
Showing posts from April, 2016


TIMELY NOTES! Sometimes you just feel empty, and none of your usual routines would interest you. When that happens, it means you're fed up and you need an upgrade. When you get tired of your job, when you get fed up of your business challenges, when your relationships become a burden, when your marriage lacks the usual taste, when your career begins to bore you, what you need is an upgrade. You really shouldn't expect your results to change if you keep engaging the same approach. The quickest way to change anything is to first change your approach towards that thing. The outcomes of our lives are the processed inputs from our lives. The strange behaviour of your family members is directly proportional to your changed behaviour. If you don't like the way they behave then change the way you behave. I'm not saying you should become stern, but rather, you should seek knowledge on how to handle your concerns. We must understand that the reason why we go through certain c...


TIMELY NOTES! Many of us grew up with wrong experiences that currently affects our life's blueprint. Many people detest riches because their parents fought over money everyday. They believe that money would only bring pain to them. Some other people want to be rich, but only because they want to prove a point. Most ladies want to get married on time, because they don't want to face the pressure from their parents when they become dew for marriage. Some people don't mind living with sickness, because they watched their parents die with sickness. And if you try to counsel them, they'd tell you that "it's a normal thing to be sick in their family-tree". Some people are never going to serve God, because they saw their parents blame God for all the challenges they faced. The first thing every believer must strive to accomplish is a complete renewal of the mind. The bible admonishes that we should not be conformed to this world, but rather, we should be tran...


TIMELY NOTES! God knows we face challenges; that's why He said "whosoever shall say to this mountain, be thou removed...". Though He sees our challenges and would like to resolve them for us, but I feel like God is in a tight constraint. He may not do anything about our challenges until we begin to speak to them. The world would say "a problem shared is a problem halved", but in the kingdom, a problem spoken-to is a problem solved. Many Christians are still thinking like the world does; Jesus didn't need to share His problem with the fig tree with anybody, neither did He share His problem with the storm, He simply spoke to them. Words carry spiritual powers; the moment we speak, the spirit in the word is activated. John 6:63 tells us that the words that God speaks to us are spirits and life. In the beginning, God saw that darkness was upon the face of the earth, the bible even mentions that the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters, but the Spi...


TIMELY NOTES! If you're tired of the way things are working around you, then change the way things are working within you. It's amazing that every man lives in 4 realms at the same time; spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical realms. It may look like your physical body does all the work, but the truth is; if your emotions, mentality, and spirituality are not in place, your physical body will be completely out of place. I don't force results, I enforce them. And I do that with a confidence that internal laws are greater than external laws. I don't take drugs, not because it's not good, but because I know a spiritual law that works better than drugs. If you want to increase your income, then start with increasing your internal values. If want to have a happy home, then develop your spirituality, mentality and emotions to match. These 3 realms are the controllers of the physical realm; if you're finding it difficult to do anything physically, then it means that...


TIMELY NOTES! The outcome of our lives is like a printed document. No matter how hard we try to manually erase a typographical error, we'd still notice an alteration in the document. If you want to correct the error without a trace, then you must access the soft copy of the document from the computer, edit it, then reprint. Stop trying to resolve your physical challenges with a physical approach. That's probably why you still have scars of the things that happened to you. Man is a spirit, he lives in a body that possesses a soul. And the bible has told us in different ways that "if we live by the body, we will die; but if we mortify the deeds of the body through the spirit, then we shall live". We can live without a single scar from our life experiences, but that's if we'd be sensitive enough to get back to our spirit and settle the problem. The bible tells us that "to be canally-minded is death but to be spiritually-minded is life and peace". Th...


TIMELY NOTES! It is never too late to run to the word of God. Lazarus had died, and had been buried for four days; people were mourning, including Mary and Martha. Jesus came into town on that fourth day, and when Martha heard that He was coming, she ran quickly to Him. Though she expressed her bitterness to Jesus, that if He had come the first day she sent for Him, her brother wouldn't have died. Then afterwards she said, "but now that you've come, I know that God will answer anything you ask for". Mary and Martha both heard that Jesus was coming, but it was only Martha that decided to leave the challenge and run to Jesus. Back then it wasn't easy to access Jesus, but now, we have Him everywhere we go. Jesus is the word of God! Martha simply explained that the only reason why we should mourn over any situation is if we can't find Jesus. She had to wait for four days for Him to come, but now, all we need to do is to pick up our bibles and search out what H...


TIMELY NOTES! In Mk 11:23-24, the bible tells us how to remove what we don't want and get what we want. It says "whosoever shall say to a mountain, be removed and be cast into the sea, and does not have doubts that what he said shall come to pass, he shall have whatsoever he said... And whatsoever we desire when we pray, we should believe that we'd receive it, and we shall have it". This also means that God is more interested in what we want than what we need. God can supply all your needs, but do you want to be having needs? Wouldn't you want to have resources waiting even before you need them? God has a hard time saying no to what we want. One reason why God may delay the answers you seek is probably because you're not matured enough for them. There is nothing we'd ever need that God doesn't have. The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof, including every creature in it. Let's start speaking in faith; during creation, God removed ...


TIMELY NOTES! As believers, our lifestyle should show to the world that God is our Helper. But how will that happen if pride is taking the place of appreciation to God? I've had privileges to work with many Christian leaders; and to be honest, most of them show me "the pride that they have worked hard" instead of "the God that has helped them". We may be diligent people, but let's not forget that a man can receive nothing except it is giving to him from above. We need to watch and pray, because the devil is seriously looking for who to destroy. And one of his proven tools is pride. If he succeeds in putting pride in you, he'd take the glory of God away from you. And if the glory of God is taken away from you, life will become a living hell for you. The absence of glory naturally brings shame. The bible tells us how God punished a group of people because they didn't give Him glory. We also saw how king Herod was humiliated for taking God's glo...


