
Showing posts from May, 2017

Where Are The Youths - Emeka Anslem

Where Are The Youths - Emeka Anslem.pdf Open


TIMELY NOTES!  There is no shortcut to success; you have to follow the process. And Joshua 1:8 states the process; it says "this book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night; and you shall observe to do according to all that is written in it, then you will make your ways prosperous, and you shall have good success". In other words; studying, meditating, and doing what the word of God says will make our ways (careers, businesses, academics, government, relationships, talents, purpose, callings, and so on) prosperous; and that is what is termed as good success.  Trying to make your ways prosperous without following the first 3 processes will never lead to good success. And this is probably why many nations are running a failing system. Prov 4:20-22 clearly tells us that if we want to have the kind of life we expect, then we must attend to God's word. It's only when we find the word that our expectations will not be cut o...

Where there is no vision - Emeka Anslem

Where there is no vision - Emeka Anslem.pdf Open


TIMELY NOTES!  The path of a Believer is ordained to be progressive; but if it feels like you're not making progress, then check your giving life. Scripture tells us that "the gift of a man makes room for him". Salvation may give us assurance for progress, but it is our giving that conveys us through the ways of progress. The reason why many believers are stagnated in life is probably because they mistake assurance for progress for progress itself.  Giving is the vehicle that starts the journey into progress. Salvation is like a plane ticket, while giving is like the plane itself. Your ticket assures a flight, but without a plane, you can't reach your destination. Christianity is a call to love; and true love is expressed by giving. I've discovered that; everytime I give, God gives me ideas on how to make even more than what I gave. Don't tell me you don't have ideas, because what you really don't have is a giving heart. Sound ideas are natural attribu...


THE SCARCITY OF BELIEVERS...  No matter what is falling in our nations, Believers are not permitted to fall with them. In Ps 91:7, the bible says "a thousand may fall by your side, and ten thousand by your right side, but it shall not come near you".  You'd notice, in that scripture, that God used the word "it" to describe the multitudes of problems in the world. That also means that no form of challenge, no matter how evident it may be, is permitted to affect you.  According to scriptures, one believer is capable of chasing a thousand problems out of a nation. So when the world is experiencing a casting down, Believers should trust God for avenues that creates a lifting up.  Enable courage within you, because the reason why things are scarce is because believers are scarce. It's foolishness to suffer what the world is suffering when you can receive inspiration from your heavenly Father on what to do.  This is not a time to hide yourself because things are h...


TIMELY NOTES!  The company you keep determines what accompanies you. Everyone has a right to choose his friend. Being selective when it comes to friendship is not pride, but self-defense. Life is a journey that becomes interesting when you travel with the right people. Every journey is naturally influenced by the people on board. They're capable of determining when and how you'd get to your destination.  I was once a victim of wrong association. And even though I knew we were all heading for destruction, I couldn't stop associating with them. But when I got saved, the Spirit of God gradually disconnected me from everyone that wasn't going forward and connected me to those who could help me grow. Friends should add value to you; if your association with friends is taking your values away, then change them!  That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; YOU CANNOT GROW BEYOND THE CIRCLE OF FRIENDS YOU KEEP. Have a most fruitful week...


TIMELY NOTES!  There is no impossible case with God. And whatever God cannot do, no creature made by God can do it. Every man has a specialty; I've also discovered that God has a specialty. He defined His area of specialization to Moses when He said "I Am...". He completed the definition in Jeremiah 32:27 when He said "I am the God of all flesh, is there anything too hard for me?".  God specializes in doing the impossible. As a matter of scriptures, He gets excited when He's given an impossible case to handle. Remember how He delivered Jehosaphat from the hand of those three nations. The word "impossible" is used when there's no physical evidence that what you desire can happen. If God does the impossible, then it means He creates the evidence so that what was actually impossible would become possible.  That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Notes. But take these last words; IF YOU WANT TO CONSULT GOD FOR AN IMPOSSIBLE CASE, THEN ...


TIMELY NOTES!  In the journey of life, many things may catch your eyes, but look out for the ones that catch your heart. If the path you're travelling does not capture your heart, then you're travelling a wrong path. I believe God put us here so that we can do something into which we can pour our heart. The bible says we should guard our heart with all diligence, because out of it are the issues of life. That could also mean that "you can't make the most out of life when your heart is not flowing with your engagements".  We are shaped and motivated by what we love. Doing the things we love naturally release passion within us; and the starting point of all accomplishment is passion. If you ignore what you're passionate about, then you've ignored one of the greatest potentials inside you. Life would be full of issues when passion is displaced. Passion has a way of burning off issues. Without passion, issues determine your fate; but with passion, you'd de...


