
Showing posts from June, 2017


TIMELY NOTES!  Knowledge is like a fluid of excitement that flows within it's carrier. The world is gradually losing happiness, because they are impatiently waiting for the sons of God to re-ignite the excitement. But unfortunately, the sons that the world is waiting for are also experiencing destruction - because they lack knowledge.  You must strive to break the barriers between you and knowledge. Many people have concluded that the reason why they can't acquire concrete knowledge is because they don't have the resources; which usually means they don't have the money or time. But acquisition of knowledge does not really require your money and time as much as it requires your desire. If your desire to acquire knowledge is in place, every other resources will fall into place.  That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take this last words; THERE'S REALLY NO EXCUSE FOR IGNORANCE THAN UNWILLINGNESS TO LEARN. IF THERE IS A WILL, THEN THERE'S A ...


TIMELY NOTES! Praise God! That is what you should do when it seems like there is nothing more to do about a situation. Everything may be failing or may have failed, but when you engage praise, even what has failed will work again. Habakkuk understood this principle; he explained that though all his source of living may fail and refuse to yield profit, yet he will praise the God of his salvation. Because God will increase his speed, and make him to work upon high places. That simply means that when you praise God, you become faster and placed higher than your oppositions. That also means that praise puts challenges below or behind you.  The disciples of Jesus did not know what to do to feed those five thousand people, and so they advised Jesus to let the people go. But Jesus knew what to do; He praised God, and the five loaves and two fishes that was available multiplied and fed them all. The condition of things may compel you to release your clients, but praise has capacity to retain a...


TIMELY NOTES!  Do you have doubts? When you begin to doubt the occurrence of what you believed, then you really need to pray. Doubts are like weeds, they grow wherever they see an empty land. Faith is like a land, and prayer is the material that builds on faith. If you want to make the most of your faith, then you must buy more prayer time. A building project will naturally stop if the supply of the required materials stop. Though faith comes by hearing the word of God, but faith without prayer will soon result to doubt. Faith needs a partner; it would either use prayer to excel, or invite doubt to fail. The moment you stop praying on your faith, then doubt hits the road.  Doubts may be unwanted, but just like weeds, you cannot stop them from growing on an empty prayer life. Prayer is like a cultivator, it clears doubt from what you believe. In my opinion, anybody who has developed doubts for what he believed has not been praying. All the while, Jesus believed that the will of God was ...


SO GOD ALSO HAS A PROFILE...  Confront your oppositions with praise to God. That was what David did against Goliath.  I used to work with a man who would tell me not to talk about God whenever we discussed official matters. Mysteriously, his company has crashed today; and the last time I heard of him, he was having a mental problem.  Anytime you acknowledge the greatness of God in the presence of an opposition, God takes praise for it. And when God takes praise, oppositions take a bow.  David applied this principle when he said to Goliath "you have come to me with a sword, spear, and a shield; but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied". Praise is not just about singing and dancing to God, it is also a display of confidence in God, even in the presence of your challenges.  Praise is God's profile; Goliath introduced himself to David, and David did not hesitate to introduce his God to him. Just like David, when...


TIMELY NOTES! "There would be traffic as usual"; that was what I thought when I was preparing for work one Monday morning. But God reproved me immediately by saying "what usually happens is subject to what you expect to happen". Then I remembered that in Prov 23:18 the Bible says "for surely there is an end, and your expectation shall not be cut off". That could also mean that, expectation puts an end to any form of procedures, regularities, or protocols. If you will not cut of your expectation, then those protocols will soon be cut of for you.  Normally, there was no way a prisoner in Egypt would become a prime minister in Egypt - overnight, but expectation made it so. Everybody knew that the wall of Jericho could not be brought down, but expectation brought it down. Protocols would always bow to the strong expectation of a believer. Do not think you will not get married because people rarely get married in your family. Do not think you will not complete ...


TIMELY NOTES! When prayer no longer answers as quick as it used to, when miracles suddenly become a thing of chance to you, then it's time to learn the principles. All a baby needs to do is to believe in John 3:16; but for a matured son, he needs to have more details. The first time Jesus sent out His disciples to witness, He instructed them not to take anything along, because He would provide for them. But the second time, He told them to take every thing they would need for the journey, including money.  A christian who refuses to respond to the demands of maturity will suffer what the world suffers. If it feels like God has reduced your daily supplies, then it's probably because you need to take scriptural responsibilities. I've seen Christians who buy things on credit only to pay with a salary they've not received. And yet the bible says we should be contented with whatever we have. The day you became a Christian, God's word became the mirror of your life. And t...


