
Showing posts from December, 2015


MAXIMIZING THE LAST DAYS OF THE YEAR! Just a few more hours and we'd witness the very end of the year 2015. But better is the end of a matter than the beginning. The end of the year holds a better chance to achieve anything. As a matter of scriptures, God does not go on break, neither does He reduce His workload. He is the same yesterday, today, and even tomorrow - which obviously is the end of the year. If God is the same, doesn't go on break or reduce His workload, then He has not stopped working for you. If He has been working for you since the year began, then He is still working for you. The only thing that may stop His work on your behalf will be your inadequate supply of faith. Labourers will stop working when they exhaust the materials available. Also, God stops working for you when your faith is exhausted. If you want God to continue working for you, then make sure that faith is available for His use. Let me conclude with this; DON'T GIVE UP ON GOD, BECAUSE H...


MAXIMIZING THE LAST DAYS OF THE YEAR! According to scriptures, the last days are days when the best of God is released to His people. But receiving God's best would either require a repositioning or a prepositioning. People who have gone astray would first need to reposition themselves in the faith, while those who have kept the faith only need to continue walking in faith to qualify for the blessing. In these last days, it is your faith that will determine the value of blessing you'd receive. Scripture tells us that God is willing to come down to avenge His own elect that cry unto Him day and night, but the challenge is, "will He find faith when He comes?". Another scripture says "blessed is that servant whom His master finds working when He comes". God will only release His last days blessing on those whose faith are working. We'd continue with these series tomorrow, but let me pray for you; you will not miss your blessings for these last days! N...


TIMELY NOTES! Satan is a rebellious creature, he has made it a responsibility to tempt God's people into sin. On the other hand, God's people are carriers of God's Spirit, and one of the responsibilities of the Spirit of God is to give glory to God. After Jesus was baptized, the Spirit of God came upon Him, and drove Him into the wilderness. Satan came to tempt Him with good pleasures, but Jesus, understanding that the reason why He carried God's Spirit was to give glory to God, didn't fall for Satan's temptations. The bible tells us that we have been bought with a price, therefore we should glorify God in our body. This could also mean that whatever does not glorify God should be prohibited around us. Let's make the world know that cheating, stealing, lying, killing, blasphemy, gossip, disobedience, hatred and fornication are prohibited around us. Let's write them boldly on our lives so that everyone can see. That's how far we'd go on toda...


TIMELY NOTES! One reason why God wants us to live a sanctified life is so that we can gain access to kingdom secrets. Ps 25:14 tells us that "the secret of the Lord is with those that fear Him, and He will show them His covenant". If God shows you a secret on how to prosper your business - even in the midst of competitors, no one would be able to withstand you. What you know cannot be compared to what God shows to you. It is what God shows to you that will make you a show to your world. The bible described Job as a man who feared God and hated evil. And in Job 29:4 he personally described the source of his prosperity when he said "the secret of the Lord was upon his tabernacle". It was a secret which God revealed to Daniel that changed the position of Daniel. It was a divine secret that moved Joseph from the prison to the palace. I've wondered why "Living Faith Church Worldwide" grows the way it does, but I recently discovered that their leaders tr...


TIMELY NOTES! Other birds are always angry with the eagle because they can't reach its height. So anytime the eagle comes down to their plane, they try to engage it in a fight. The eagle is a wise bird, it never engages in a physical battle with other birds on their plane. Instead, it looks at the direction of the sun and begins to soar towards it. The eagle has two eye lids that enables it to look directly to the sun. Other birds can't do the same, so they'd stop chasing the eagle when they can no longer bare the sun ray. A christian also has that characteristic; Ps 34:5 says "they looked unto Him and were enlightened, and their faces were no longer ashamed". The eagle is strong enough to defeat any kind of bird, but also wise enough to depend on the sun for victory. We're in a world where iniquity is the order of each day; but just like the eagle, always depend on the word for victory. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take...


TIMELY NOTES! Imagine a man going to the kitchen to take a cup of water. On getting to the cup tray, he begins to check all the cups to see if he would find a clean one. There were many cups in the tray, but he first considered using a clean one - probably because he didn't want to be infected with germs, or go through the stress of cleaning the dirty cups. That's how God operates. He'd first consider using a sanctified person for His agenda. Just like the other cups in the tray, you may be wondering, when is it going to be my turn to be favoured by God? The answer is simple, it's when God is through with the sanctified people. A cup cannot clean itself, but you can! God has already made provision for man's sanctification, so instead of waiting for Him to cleanse you, engage His provision and sanctify yourself. The reason why many Christians are still sick is not because God doesn't want to heal them, but probably because God is busy healing the sanctified o...


