. But, if you fall for satan's lie, your faith will be neutralized and you may suffer that affliction forever. People say trials are God's design to strengthen our faith. Satan is not the finisher of your faith, and if trials and tests perfects faith then satan would be the finisher of it. But the bible declares that Jesus is the Author and Finisher of your fai...


TIMELY NOTES! Do you believe that God has faith? Now some people will answer, "No, because since He's God, He doesn't need faith." Personally, I believe with all my heart that God is a faith Being, that He lives by faith. God operates by faith because He calls things not as they are, but as He envisions them to be. Eph 5:27 tells us what God sees when He looks at His Church, the Body of Christ. He sees a glorious Church, one without spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing, one that is holy and without blemish. And the obvious reason why He sees us that way is because He looks at us from a spiritual perspective. He sees us not as we are in our natural selves, but as we appear through the blood of His Son Jesus Christ. And that is faith! We in the Church have experienced a great deal of shame and reproach lately. The Church has lost more credibility in the past few years than at any other period in our lifetime. Yet God keeps the faith. He hasn't changed the scriptu...


TIMELY NOTES! There is a difference between living by faith and appropriating or applying the word of faith. The bible talks about three positions of faith, which are; the word of faith, the law of faith, and the spirit of faith. The word of faith is the message; the law of faith is the application or the appropriation of the word of faith; while the spirit of faith is the lifestyle of faith. Some students don't enjoy going to school, while some other students don't only love going to school, they live their life for school. The difference between these two groups is the school spirit. The one who doesn't enjoy school is only bound by school laws, because he'd only be moved to study when there is a test or an exam. The one who live for school is not bound by school laws but is led by the school spirit. He prepares himself daily to make good grades. This is how many Christians are in this world; some take faith as a lifestyle while some others only appropriate the wo...


SOMETHING SUPERNATURAL! Our manifestation as sons of God in these end times is tied to the operation of the Spirit of revelation. The bible says "the Father of glory may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him". The world cannot despise you if you have answer to their problems. When the secret was revealed to Daniel, Daniel was revealed to the world. The world may not know you today, but you'd become the headline of their daily devotion - when you lay hold on one secret from God. What God shows to you will definitely make you a show to your world - if you apply it. Revelation is unveiling the secrets of God that is able to make you a star among men. However, secrets are in levels; the bible tells us that the Holy Spirit reveals deep secrets to them that love God. Every child of God has access to some level of kingdom secrets, but only true lovers of God gain access to deep secrets. True love is your certificate to life changing revela...