TIMELY NOTES! "Nothing can separate me from the love of God". That is something we should remember when challenges try to separate us from the blessings of God. Your family, business, job, academics, career, and everything you enjoy are evidences of God's love for you. We may have family challenges, but we must not allow those challenges to separate us from our family. We may have health issues, but we must not allow them to separate us from the job that God blessed us with. Bishop David Oyedepo has often remarked that; it is not a sin for a believer to be challenged, but it is unscriptural for him to be defeated.  This is why the just man may fall seven times and still have opportunity to rise again. God will not allow Satan to keep your blessings if you refuse to give up on the fight. Satan may defeat you seven times, but God is up there, waiting for you to win. The blessings of the Lord makes rich, and it does not come with sorrow. So when you see things like sorrow ha...


TIMELY NOTES! "By this time tomorrow, there will be cheap food in the market place". That was what Elisha said in 2 Kings 7:1. And in verse 18, the Bible says that what he spoke came to pass as he said it. But something amazing happened when he spoke those words; a highly esteemed counselor spoke doubting words, that "even if God opens the windows of heaven, can there be food by this time tomorrow?". He said that probably because he was in charge of food supplies to the people. And as at that time, it was impossible to get food from anywhere.  I perceive that one of the ways that believers will overthrow the wicked is by their spoken words. In Job 22:29, the Bible says "when men are cast down, then you shall say, there is a lifting up". That counselor must have noticed and said there cannot be food supply, but Elisha who also noticed said there shall be food supply. When the food supply came as Elisha said, the counselor died, he did not live to eat from t...


TIMELY NOTES! When you eventually start a business venture or you decide to advance your career, and you see competitors who have gone far ahead of you, you see people who seem to be more intelligent, people who have gained the favour of almost everybody, you may even see companies that have all the facilities that you are still dreaming to have, do not be afraid nor discouraged, because God will be with you. The Bible says something similar concerning the children of Israel in Deut 20:1; it says, "when you go out to battle against the enemy, and you see horses, and chariots, and a people more than you, do not be afraid of them: for God is with you". Courage is the battle axe of God; without it, God cannot fight for you. Many ideas never see the light of day because of the absence of courage. A man with courage will rarely experience shortage of blessing. David understood this principle when he confronted Goliath. Goliath came with a sword and a shield, but David came with co...


TIMELY NOTES!  John the baptist had acrophobia; he was afraid of the "high position" that God put him. Not because he could not baptize the people, but because he felt unworthy to baptize Jesus - the Saviour of the world. John had been baptizing the people for so long; which means he was quite experienced in it. But the appearance of Jesus destabilized his baptizing skill. Jesus had to encourage him to do it, because that was how God wanted it to be.  What makes you think you cannot handle bigger clients or bigger tasks? The moment John baptized Jesus, the heavens opened, and the Holy Spirit came upon Jesus. And that simply means that John did a great job. Do not be too comfortable with small tasks, projects, or clients; because the truth is, God wants you to handle bigger and greater things. Didn't your bible tell you that a man that is diligent in his business will stand before kings? As long as you know your job, then expect big shots and big clients to come to you, ju...


TIMELY NOTES!  Words are not static; the moment they are spoken, they go ahead to accomplish what has been said. That's why Eccl 5:6 warns that we should suffer not our mouth to cause our flesh to sin; neither should we say before the angels, that what we said was an error, except we want God to be angry at our voice, and destroy the works of our hands.  When we speak, angels pick, so that God can fix. Though the angels pick what we say, but we're all witnesses that it's not all that we say that gets back to us. And this probably has to do with the kind of words we speak. Words are accompanied with special weaponries; but the kind of words we speak would determine the kind of weapon that would go with it. For instance, God's word is the sword of the Spirit that is sharper than any two-edged sword; it is also a hammer that breaks every rock. So when you speak God's word along with your desires, you handover a sword and a hammer to the angels that would transport what...


TIMELY NOTES!  God loved Jacob, even before he was conceived. He hated Esau, and had already told his parents that Jacob would rule over him. Does that really make Him an unjust God? The Bible says He'd show mercy to whom He'd show mercy; does that mean anybody can come short of His mercy at anytime? We're like clay pots in the sight of our Creator; and He created all of us to serve special purposes. Though some may be for domestic use, while others may be for a more honourable use; but all these things work together for good.  The kingdom of God is like a great house where there are many vessels; some are gold, silver, and wood. Some are honourable, while some others are completely dishonorable. However, anyone that is clean enough for the master's use will be selected. That also means that God can use anybody for great works as long as that person is clean enough for Him to use. Afterall, what's the use of an honourable vessel if it's not usable? Don't be ...


TIMELY NOTES!  God's plan for us is to do exploits in life by living a supernatural life. If we check through the scriptures, we'd discover that God did not outline specific steps required to get married, get a job, start a flourishing business, build a career, or even gain admission into school; instead, He focused on how we can have dominion, have all things, and do exploits. In Genesis, He gave man dominion over all things; in 2 Peter 1:3, he gave us all things that pertains to life and godliness, through the Knowledge of Christ.  Dan 11:32 said it all when it said "... They that do know their God shall be strong and do exploit". God's agenda for us is to do exploits; and doing exploits simply means "having all things", including marriage, a job, a business, a family, a career, and so on. However, the steps required to have all things or do exploits are clearly stated in scriptures; it is commitment to studying the word of God. In my opinion, if you...


