
Showing posts from March, 2017


TIMELY NOTES! Before God answers your prayer, He checks for your desire. The bible says "what thing soever you desire, when you pray...". Which means, if it's not a desire in your heart, then it shouldn't be a prayer point in your mouth. Desire is a compelling force; it naturally compels answers to come. The reason why many people are not getting answers to their prayers is probably because their desire for what they're praying for is not strong enough to call forth the answers. Desire sees how much you can get, while prayer gets how much you can see. If you don't get anything after your prayers, then it means you didn't see anything. The bible says we should "watch and pray"; in other words, "see and get". God told Abraham that He will give only as far as Abraham could see. Desire is a clear picture of what you want, while prayer is a clear fusion that links your desires to reality. That's how far we'd go on today's T...


WHO CAN DEFINE LIFE IN THIS CLASS...? Simple thing, tchew! Life can simply be defined as... "ehmmmmm". (Okay, let me explain first) Life is a very long journey. If you doubt me, count the number of years it took you to reach this message. Let's take a moment to reason; Where were you at this time five years ago? What paths have you crossed? Are you still on the same lane? Is life's traffic affecting your movement? Would you prefer to park your life as a man parks his car? Really, do you even have a destination? I figured out that many Christians have great desperation, but without a clear destination. A desperation without a destination is the same as perspiration without inspiration. No matter how hard you work, if nothing is inspiring you, your hard work will end in futility. Inspiration is like the spark light that triggers a gas cooker. No matter how much gas flows in the air, it won't produce fire until it is exposed to heat. Its presence in the a...

The Time Is Not Enough - Emeka Anslem

The Time Is Not Enough -Emeka Anslem.pdf Open


THERE WILL BE NO MORE DOWN TIME FOR YOU... Applying the greatest marketing strategy to your business is not a guarantee for business success. Job was the greatest business man in bible times, but there was no record that he employed marketers. Rather, the Bible tells us that he was trading divine secrets. A time is coming when marketers that won't trade divine secrets will lose value in the market. Imagine for a moment, while others were speaking to clients about their products and services, Job was eyes to the blind. While others were giving bribes, Job was paying tithes. While others were cheating their communities, job was defending the broken. Don't let all those business jargons deceive you; if you're not trading with divine secrets, then you're really missing. Job didn't do what they did, yet he was far better than all of them. I have good news for you! This Sunday, at all Winners Chapel Church Facilities worldwide, including Faith Tabernacle - Canaa...


TIMELY NOTES! The mentality of many believers has greatly deprived them from enjoying divine intervention. God does not need to go through any man to bless you, He can come to you by Himself; and even if He cannot come, He can send the angels. Remember that God visited Abraham by Himself. When Daniel prayed for God's intervention, God heard and immediately sent an angel to explain things to him. God fed the children of Israel for 40 years with food directly from heaven. It was not man that opened the prison gate for Paul and Silas, it was God who triggered the earthquake that broke the prison gate. If there is any prayer I've consciously prayed, it's that God should not allow the name of any man to be attached to His blessings upon my life. This is not because I don't appreciate the help I get from people, but because a man can change at any time, and he may eventually want to steal the glory that belongs to God. That's how far we'd go on today's Timel...


I FOUND A NEW GIRLFRIEND... She called me over and again, but all I could say was "I'm coming". She really needed my attention, but I was just in a tight corner. Let me quickly say I don't get angry at people; but if you take her away from me, you'd feel my reaction. Weird, right? How can a man get angry only when his girlfriend is taken from him? So my friend thought I was the coolest guy, until he made me stay away from her for over an hour today. I could tell he was surprised by my reaction, considering the number of apologies that came from him. "Sir, you did not offend me, you only took my time. My time is my girlfriend, and she doesn't accept apologies. I just have to make it up to her in the night". My friend laughed when he heard that from me. Lol... You sef laugh small... Okay, here's the moral of the story; Time is life; be purposeful with your time. Guard your time; because whatever goes into your time will also go into y...


TIMELY NOTES! When you find what is written about you, the whole world will shift attention to you. Jesus was known as a carpenter's son; and because of that, He got little or no attention from people. But the day He found where His purpose was written, He became a major focal point in the whole community. Even to a point that they were no longer sure that He was the carpenter's son. When Jesus was born, God sent an angel to announce his entrance into the world. But the day He matured into being a son, God did the announcement by Himself. He said "this is my beloved son, in whom I'm well pleased". Naturally, parents rejoice when a child is born; but when the child starts manifesting his purpose in life, he becomes a pride to his parent. I accompanied my dad to his office sometimes back; and when we got there, he quickly introduced me to his colleagues saying "have you met my son? He's an ICT Expert". Nobody asked him who I was, but the joy in him...