TIMELY NOTES! If Satan is not tempting you then it's probably because you don't matter to him. And to be honest, that's not a good sign. Every believer is naturally a threat to the devil, and that's why he constantly tries to deceive us. If the temptation is getting too much, then it's probably because the blessing is becoming so much.  I've discovered that every major breakthrough often starts with the devil's temptation. If you can overcome the temptation, then you'd gloriously receive your breakthrough. If Joseph didn't overcome the temptation from Potiphar's wife, maybe he wouldn't have been transferred to Pharaoh's prison - where his breakthrough was waiting. Sometimes, refusing to submit to temptations may lead to physical torments; but I can assure you, the torments won't cancel the breakthrough ahead. Jesus was heavily tormented because of His commitment to serve God; but despite the torment, He still received His reward.  Tha...


TIMELY NOTES! "Just give me the crumbs". That's what the Syrophenician woman said to Jesus. Her daughter was possessed with an unclean spirit, and when she approached Jesus concerning her challenge, Jesus made it clear to her that unbelievers are not entitled to eat the food that belongs to believers. But the woman, concurring with Jesus, was willing to settle for crumbs. She wasn't a believer, yet her daughter was delivered from an unclean spirit - with crumbs.  I've discovered that most of our needs won't require the level of faith we engage to get them. If crumbs could cast out unclean spirits, then it can get a miracle job, it can acquire a property, it can even get you a contract. You need to stop waiting or contemplating, faith is like a net that has to be cast. Faith is also like a cheque that has to be cashed. The woman with the issue of blood had faith all along, but she didn't receive her healing until she moved to touch Jesus.  That's how fa...


UPGRADE YOUR SOFTWARE...  Knowledge is like the human software, you occasionally need an upgrade.  When a software demands an update, then it means it's outdated. But when it demands an upgrade, then it means it is no longer compatible with the current systems.  Many people ignorantly live outdated lives, while many others live in absolute rejection, because they are no longer compatible with the happenings around them.  Honestly, sometimes you just feel empty, and none of your usual routines would interest you. But when that happens, it means you're fed up and you need an upgrade.  When you get tired of your job, when you get fed up of your business challenges, when your relationships become a burden, when your marriage lacks the usual taste, when your career begins to bore you, what you need is an upgrade. You really shouldn't expect your results to change if you keep engaging the same approach.  The quickest way to change anything is to first change your approach towards...


TIMELY NOTES! The fear of man literally paralyzes destiny. Many people can't make life-changing decisions because they fear what their parents, manager, or relatives may do to them. And the reason why they fear is because these people act as major pillars that holds their lives. But the truth is, the moment you take your destiny in your hand, no man will be strong enough to be your pillar. I once heard of a man who was accommodated by a fellow christian brother; but when the Christian brother discovered that the man had taken responsibility for his destiny, he cooked up a story and sent the man out of his house.  Pro 29:25 assures us that God will keep us from anything that evil men might try to bring against us. In Heb 13:5-6, He also promised to always be with us and protect us so that we never have to fear what men may try to do to us. When you place your full confidence in the word of God, you will quickly place the fear of man under your feet. We'd also understand from scr...


TIMELY NOTES! I once listened to a preaching that "if I can put Jesus at the center of my life, then He'd take control of the affairs of my life". Guess what? I did it, and it worked. But what does it really mean to put someone at the center of your life? It means nothing is allowed to come into you or go out of you without going through that person. It means "the only thing that would matter to you would be things that matter to him". Jesus is never worried, and so I can't be worried. With Jesus at the center of your life, He'd become your life's processing unit, and your actions and reactions would have to pass through Him before they are manifested. People who live a sad, broken and downcast life are people who put concerns and needs at the centre of their lives. Whatever takes over the middle would take over the needs too. If what is in your middle isn't meeting your needs, then you probably need to change it. When Jesus takes over your cente...


TIMELY NOTES!  Who, or what do you relate with? There's a saying that "it's not about what you know but who you know". And that is true; because the reason why you know what you know is because of who you know. The reason why I know what I'm writing to you now is because I know the Author. The Bible talks about having a sweet relationship with the Holy Spirit. Someone had said that you'd be in the same position for years except you change the people you relate with, the books you read, and the places you go to.  What's your relationship with anger, malice, Jealousy, pride, laziness, and haughtiness? I mean, if you possess all these things, then you certainly have a relationship with the spirit that controls them. Whatever you know how to do has its root in your relationship with its source. Just as our relationship with the Holy Spirit will develop our spiritual life, our relationship with the spirit of anger and pride will also increase our pride and ange...


TIMELY NOTES! God's word is quick and powerful; but Ex 23:30 records that He does certain things little by little. This means that there are things that God does instantly, and there are other things He does in a space of time. Many people would have married the wrong persons if God didn't extend their courtship longer than they planned. The reason why you've not bought your car is probably because God is trying to stop you from entering the traps of your enemies. But little by little, He's taking out your oppositions, so that when you eventually buy the car, it won't take you to the grave as the enemy had planned.  Be anxious for nothing. You may be due for marriage, you may be able to afford a car - and yet you just can't buy one for yourself, you may be due for a business breakthrough, you may be overdue for a salary raise, you may be due for a promotion, you may be due to further your education, you may be due for whatsoever it is, but little by little God w...


