
Showing posts from November, 2015


THIS WEEK! Many people stop their testimonies from coming by stopping their joy from going. Our joy is the bringer of our testimonies; if joy is not going out from you then don't expect testimonies to come to you. If Satan succeeds in stealing your joy then he will also succeed in keeping your testimonies. Your joy is not for sale; when Satan comes to buy, tell him you're not selling. It might interest you to know that every living creature needs joy to succeed, including Satan. The reason why he goes about looking for who to devour is because he derives joy in it. This week, as the Lord lives, everything the devil has stolen from you will be fully returned to you! Every day of this week will be days of recovery for you! Your health will be recovered! Your career will be recovered! Your business will be recovered! Your marriage will be recovered! Your job will be recovered! Your children will be recovered! Your home will be recovered! Your dignity and color will be recovere...


TIMELY NOTES! Encourage yourself! That's what David did. The bible tells us that at a point in David's reign, his people were bitter and talking against him, they didn't like his judgements and decisions, they even talked about stoning him. Yet, David encouraged himself in the Lord. It might interest you to know that most of the people who came against him were people who adored him. They liked him when his vision was favourable, but when challenges came, they turned against him. That's how life is; as long as you're pursuing a vision, a time will come when you'd be "on your own", and the only person you can look up to is God. David couldn't find anybody to trust or encourage him at that moment, and so he encouraged himself with God's word. Shortly after he encouraged himself, God intervened and made him to recover all that was stolen. Don't give up because nobody likes or supports your vision; rather, encourage yourself if you're s...


TIMELY NOTES! God does not entice people with words. Whatever He tells you is what He has capacity to do; and even if what He says doesn't exist, He has capacity to create it. God related His word to the rainfall in Isaiah 55:11; the rain falls to the ground and doesn't go back to the cloud, rather, it nourishes the earth and causes it to produce fruits. That's how God's word works; it must accomplish the purpose to which it was spoken. No matter the condition of the earth, it doesn't have capacity to reject rainfall. No matter what is going-on on the earth, rainfall would always have its priority. The same way, no matter what is happening in your life, the word of God must prevail, because it has priority over any circumstance. No matter the intensity of a burning fire, it won't overpower rainfall. This is because, the water from the rain is able to enter the source of the fire and quench it, just as the word of God is able to enter into your bones and marr...


TIMELY NOTES! God is ready to give you an opportunity, He's probably waiting for you to conclude your preparation. Many people ignorantly believe that they are waiting for God, when the real truth is that God is waiting for them. At the wedding at Cana, Mary told the servants to do whatever Jesus told them to do. Jesus was ready to turn water into wine - because he has the capacity, but what if those servants didn't prepare the water? Why did Jesus have to wait till they filled all the bowls with water? Couldn't He have turned each bowl of water into wine, while the servants filled the other bowls? The answer is the same; God will not do anything until we are ready. When He wanted to deliver the people of Israel from Egypt, He told them to prepare. God is a covenant keeping God, who is only committed to do His part when you've completed your part. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; GOD DOES NOT DELAY, HIS RESPONSE...


TIMELY NOTES! I can't take this anymore! That's the language of those who have become fed up of recurring unpleasant circumstances. When Jacob stole Esau's fatherly blessings, Isaac made it clear to Esau that he'd have to serve his brother Jacob - all the days of his life. However, he mentioned that when Esau gets fed up, he should fight for his right with his sword. That means being fed up of your situation is not enough, you must fight to win. If the challenge is still present then you've not won the fight. The bible instructs us to resist the devil and he will flee from us, and in case he refuses to go, resist him steadfastly. Jesus told ten lepers who desired healing to go and show themselves to the priest; and while they were on their way, they discovered that they had been healed, but one of them returned to Jesus to thank him and perhaps to show Him that there were still traces of leprosy on his body. And I perceive that Jesus saw the traces and perfected...


TIMELY NOTES! If you're confused about what is happening to you, check the scriptures. It's okay to be consumed by the emotional attacks in the world, but before you make a decision on what to do about it, please check the scriptures. Joseph really loved Mary, but his emotion was attacked when he heard that Mary had conceived - knowing that he had not touched her. He had already decided to break up his relationship with Mary when the angel of the Lord appeared to remind him of what the scriptures had said. Satan often uses the scriptures to get to believers. When Jesus was born, Herod didn't know how or where to locate Him. But he privately called for the high priests of the land, who eventually told him how and where to find Jesus - according to scriptures. When Satan attacked Jesus with scriptures in the wilderness, it occurred to me that there are scriptures that may not be acceptable for certain situations. Our christian life is like a real-time movie, and the bible...