TIMELY NOTES! Faith is a display of confidence in God until your desired result is obtained. Don't tell me you had faith but your desires didn't come to pass. People who have faith for something keep their faith alive until they get what they want. The bible tells us not to cast away our confidence, because it will be greatly compensated with a reward. That also means that, sometimes, God may not give you what you desire, but if your faith is alive, He'd reward you with something that will quench your desire. The time has come when a believer should sit with God until his faith yields a testimony. The psalmist says that we should sit down at God's right hand until He makes our enemy our footstool. Truly, faith without works is dead; but faith-works without expectation is fake. This also means that a christian that lacks a testimony of faith is a fake christian. Faith is the only proof that we live by God's word. The bible says the world was framed by the word of...


TIMELY NOTES! Power should be part of the identity of every believer. The bible says "as many that believed, he gave them power to become the sons of God". That also means that it's impossible to be a son of God without power. I believe that the reason why God gives us power to become His sons is so that we can take responsibility for His kingdom. As a matter of scriptures, He has made us kings and priests already, which means we're already in charge of a kingdom. No wonder He is called the King of kings. Isaiah 60:22 tells us that our kingdoms are according to our level of believe; it says a little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation. If small ones are in charge of strong nations, I wonder what a big one would do. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Notes. But take these last words; KINGS ARE KINGDOM MINDED. DON'T LIMIT YOUR DOMINION TO TAKING CARE OF YOUR FAMILY ALONE, BECAUSE THE MINIMUM YOU'RE EXPECTED TO HAN...


HE WHO LAUGHS LAST... Don't sell your joy! It might interest you to know that even the devil likes to be joyful; and that is why he tries so hard to steal our resources. Stealing, killing and destroying the resources of people naturally makes him joyful. But he also knows that he can't stop you from accessing God's blessing when your joy is intact. The devil is seriously contending for the last laugh. Anytime he sees you laughing, he starts gnashing his teeth. Remember that it's he who laughs last that laughs best. Jesus preferred to suffer than to give up his later joy. He had a mental picture of Himself laughing at the end. I'm sure that the devil was gnashing his teeth when Jesus ascended to heaven, because the bible says "they that sit in heaven shall laugh". Furthermore, the bible says Jesus made a show of the devil; and making a show of a person is the same as making a mockery of the person. Every opportunity to get angry, complain, or disp...


TIMELY NOTES! It is never too late to run to the word of God. Lazarus had died, and had been buried for four days; people were mourning, including Mary and Martha. Jesus came into town on that fourth day, and when Martha heard that He was coming, she ran quickly to Him. Though she expressed her bitterness to Jesus, that if He had come the first day she sent for Him, her brother wouldn't have died. Then afterwards she said, "but now that you've come, I know that God will answer anything you ask for". Mary and Martha both heard that Jesus was coming, but it was only Martha that decided to leave the challenge and run to Jesus. Back then it wasn't easy to access Jesus, but now, we have Him everywhere we go. Jesus is the word of God! Martha simply explained that the only reason why we should mourn over any situation is if we can't find Jesus. She had to wait for four days for Him to come, but now, all we need to do is to pick up our bibles and search out what H...

A New Confidence - Emeka Anslem

A New Confidence - Emeka Anslem.pdf Open
IT'S A LAUGHING MATTER... Satan is not in a position to determine when and where you should laugh. The bible says "at destruction and famine you shall laugh". Laughing in the presence of challenges is the fastest way to remind the devil that he's fighting a lost battle. The bible also tells us how God laughs at Satan because he knows that his time is coming. If your heavenly Father laughs at Satan, you have no reason to panic when he comes around you. By redemption, we're seated in heavenly places with Jesus. And they that seat in heaven shall laugh. Laughter is a usual routine for those that live in heaven on earth. And the present condition of things cannot defile that commandment. Before you sit down to cry, rise up and laugh. If Satan can't stop you from laughing then he can't stop you from winning. Laughter is a display of joy; if you want to protect your joy then you must strike back with a laugh. The devil is fund of showing people evil ...


TIMELY NOTES! God does not only want to meet our needs, He wants to do things for us that would exceed our needs. The bible tells us that "He's able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all that we can ever ask or think". Sometimes we give up hope when our needs are not met according to our expectation. The truth is, God may not meet our needs as expected, but our expectation will not be cut off. God may not give you a complete tuition fee, but He'd touch the hearts of the school authorities so that they can allow you write your exams. God may not pay your rent, but He'd arrange someone to help you until you're financially buoyant enough to pay your rent. God may not promote you, but He'd give you peace and comfort right where you are. He may not give us what we desire, but He'd do what is required. He's our heavenly Father, He'd never leave nor forsake us. The psalmist confirmed this when he said "I have never seen the righteous for...