TIMELY NOTES!  Though faith without work is dead, but work without faith has no security. Many believers are working, but without faith. You may be seeing changes in your life by your works; but these changes, without security, will only lead to a cage. The bible tells us that "there is a way that seems right unto a man, but the end is destruction". A faithless work may bring profit, but if you won't take caution, you will fall victim.  Don't let the devil decieve you; there is nothing you have that God has not permitted you to have, even as an unbeliever. But the security of your possessions is tied to your faith in God and His word. This is why I advise unbelievers who feel they are prosperous to surrender their lives to Christ. Because their prosperity without divine security will fail them. And faith in God and His word is what guarantees this divine security.  That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; LET'S INVEST I...


TIMELY NOTES!  Faith has no regard for your feelings. Anytime you say "I'm feeling pain", faith says "you'd have to choose between me and pain". Faith is a jealous force, it can't share your attention with any feeling. The way people feel when they are cheated is the same way faith feels when you develop feelings for pain or needs. Scripture tells us that faith is rooted in love; that literally means that if you want to see the best of faith, then develop deep love for it. If you love faith, you won't think alternatives. If you love faith, you won't think impossibilities. Impossibility is the enemy of faith.  As believers, we must give faith priority. God is pleased when He sees you with faith. Faith is highly recommended by God for every believer. Faith knows how to persuade God to stop your pains, heal your wounds, and supply your needs. So instead of developing feelings for your needs, just embrace faith and tell "her" how great ...


TIMELY NOTES!  Knowledge makes you see a way out of any situation in life. Everybody have eyes, but it is not everybody who have eyes that can see. No matter how long-sighted you are, you can't see yourself in the dark. Problems may not kill you, but they have capacity to consume you - if you don't find a way out.  When Israel had challenges, God didn't send angels to Jacob, rather, He sent a word. The bible says "He sent a word into Jacob, and it lighteth upon Israel". That also means that Jacob began to see the solution to the issues in Israel through the knowledge of the word that was sent. Even if God will send angels, He'd first send knowledge. Remember how He sent knowledge to Jehosaphat, and when Jehosaphat applied the knowledge, He sent an angel. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Notes. But take these last words; THERE ARE NO NEW PROBLEMS! IF YOU DON'T TAKE TIME TO GO THROUGH KNOWLEDGE, THEN YOU'D DEFINITELY GO THROUGH PROBLE...


TIMELY NOTES!  Faith is like a company's stock; the more you have in stock, the more supplies you're likely to make. When what is in stock cannot meet your client's demands, then you're either short of stock or out of stock. Everything about a Christian requires faith; our marriage, business, job, career, relationship, education, health, and on. These things acts as clients that constantly demands faith to continue running. If faith is the stock, then what exactly do these things demand in our faith stock?  The Word! It is faith that supplies the word that keeps Marriage running. It is faith that supplies our career, business, academics, health, and every other part of our lives. When these parts are having challenges, then it's either they are running short on Word supplies, or faith is short of Word or out of Word. The Just shall live by faith; but a faith stock that has no word to supply won't help you.  That's how far we'd go on today's Timely No...


FOR NOW, JUST DO THE SAME THING...  My pastor once said "if you don't want to see shame, then do the same".  It's also a popular saying that "every true star rises on the shoulder of another". Jerry Savelle began his ministry preaching like Kenneth Copeland, his mentor; but today, he preaches like himself.  The reason why Elisha asked for a double portion of the grace upon Elijah was because he had enjoyed the grace on Elijah all along, and he knew that the only way he could accomplish more than Elijah did was to acquire a double portion of his grace.  Emulating the people you like is not a bad thing. As a matter of thoughts, it's a requirement for discovery of purpose.  I discovered my purpose in 2013; but before then, I had written and spoken like my pastor. Saying the things he said has given me enough confidence to say the things I'm inspired to say.  There are many people whose potentials are crying out for examples to follow. If you're not ...


TIMELY NOTES!  Life is a building project, God is the builder, and words are the building materials. You may successfully build a house with inferior materials, but that house won't stand the test of time. The effect of negative words may not be immediate, but it would show with time. In Num 14:28, God gave His stand concerning what we say; He said, "As truly as I live, as you have spoken in mine ears, so will I do to you". That also means that God is not going to change the design; He'd build it as you've spoken. Many people blame God for the outcome of their lives, when the real thing they should blame are the words they've spoken.  Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. We need to filter the things we listen to. Most of the things we say are oftentimes the things we heard. I try not to relate with people who say negative things. No matter how close we may be, you may never see me again the moment you start saying negative things. Words are see...