TIMELY NOTES! Faith works instantly; but it doesn't mean it didn't if your desired result doesn't come instantly. This has been the undoing of many believers; they begin to have doubts when their timing doesn't agree with faith's timing. Faith may destroy a disease, but sometimes, the effect of the disease may take time to heal. The moment faith is engaged, the root of the ailment is destroyed, then the healing process begins. Faith does not have a dying patient, it only has healing patients. If it has not healed, then it's healing. After Jesus cursed the fig tree, the disciples only saw the effect the next day. Everything that causes a tree to flourish dried up from that tree the moment Jesus cursed it. It only required one more day to have a physical effect. Some people need just one more day to begin to see the physical effects of their faith; but they allow doubt to set-in, and eventually lose the blessing. The people of Israel were already delivered from th...

He blesses our bread and water - Emeka Anslem

He blesses our bread and water - Emeka Anslem.pdf Open


TIMELY NOTES! The word of God is the property of the Spirit of God. Wherever the word goes, the Spirit goes. The word tells what should happen, while the Spirit makes it happen. In the beginning, God spoke the word "let there be light", and the Spirit moved to create light. The centurion understood this principle when he said Jesus shouldn't go with him to his house, that He should only speak the word and his servant would be healed. As soon as Jesus spoke the word, the Spirit moved to deliver the servant. To prove what I'm saying, when the woman with the issue of blood touched Jesus' garment, she instantly received her healing. That's because you can't touch the word and not encounter the Spirit; and wherever the Spirit is, there is liberty. The bible says we should read and trust the book of The Lord, none of the words inside shall fail, because God's mouth spoke them, and God's Spirit performs them. Everytime you speak the word of God, the Spiri...


TIMELY NOTES!  The fight of faith is an exchange of words and actions. While the opposition may attack you with negative words and situations, you should also strike back with God's word and faith actions. You may feel the pain and hunger that the enemy is putting on you, but act like the blessed man that God has called you. In this kingdom, actions speaks louder than words. The angels may not always respond when you speak, but their response is automated when they see your faith actions.  I remember praying for someone who left home and didn't return long after the expected time. While praying, I specifically mentioned that the person must return in 30 minutes time. After the prayer, I sat down with the family for 30 minutes, just to prove to God that I meant what I prayed. And miraculously, the person returned at exactly 30 minutes from the time we prayed. God may often doubt your words, but He can't doubt your actions. He may judge you by your words, but He weighs all yo...


TIMELY NOTES!  Lions don't give up on any fight; actually, they fight till they win. According to scriptures, every Believer carries the nature of a lion; which also means that we are destined to win at all times. 1 Tim 6:12 particularly says that we should fight the good fight of faith, and lay hold on eternal life. The reason why it's termed a "good fight" is because it's a fight where we've been destined to win.  Lions are never afraid of challenges because they know the end from the beginning. Believers should possess the mentality of a victor; you may not be able to stop challenges from coming to you, but you also have all it takes to win. Soldiers occasionally go to war; and if the bible refers to us as soldiers of Christ, then we should expect to fight oppositions occasionally. So when you see challenges coming around you, instead sitting to weep, fight to win! A soldier that won't face a battle is putting his nation at risk. Also, a Believer that w...


TIMELY NOTES!  Don't judge your life based on how you physically appear, but how you're scripturally addressed. You may appear poor or sick physically, but do not accept it until you discover that you're also poor or sick scripturally. The book of James describes God's word as a mirror where we see our true nature. Challenges are free to arise, but before you submit to them, check the mirror of the word to see if you really have them.  A mirror naturally reflects how you really look. The scriptures supernaturally reflects how you should look. What you don't have in the word should not be found around you in the world. If you're not sick in the word, then you should not be sick in the world. But if you eventually fall sick, then it is subject to change; because the bible says physical things are subject to change. Any thing that happens to you physically that is not in scriptures is subject to change.  That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. Bu...


TIMELY NOTES!  The blood of Jesus has capacity to enforce any change we desire in life. In Zech 9:11, God explained how he delivered the prisoners of hope. He said "by the blood of the covenant, He has sent forth the prisoners out of the pit where there is no water". He further explained in Verse 12 that "they should turn to their strong hold - which is the blood of the covenant, because it is able to restore a double portion of everything they had lost". God does not restrict His acts when the blood of Jesus is involved. When the blood of Jesus is engaged, there is no limit to what God can do. He will not allow any opposition to stand in the way of the blood of Jesus. Anytime you engage the blood, whether through prayers, through the communion, or through sprinkling, God responds immediately. Challenges do not hang around for long when the blood of Jesus is involved. The blood of Jesus is the finishing move of God. If you want any situation to come to a perfect fin...