TIMELY NOTES! There are some elements that go along with a dreamer. People are supposed to talk about you, they're supposed to hate you, you're supposed to get into tight places, you're supposed to be controversial, you're supposed to face one thing and another. But all of them are road maps; whenever you see these things, you should know you're on the right track. When you see all hell breaking loose in your life, it's a sign that you're on the major road. The reason why they build pedestrian bridges on a highway is because cars on the highway don't stop for people to cross. And if you don't want to use the bridge, then you may have to wait till the vehicles are far away from you. But the devil is never far away. When Moses started complaining to God about the red sea ahead, the Pharaoh behind, and the murmuring people of Israel with him. God was amazed because He had initially given him a rod of breakthrough. God had to remind him that despite ...


TIMELY NOTES! Everything has changed! Even yesterday has suddenly become today. They say "change is the only constant thing", which makes it the only thing that lacks ability to change. In other words, everything else can change, but change cannot change. Situations also experience change; if your life is not experiencing changes, then you're probably not submissive to agents of change. Don't tell me there's no way out of your predicaments. Don't tell me you've tried everything, and nothing seems to be working. Don't tell me that a good husband or wife is hard to find. Don't tell me that the school will never admit your kind. Don't tell me that the economic degradation has reduced the rate of employment, and so you can't get a good job. Don't tell me that you don't have an idea, because the real truth is that you have great ideas, you just haven't harnessed them yet. Don't give me that "it can't be done" mi...


TIMELY NOTES! God is not poor! There'd never be a time when you'd ask God for what is too much for Him to do. Even if His possessions can't help you, He'd lay down His life just to help you. God is Almighty! If He does not do as you've asked, then it's probably because He has more than you've asked. You need to know your rights! Just as many people believe that God knows their needs, God also believes that they know their rights. The brother to the prodigal son knew his needs, but his father told him that what he had as a need was actually his right to have. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Notes. But take these last words; THERE IS NOTHING WRONG IN HAVING NEEDS. BUT MOST OF THE THINGS THAT APPEAR TO US AS NEEDS ARE ACTUALLY OUR RIGHT TO HAVE. Have a most fruitful week, in Jesus precious name! And hey, don't forget to "like" it. And if you really like it, please share it! #TimelyNotes An Inspiration of The Almigh...


TIMELY NOTES! Angels are the militia of heaven. They are specially trained to protect the interest of anything that relates with the kingdom of God. The fiery furnace couldn't hurt those three Hebrew boys because an angel was there to cool the fire. Daniel told king Nebuchadnezzar that "God had sent an angel to shot the mouth of the lion". When three cities were coming to destroy Jehosaphat and his people, God sent an angel to destroy those three cities. Angels are the hosts of heaven, and God is the Lord of hosts. It is naturally impossible for the son of the "Chief of Army Staffs" to move around without at least one security guard. Also, it is supernaturally impossible for a son of God to move around this world without an angel. The bible says "He shall give His angels command over us to protect us in all our ways". That also means that "which ever way we go, angels are there to protect us". That's how far we'd go on today...


TIMELY NOTES! Knowledge makes you see a way out of any situation in life. Everybody have eyes, but it is not everybody who have eyes that can see. No matter how long-sighted you are, you can't see yourself in the dark. Problems may not kill you, but they have capacity to consume you - if you don't find a way out. When Israel had challenges, God didn't send angels to Jacob, rather, He sent a word. The bible says "He sent a word into Jacob, and it lighteth upon Israel". That also means that Jacob began to see the solution to the issues in Israel through the knowledge of the word that was sent. Even if God will send angels, He'd first send knowledge. Remember how He sent knowledge to Jehosaphat, and when Jehosaphat applied the knowledge, He sent an angel. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Notes. But take these last words; THERE ARE NO NEW PROBLEMS! IF YOU DON'T TAKE TIME TO GO THROUGH KNOWLEDGE, THEN YOU'D DEFINITELY GO THROUGH PR...