TIMELY NOTES! Paul had a major problem. Many of the things he found himself doing were things he didn't want to do. He wanted to preach the gospel; that's probably all that he desired from within him. But his body wanted to sin; he often felt like fornicating, smoking, getting drunk, and doing all kinds of iniquity. To be honest, hundred percent of Believers often feel the same way. As much as they want to please God, they also have a nudge to sin. Once there's a will, there's a way. Jesus suffered the same temptations, but He never sinned. It wasn't like Joseph didn't want Potiphar's wife, but he knew it would be a shameful thing, and a sin against God. Daniel had a great position, and he could have easily denied God - knowing that it was his obvious way to maintain his position. But he didn't, he preferred to be eaten by a lion than to bow to an idol. If your will is strong enough to please God over sin, God will stand by you - just like he did in ...


TIMELY NOTES! Our salvation is a call unto glorification. In the beginning, Adam enjoyed the glory and color that God designed for man. Man had no limit, everything was subject to man, including knowledge and life. But when he sinned against God, the glory and color reduced. The more he sinned the more the glory reduced, even to a point that God had to reduce the lifespan of man. Rom 3:23 explains that "all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God". If you want to know what the glory of God upon a man looks like, study how Adam lived before he fell. Adam was so glorified that God visited him daily. He didn't go to school, but he perfectly gave names to all the animals. When the glory of God comes upon you, your qualifications would become irrelevant. God's glory is far beyond any qualification on earth; His glory has capacity to qualify you for anything. Haven't you heard of people who get amazing jobs without the necessary qualifications? Haven't y...


TIMELY NOTES! The bible describes iniquity as a mystery; and mysteries are things that are beyond human understanding. Human beings may not understand why sin overpowers them, but believers should. Believers are not human beings, the bible describes them as gods. A god has capacity to understand anything, including the mystery of iniquity. Moreover, Rom 6:14 makes it clear that "sin shall no longer have dominion over us". Furthermore, Jesus said "it is given to believers to know the mysteries of the kingdom". This could also mean that if a believer commits sin, it's not because the sin overpowered him, but because he chose to sin. Most of the things that tempts us into sin are the lost of the eyes, the lost of the flesh, and the pride of life - which are products of the earth - of which we've been given dominion over them. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; WE ARE OF GOD, AND HAVE OVERCOME. COMMITTING ...


TIMELY NOTES! If Satan is not tempting you then it's probably because you don't matter to him. And to be honest, that's not a good sign. Every believer is naturally a threat to the devil, and that's why he constantly tries to deceive us. If the temptation is getting too much, then it's probably because the blessing is becoming so much. I've discovered that every major breakthrough often starts with the devil's temptation. If you can overcome the temptation, then you'd gloriously receive your breakthrough. If Joseph didn't overcome the temptation from Potiphar's wife, maybe he wouldn't have been transferred to Pharaoh's prison - where his breakthrough was waiting. Sometimes, refusing to sin may lead to physical torments, but I can assure you, the torments won't cancel the breakthrough ahead. Jesus was heavily tormented because of His commitment to serve God; but despite the torment, He still received His reward. That's how fa...


TIMELY NOTES! God reserves the best for the last, Satan does likewise. Satan specializes in averting God's blessing on people; anytime God sends a blessing, Satan tries all he can to stop the blessing from reaching the beneficiary. Daniel prayed for blessing, but the devil held back the angel who was bringing Daniel's blessing for 21-days. Aside the fact that job feared misfortune, the bible made it clear that he loved God and hated evil. Yet, Satan was able to manipulate his blessings. The bible says we should watch and pray, otherwise we'd fall into temptation. But there's a difference between "falling into temptation" and "suffering temptation". Jesus was tempted, but He didn't fall. Samson fell for the devil's temptation. Joseph was tempted, yet he didn't fall. Temptation is the doorway to sin; if Satan forces you to open it, make sure you don't enter. Falling into temptation is the same as falling into sin. That's how f...