TIMELY NOTES! The story of a major breakthrough often starts with a conflict. During the conflict, those who used to support you may surprisingly be against you, and those who had never supported you may suddenly become your confidant. But in all these things, focus on the story. Don't get carried away by the conflicts or challenges, because if you do, you'd never tell a good story. Joseph went through conflicts, yet he focused on the story. While Jesus was going through great conflict on earth, the bible says "He saw the joy that was set before Him, and endured the cross". Your story has a beautiful end, that's what God said in Jeremiah 29:11. Just imagine God and the hosts of heaven watching your life's story. Just imagine them making commentaries regarding your actions. I don't know about you, but I'd like to hear God and the angels make good commentaries about my story. I'd like my story to excite the whole heaven and earth. I'd like my...


TIMELY NOTES! Be at peace with yourself! You need it to do everything else in life. Most of man's challenges are products of a displaced inner peace. Inner peace is the ability to have no regret about the past, take control of the present, and be happy about the future. Many people suffer in the present because they've refused to forget their past, while many others never live a happy life because they see nothing to be happy about in the future. The reason why many Christians can't experience divine intervention is probably because they've infected their peace with concerns. God's formula for intervening on our matters is "Be still". No matter how close the enemy may be, be still, and know that He is God. God is never too far from a peaceful man. Learning how to strengthen your inner peace would be one of your most profitable investments in life. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; MAKE EVERY  EFFORT...


TIMELY NOTES! The fear of man literally paralyzes destiny. Many people can't make life-changing decisions because they fear what their parents, manager, or relatives may do to them. And the reason why they fear is because these people act as major pillars that holds their lives. But the truth of the matter is, the moment you take your destiny in your hand, no man will be strong enough to be your pillar. I recently heard of a man who was accommodated by a fellow christian brother; but when the Christian brother discovered that the man has taken responsibility for his destiny, he cooked up a story and sent the man out of his house. Pro 29:25 assures us that God will keep us from anything that evil men might try to bring against us. In Heb 13:5-6, He also promised to always be with us and protect us so that we never have to fear what men try to do to us. When you place your full confidence in the word of God, you will quickly place the fear of man under your feet. We'd underst...


TIMELY NOTES! Ps 46:10 explains a formula to know God. It said "Be still, and know that I am God". But how will a man be silent when over 60,000 thoughts runs through his mind daily? How can we practice silence when everything about and around us makes noise? Many people know about God, and that's because they've witnessed His manifold acts both in their lives and the lives of others, but how many people really know God? Nature grows in silence. Grass, trees and food crops don't make a sound, yet they grow and flourish. The moon and the sun are constantly moving, yet nobody hears a single sound from them. The brightness of the day and the hotness of the weather explains the presence of the sun, yet not a single sound has come from it. Nature relates with God's provision and instructions, and that's why they grow easily. Man should also meditate on God's word or instructions, and he'd grow easily. Meditating on the word of God is the only way to...


TIMELY NOTES! Face your fears, it's the only way you can master it. The things we fear are the things we've not faced with confidence. Most of our fears are scenes of the past, but because we've refused to face them we make them ever present. No wonder the bible tells us that "fear is a snare to destiny". The word "snare" means "a mental trap"; which means the challenge itself may not even be a problem, but your mindset has exalted the challenge above what it really is. You can silence your fears; remember that God has not given us the spirit of fear but the spirit of soundness. If you're not making sounds then you're making fear. Fear is a mitigator of soundness. If you want to experience all-round soundness, then stop the fear that is going around with you. Somebody recently asked which church I attended, and when I responded, she said "no wonder, the people that go to that church talk with soundness". That's how f...


TIMELY NOTES! The origin of every struggle is from the heart. As a matter of thoughts, you can't struggle in life as long as your heart is at peace. The bible also makes it lucid that "all the issues of life comes out from the heart". Whatever comes out to your life is a product of what you've processed in your heart. You're not lazy because you don't have strength, no, you're lazy because your heart despises hard work. After all you've said and done to abate the struggle, it only increases. What else can you do? Who could be working against your progress? Who is behind all your struggles in life? Who? Who? I think the reason why you've not found the answer is because you've been looking for "who" and not "what". Your heart may be the only thing behind your struggles; change your heart to change your life. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; JESUS IS THE GIVER OF PEACE;...


TIMELY NOTES! There is no storm in life that is ordained to change the direction of one's destiny. In Jonah 2:8, the bible says "they that regard lying vanities forsake their own mercy". The storms that rise against man may appear real, but it doesn't change the truth that they are lying vanities, figments, things that want you to speak words that are contrary to God's word. Jesus and his disciples were crossing over to the otherside of the river when a storm suddenly arose. The disciples saw it as the end of the road, but Jesus saw it as a bridge to cross. While the disciples were talking for the storm, Jesus was talking against the storm. The reason why many people are not going forward is probably because they keep talking about their challenges, instead of talking against them. God had promised to take Israel to the promiseland, but their contact with the red sea almost sent them back to Israel - all because of the words of their mouth. But Moses eventuall...