The Bail Out Plan - Emeka Anslem

The Bail Out Plan -Emeka Anslem.pdf Open


TIMELY NOTES! Those who stick to God's word naturally enjoy answers to prayer. In John 15:7 Jesus admonished that "if we remain in Him, and His word remains in us, we can ask for whatever we want, and it shall be done". That also means prayer can only be effective when it is rooted in the word. Before you raise a prayer point, look for the word-point. Problems won't just listen to what you say to them, they listen to what you say to them by the word of God. If God's word is silent about any situation, then consider it an impossible case. But mysteriously, there is no impossible case with God. Bishop David Oyedepo once mentioned in an exhortation that "whatever God cannot do cannot be in existence. And that the existence of any situation is an indication that God can fix it". So all we need to do when we are faced with challenges is to locate the word that will enhance our prayers. Prayer is like the war room, and God's word is the weapon. Many pe...
EDUCATION IS OUR DEFENSE! We live in a country where money is preferred over education. Scripturally speaking, money is a defense, and knowledge is also a defense. But more importantly, the same bible says that knowledge has an excellency over money, because knowledge gives life to them that have it. Over the years, money has accomplished great things for us – even though they never stand the test of time. But I believe that the reason why nothing lasts in this nation is because the knowledge to preserve them is not adequate. Knowledge is power, and money without power is meaningless. Our money should first be invested into acquisition of knowledge before anything else. Just imagine, if the amount of money that was released for fuel subsidy all those years was invested into educating our youths, won't our nation be standing out today? What was the use of a cheap fuel that couldn't take young talents to school? Self-discovery is the beginning of development; but no ...


TIMELY NOTES! The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it. Life is only valued when it is productive, and productivity only responds to purposeful work. Everybody works, including babies, but the challenge is that only a few have a candid reason for what they do. If you don't know why you do what you do, you won't know when to stop or when to advance. For instance, a baby knows he should suck his mother's breastmilk, but he doesn't know when to stop. And this is why a child may still desire breastfeeding even when he has grown past the age. Many people are living like babies; they don't know when to start, stop, or advance in a thing. And this is one major reason why many people are stagnated. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Notes. But take these last words; CREATE A REASON FOR EVERYTHING YOU DO; THAT'S HOW YOU MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR LIFE'S ENGAGEMENT. Have a most fruitful day, in Jesus prec...


TIMELY NOTES! When passion begins to drive you, nothing else will matter. Your life will suddenly become one-directional. People will think you've become incompetent in the things you used to do well. And as much as you try to make it up to them, you just keep getting it wrong. It's not your fault; the vision is more powerful than your will to please people. The bible tells us that "the vision is for an appointed time, and at the end it shall speak". When vision begins to speak, everyone and everything that is not destined for it may become victims of it. A time is coming when man will no longer need to wait for the manifestation of visions, because as God is showing them these visions, He'd also be empowering them for immediate execution. Two men desired to be disciples of Jesus; one of them explained that he needed to go home to bury his dead father, the other said he wanted to bid his family farewell. Amazingly, Jesus told them that those things won't b...


TIMELY NOTES! The reason why problems are hanging around many individuals is probably because of the kind of people and things they hang around with. It is true that goodness and mercy follows every believer, but what follows you is of less value when you don't follow back. I was on my way for a job interview many years back; and before I got to the organization, I had already asked God what the organization was into. When I finally got there, I told the panel that God told me the services their company offered and that I had been looking for a company like that. To my surprise, they put away the interview documents, and asked me "how a person could hear from God". That was how an interview became a lecture room for me. And when I finished teaching them, the exact words from their Director was "I wish to work with you, but the money you're charging is too much". The money was too much, but they called me after a month to resume work! That's how far...
SEE WHAT KNOWLEDGE CAN CAUSE... God didn't put us here just to learn about His word, but also to learn about the world. Adam wasn't reading any bible, neither was he studying about the Garden of Eden. He had supernatural knowledge of everything; and that's why he could name those animals. But man lost that supernatural intelligence after the fall. And that means man has to go through the process of re-learning things about the word, and things about the world. But unfortunately, many Christians study the word alone. After you've studied the entirety of God's word, where are you going to apply it? I know, God's world! "But Satan is the prince of this world", yes, but he is not the owner. It's still God's world; and if it's God's world, then it's only natural that God's children study about it. God's people are destroyed, not because they lack knowledge of the word, but because they lack knowledge of the world. They ...


TIMELY NOTES! Get educated! The most referred characters in scriptures were people who were not only educated, but well-informed about doctrines of their nations. Moses was educated, and he knew secret things about Egypt. Daniel was educated, even to a point that God had to give him additional wisdom and knowledge. His relevance could not be overlooked; he remained a royal counselor over many kingdoms. Paul was educated under Gamaliel, strictly according to the law of his fathers. Jesus was a carpenter's son, but Luke 4:16 tells us that His custom was to read. The sons of Issachar were people who understood the times, and knew what Israel should do. I'm not sure how much God will use you without education. Ofcourse, God can do anything, but even the bible tells us that the excellency of knowledge is that it gives life to them that have it. This could also mean that the kind of life that knowledge will give you cannot be compared to any other kind of life. God wasn't jok...