TIMELY NOTES! Just give me the crumbs. That's what the Syrophenician woman said to Jesus. Her daughter was possessed with an unclean spirit, and when she approached Jesus concerning her challenge, Jesus made it clear to her that unbelievers are not entitled to eat the food that belongs to believers. But the woman, concurring with Jesus, was willing to settle for crumbs. She wasn't a believer, yet her daughter was delivered from an unclean spirit - with crumbs. I've discovered that most of our needs won't require the level of faith we engage to get them. If crumbs could cast out unclean spirits, then it can get a miracle job, it can acquire a property, it can even get you a contract. You need to stop waiting or contemplating, faith is like a net that has to be cast. Faith is also like a cheque that has to be cashed. The woman with the issue of blood had faith all along, but she didn't receive her healing until she moved to touch Jesus. That's how far we...


TIMELY NOTES! Think about your expectations as much as you pray about them. Prayer secures and delivers our expectations to us, but the frequency of our thoughts about our expectations delivers them with speed. The bible says we should "watch and pray", which literally means we should "think and pray". Scripturally, prayer will be more effective when it has a root in processed thoughts. The bible says "whatsoever we desire when we pray, we should believe we have received it, and we shall have it". As a man thinks in his heart, so he is. Thinking has a way of translating a man into his thoughts. The more you think about your expectations, the greater your chances of experiencing them. For instance, if you've been praying to God for a life partner, start imagining yourself in your matrimonial home with your family. The reason why God shows us visions of the future is so that we can be quick with our preparations. Many people will not make sensible mo...


TIMELY NOTES! Is this how it's going to end? No, Abraham didn't end his days as a weakling, Hannah didn't end her days as a barren woman. Though Joseph began his journey in misery, but his life became a mystery overnight. Daniel was supposed to become a trained astrologer, but God advanced him to become a prime minister. Job didn't have any tangible hope for recovery, but suddenly, God restored twice of what he had. Moses carried the burden of Israel's suffering in Egypt for many years, but suddenly God gave him victory. Let me tell you how it's going to end. God will comfort you on every side; He will change the tune of the song and put a sweet song in your mouth. He will bring down your oppositions right before your face, and your eyes will see your desires upon your enemies. Laughter will become the order of the day, and your joy shall be full. Therefore, continue in faith, and never give up hope, because God is still at work. That's how far we'...


TIMELY NOTES! The word of God is reflective, those who study and practice the word naturally appear as the word. I was speaking to a man some times back, and while in the conversion, I acted joyfully. Unknowing to me, the man I was speaking to had been struggling to understand a certain bible verse that he read. Surprisingly, he screamed "I now understand it" when he saw the joy that was radiating all over me - despite the kind of conversation I was having with him. The word works, our situations notwithstanding. I was in great need of funds as at that time, but if the man could still understand scriptures through my behaviour - despite my needs, then it means our needs can never grow stronger than the word of God. This happened three years ago, God has since met that need, and many other needs. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; STICK TO THE WORD AND ACT IT. IT WON'T BE LONG BEFORE YOU BEGIN TO REFLECT IT. Have a m...


TIMELY NOTES! The life and acts of Jesus on earth was a fulfilment of prophecy. Prophecies are the direct words of God spoken through the mouth of His prophets. For instance, God told Ezekiel to speak to the bones, and when he did, the bones heard. God told Abraham that Israel will suffer for 400 years in Egypt, and it was so. In Matthew chapter 21, Jesus sent two of His disciples to a village to bring a donkey - which He'd use for a majestic entrance into Jerusalem. And verse 4 said "All this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet... " Great prophecies had gone ahead of Jesus, but He didn't wait for them to come to pass, rather, He made them come to pass. The prophecy stated that "Jesus would come, sitting upon a donkey", but it didn't tell Jesus how and where to get the donkey. A prophecy will remain dormant until you've played your part. Imagine for a moment, what if Jesus didn't make a move to get the donkey,...


TIMELY NOTES! I once listened to a preaching that "if I can put Jesus at the center of my life, then He'd take control of the affairs of my life". Guess what? I did it, and it worked. But what does it really mean to put someone at the center of your life? It means nothing is allowed to come into you or go out of you without going through that person. It means "the only thing that would matter to you would be things that matter to him". Jesus is never worried, and so I can't be worried. With Jesus at the center of your life, He'd become your life's processing unit, and your actions and reactions would have to pass through Him before they are manifested. People who live a sad, broken and downcast life are people who put concerns and needs at the centre of their lives. Whatever takes over the middle would take over the needs too. If what is in your middle isn't meeting your needs, then you probably need to change it. When Jesus takes over your c...