GIVE, EVEN IF IT'S THE ONLY THING YOU HAVE LEFT...  How come you still do not understand this principle, even after I've shown you twice? That was the question that Jesus asked His disciples when they worried that all they had in their boat was a loaf of bread.  They thought one loaf would not be sufficient for 12 disciples; meanwhile, earlier in Mark chapters 7 and 8, Jesus had taught them how to trade 5 loaves to get 12 baskets of bread, and how to trade 7 loaves to get 7 baskets of bread.  You do not escape lack by keeping what you have left, but by giving out what you have left. That child was brave enough to give out the five loaves and two fishes that he had left; and if we think about it, he would definitely be the sole owner of the twelve baskets that remained after over 5000 were fed.  This is clear wisdom from God; if what you have left will not be sufficient for what needs to be done, then give from it. Bishop David Abioye once said that "what you need to have i...


TIMELY NOTES!  The people who were with Jesus thought that blind Bartimaeus was disrupting. Come to think of it; these people were His disciples, they've been with Him all through His journey, so they should be in a good position to identify disruption when they see one. Blind Bartimaeus on the other hand, didn't care about the high esteem of these people; instead, he shouted the more, "Jesus, have mercy on me". The summary is that Jesus had to stop to help him.  If you sit in the dark for very long, you'd get used to it. If you doubt me, ask a blind man how he moves around when there's nobody to help him. But the fact that you're used to the dark doesn't mean there is light. And in most cases, when light suddenly shows up, it hurts for a while, and then you begin to adjust to the presence of light. And this is why many unbelievers reject the gospel at first. But after a while, they accept it. Here's my point; everybody may think you're doing t...


TIMELY NOTES!  Faith is like removing a coconut shell. The process may be difficult, but it won't change the fact that you need to remove the shell to eat the coconut. Everybody wants to enjoy God; but the challenge is that they don't like to endure in faith. Faith is not the promises of God, it is accessing the promises of God with absolute obedience to God's commandments. Don't tell me you're "believing God for a blessing" when you've not done what He commands to receive the blessing. We don't need faith to enjoy blessings. I've never heard anyone say "Praise God, I ate and drank with faith today". Faith is only required to remove the strongholds that try to hinder our access to blessings. We'd discover from scriptures that every time faith was mentioned, the next thing that follows is an obstacle. Faith came against the fig tree, the storm, and the lunatic man. Faith cured the woman with the issue of blood, fed the Syrophenicia...


TIMELY NOTES!  Practice makes perfect. Perfection will never be attained in a profession that is not consciously practiced. Faith is a profession that also requires practice. And just as we have legal and medical practitioners, we also have faith practitioners. A medical practitioner may begin his career by curing malaria or fever, but if he's consistent in the practise of Medicine, it won't be long before he begins to cure cancer and many other terminal diseases.  If your faith cannot get you what you need, then you've not practiced enough. As a matter of scriptures, the bible says "if your strength fails you in the day of battle, then your strength is small. Faith is the strength of every believer; if you don't have faith, then you don't have strength. Faith practitioners don't only study the word, they also practice it. Studying the word without practicing it will never make you a faith practitioner; you'd only be deceiving yourself.  That's how ...


TIMELY NOTES!  Jesus told a parable of a certain master who was preparing to travel on a far journey and called his servants to give them silver - according to their level. After he had distributed the silver, he said to them "occupy till I come". We later saw in scriptures that most of his servants made good use of the portion of silver that was given to them; but one of them didn't bring a good report, and his master was greatly displeased with him. He believed that what his master gave to him was not sufficient to bring a good report.  Before Jesus ascended into heaven, He gave us faith, just as the master gave silver to his servants. And the reason why He gave us faith is so that we can "occupy till He comes". The truth is; the things that Jesus wants us to occupy are not vacant. Some ladies are not married yet because their God-ordained husband is lost in the hands of another lady. Some young folks are not in school yet because someone is sitting on the adm...


TIMELY NOTES!  Your testimony will come! Don't cast away your confidence in God, because it would surely be rewarded. The devil may try so hard to delay your testimony, but as long as your faith is still on, you'd win the relay. It's important to know that those who run in a race run till they reach the finish line. Faith is like a relay race, and every one who reaches the finish line emerges a winner. Faith is not about who finishes first or last, it's about who endures till the end. The bible tells us that "he that endures to the end will be saved". Faith is the tool that secures our salvation; as long as we don't give up the race, we'd be saved.  There's hope for a tree that is cut down; if it sees a good weather condition, water, and a good soil, it would grow again. What those elements are to a plant are what faith is to man. The tree may not grow on the first day, or even the first year, but as long as those elements are consistent, it would ...