TIMELY NOTES! Get educated! The most referred characters in scriptures were people who were not only educated, but well-informed about doctrines of their nations. Moses was educated, and he knew secret things about Egypt. Daniel was educated, even to a point that God had to give him additional wisdom and knowledge. His relevance could not be overlooked; he remained a royal counselor over many kingdoms. Paul was educated under Gamaliel, strictly according to the law of his fathers. Jesus was a carpenter's son, but Luke 4:16 tells us that His custom was to read. The sons of Issachar were people who understood the times, and knew what Israel should do. I'm not sure how much God will use you without education. Ofcourse, God can do anything, but even the bible tells us that the excellency of knowledge is that it gives life to them that have it. This could also mean that the kind of life that knowledge will give you cannot be compared to any other kind of life. God wasn't jok...


TIMELY NOTES! Imagine streetlights in a nation where they don't have nights? They'd only be nuisance to the people of that nation; nobody will value them because they'd never be used. Such lights are only required in the night, when the sun has departed, and the moonlight can't supply enough light to brighten the streets. As a matter of fact, driving without streetlights in the night makes driving very inconvenient. And that's because the headlight of your car would only see a few metres ahead. Streetlights would help a driver see farther in the night. Just as the government won't install streetlights if they don't experience nights, God won't need to send believers to this world of there is no evil. The bible specifically tells us that "we are the light of the world... And we cannot be hidden". This also means that the world is currently experiencing darkness, and believers have been powered by God just as streetlights are powered by elect...


TIMELY NOTES! God does not only want to meet our needs, He wants to do things for us that would exceed our needs. The bible tells us that He's able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all that we can ever ask or think. Sometimes we give up hope when our needs are not met according to our expectation. The truth is, God may not meet our needs as expected, but our expectation will not be cut off. God may not give you a complete tuition fee, but He'd touch the hearts of the school authorities so that they can allow you write your exams. God may not pay your rent, but He'd arrange someone to help you until you're financially buoyant enough to pay your rent. God may not promote you, but He'd give you peace and comfort right where you are. He may not give us what we desire, but He'd do what is required. He's our heavenly Father, He'd never leave nor forsake us. The psalmist confirmed that when he said he has never seen the righteous forsaken. We need to ...


TIMELY NOTES!  Scripture tells us that out of the abundance of a man's heart, his mouth will speak, and out of the good treasure of a good man's heart, good things will come to pass. That also means that when you continue to acknowledge the good things God says about your circumstances and situations, then good things will come to pass. But when you continue to acknowledge bad things in your life, then bad things will come to pass. If you're presently experiencing some bad situations, the first thing you should do is check your vocabulary. Over ninety percent of man's problems have a root in what they've said. If we can control our tongue, then we can control the happenings in our lives. Words are so important that a sinner cannot be saved until he confesses Jesus with his mouth. Come to think of it, if words can bring us salvation, then it can bring destruction. Words can bring promotion and restoration. It can bring healing and deliverance; it can bring prosperity...


TIMELY NOTES! While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest shall not cease. That's the covenant that God made with our spiritual fathers. If we must enjoy financial harvest, then we must sow financial seeds. God may break protocols to deliver us from trouble or sicknesses, but He won't break His covenant of financial prosperity. I perceive that there are farmlands in heaven; and anytime we pay our tithes, or support people and projects, God converts our support to seeds and plants them on our behalf. And as soon as these seeds mature to harvest, God sends down a rain of financial blessings to us. In Amos 9:13, God tells us that "the days come, that the plowman shall overtake the reaper, and the treader of grapes him that soweth SEED... ". This means that we've entered the days when harvest will follow immediately after a seed is sown. In verse 14, He mentioned that the reason why He is hastening the process of sowing and reaping is because He wants His servan...


TIMELY NOTES! The life of a christian shouldn't be a normal life. It's a normal thing to suspend or park a boat until the storm is calm, but Jesus saw it differently when He rebuked the storm. Normally, we should go to the bank or a personal safe to get money when it is required, but Jesus saw it differently when He instructed His disciple to get money from the mouth of a fish. If a tree is yet to bare fruits, you should wait till it does or go to another tree - if you really want to eat the fruit. But Jesus cursed the tree instead; perhaps He believed that the tree was supposed to produce fruits at His appearance. Right from the days of John the Baptist, Satan put a mental barrier within believers, so that we'd be compelled to live a normal life. Jesus proved to His disciples that it is normal for the storm to arise, but abnormal for believers to run away from the storm. He cursed the fig tree and got money from the mouth of the fish only to prove that a committed beli...


TIMELY NOTES! Life is a building project, God is the builder, and words are the building materials. You may successfully build a house with inferior materials, but that house won't stand the test of time. The effect of negative words may not be immediate, but it would show with time. In Num 14:28, God gave His stand concerning what we say; He said, "As truly as I live, as you have spoken in mine ears, so will I do to you". That also means that God is not going to change the design, He'd build it as you've spoken. Many people blame God for the outcome of their lives, when the real thing they should blame are the words they've spoken. Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. We need to filter the things we listen to. Most of the things we say are oftentimes the things we heard. I try not to relate with people who say negative things. No matter how close we may be, you may never see me again the moment you start saying negative things. Words are s...