Anslems Faith Book - Emeka Anslem

Anslems Faith Book - Emeka Anslem.pdf Open


TIMELY NOTES! It is natural for Satan to make things difficult around you, but you also have the right to convert difficult situations into pleasure. For instance, a company that was doing well suddenly gets broke because a believer has been employed. And it's not because the believer has bad luck, but because Satan doesn't want that believer to get paid. I'm tired of listening to believers who complain that they've not received salary for months. Haven't you heard the testimony of the man who led his organization into a 3-day fast just to break the yoke of wickedness. Satan is naturally wicked, and no matter how much you complain, he won't change. The time has come for you to take spiritual responsibility for the unbearable happenings around your life. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Notes. But take these last words; A DARK SPOT WILL REMAIN DARK UNTIL LIGHT COMES. EVERY ENCOUNTER WITH A DARK SPOT IS AN OPPORTUNITY TO USE YOUR LIGHT. H...


TIMELY NOTES! Commitment and consistency are unavoidable if one must excel in life. The value of any man's testimony depends on its accuracy. The testimony of an unstable man won't motivate anybody. There are many people who should have accomplished far more than they've currently done, but inconsistency has blinded their mind to think that "what they've done is enough". People have asked me how I get the time to write like this. Well, I don't get the time, I buy it. People who use free time hardly commit themselves to hardwork. Several times, I've had to deny my eyes from sleep time, just to complete a book. Time is free, but only those who choose to pay for it ever make the most of it. It's a known fact that the things you get for free are less-valued compared to the things you pay for. For instance, life is free, and that's why we have more ignorant people in the world today. If we paid God for our lives, I'm sure everyone would live...


TIMELY NOTES! Observation has become the most powerful way to learn. The world is surrounded by busy people, and people who are not willing to teach anyone their success secrets. They think it's a norm in life to lock-up their success secrets in a safe so that no one will climb to their level. The truth is, the things they've locked up in a safe is the reason why our nation is not safe. Observation may be slower when it comes to acquisition of knowledge, but the mode of acquisition does not determine the level of manifestation. Someone approached me after delivering a talk some years back, and he asked if I knew Bishop David Oyedepo. He was amazed when I told him that he's my father in the faith. His exact words were "I said it! You were teaching like him". I recommend that you read the e-book titled "Putting Grace Under Pressure" by Emeka Anslem, it would practically show you how to tap into the grace of others. That's how far we'd go on t...

Color in Wilderness - Emeka Anslem

Color in Wilderness - Emeka Anslem.pdf Hi guys, This book will definitely blow your mind... Please don't forget to share your testimony with me later... Cheers! Open


TIMELY NOTES! Believers who desire to be successful never look at what they have lost; instead, they look at what they have left. When some bandits attacked the house of David, they stole many things, including the belongings of David's people. His people reacted to the robbery to a point that they began to blame David for what had happened. Bishop David Oyedepo has often said that "if you've lost anything, God is the reason why you didn't lose everything". In the midst of the murmuring, David understood that the only person he had left is God. And when he called upon God, everything he lost was recovered. If you've not lost God, then you've not lost anything. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Notes. But take these last words; THE GOD YOU HAVE LEFT IS ENOUGH TO RECOVER WHATEVER YOU HAVE LOST. Have a most fruitful weekend, in Jesus precious name! And hey, don't forget to "like" it. And if you really like it, please s...

Putting Grace Under Pressure - Emeka Anslem

Putting Grace Under Pressure -Emeka Anslem.pdf Hi guys, Grace is never too far away, if only you'd look through the right channels. Do enjoy this life transforming book. Open


TIMELY NOTES! Great things are not always found where we expect them to be. When things don't fall out the way we expect them to be, let's always try another approach. Persistence is doing the same thing in different ways until you get a positive result. No matter how many times you cure fever, it would do all it can to get back to the body. Many of the drugs that were used to fight fever have now become obsolete, because fever has developed immunity against them. It's only a matter of time before the drugs that currently destroy fever loses their effect on it too, because fever naturally persists. Every man should learn persistence from fever. You may have failed 7 times, but rise again and try the 8th time, and the 9th time, and the 10th time. Just keep trying until you succeed. God is waiting for you to win. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Notes. But take these last words; A CHALLENGE THAT CANNOT RESIST YOUR PERSISTENCE WILL NEVER REDUCE YOU. H...