TIMELY NOTES! Self-discipline is one of the most important and useful skills everyone should possess. This skill is essential in every area of life, and though most people acknowledge its importance, very few do something to strengthen it. Contrary to common belief, self-discipline does not mean being harsh toward yourself, or living a limited, restrictive lifestyle. Self discipline means self control, which is a sign of inner strength and control of yourself, your actions, and your reactions. Self discipline gives you the power to stick to your decisions and follow them through, without changing your mind. I perceive that the reason why many believers are yet to receive God's promise is because they lack self discipline. Paul said "But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified". That also means that discipline is a major qualifier for God's blessings. That's how far we'd go on today...


TIMELY NOTES! The wedding at Cana was a wonderful occasion. The invited guests didn't want to go, even though the occasion had ended. The wedding planner made provision for wine, enough to last through the occassion. But to their surprise, the guests wanted more wine when all that was left was water. The wedding planner became stranded and quickly ran to Mary to inform her about the situation of things. Mary immediately said to them, focusing on Jesus, do whatever He tells you to do. God always reserves the best for the last moments. You'd be ignorant to think the year has ended, and so you can't get your expectations for the year. The wedding at Cana had ended but the guests wanted more, and for that reason Jesus had to convert tasteless and colorless water into colorful and tasteful wine. Jesus can do the same for you today! He can convert anything just to meet your expectations. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; D...


TIMELY NOTES! In life, some things are deeper than pain; you'd even wish to feel pain than to experience them. Some memories can hurt you more than a deep wound. A father that has to provide for his family don't feel the pain in his body, he works day after day to see that his family is cared for. When we were children, we cried over every surface injury; but now, we don't have time to cry. Crying has never healed any wound; so why would anybody waste his precious time in tears. I live my life without regrets; because no matter how much regret I feel, I still have to be responsible for my future. No matter how much mistakes a father makes, he still has to be responsible for his family. No matter how many mistakes a manager makes, he still has to manage his company. Fix the things you have regrets for, and if you can't fix them forget them. The time you spend on regrets may be the time you need to be alert for favour. That's how far we'd go on today's T...


YOUTHS CAN CHANGE NIGERIA! The Nigerian government should awake from their slumber. This is not the first time that our Eaglets would reach a worthy position in a tournament, or even become the champion. Putting experienced adults in power has only caused us to experience more bad luck. Let the government give youths opportunity to lead major sectors. I'd like to see youths become Ministers of Education, Defense, Aviation, Industry - Trade & Investment, Environment, Labour & Productivity. Even the minster of Youths & Development is not a youth. Youths are strong! I believe Nigeria would be safe in the hands of intelligent and honest youths. The bible says "no one should despise the youths, because they are examples for others to follow". Secondary school students enjoy good tuition when Youth Corpers are deployed to their school. These are pointers that youths will command better results. A youth in power will definitely be of best behavior, because he...


TIMELY NOTES! Appreciation connotes increase in the business world. And if we observe scriptures closely, we'd discover that appreciation to God is more like an application for increase. In Jeremiah 30:19, God made it clear that the only way He'd release more blessings to His people is if they appreciate Him for what He has done. God had led Joshua and the people of Israel on till the wall of Jericho; but He didn't bring down the wall until they praised Him. If praising or appreciating God brings increase, why do many believers suffer lack and want? In my opinion, any believer that has difficulty in advancing his life is not an appreciative or praiseful believer. Ps 67:5-7 explains that everyone who praises God naturally experience increase. So if you're not increasing then you're not praising. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; IF YOU WANT TO EXPERIENCE INCREASE IN ANY AREA OF YOUR LIFE, THEN ENGAGE THE SICKL...


TIMELY NOTES! Every christian needs a prophet! Many people have fear for the unknown, not necessarily because evil is coming, but because they don't want to miss out. I wonder what Job was afraid of; though the bible says the things he greatly feared came upon him. If we observe what happened to him, we'd discover that he was afraid of losing everything - because he lost everything, even his wife advised him to curse God and die. People who develop fear for the unknown are people who have fear of losing everything they have. You'd have nothing to be afraid of if you have nothing, not even death. As Christians, we can be sure of what is coming. Amos 3:7 tells us that "God will not do anything until He has revealed it to His servants - the prophets". Remember that it was through a prophet that God brought Israel out of Egypt. I worship in a church where God unveils His plan to the prophet per time, and also tells him what the congregation should expect when they...


TIMELY NOTES! Praising God isn't just about dancing and singing joyful songs to God, it's more about proving the potency of God through our works. 1 Cor 6:20 tells us that we have been bought with a price, therefore we should glorify God in our body and in our spirit, which belongs to God. In Eph 2:10, the bible says we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works. This also means that people should be compelled to glorify God when they see you or the works of your hand. A king would prefer to honor an invitation to a large gathering of people than an invitation to a single person. This is because, the glory of a king is in the multitude of people that gather before him. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you shouldn't sing and dance to God; as a matter of scriptures, that's something you must do to continue enjoying God's blessing. But my point is; God wants you to create a larger platform where multitudes will glorify Him. That's ...