
Showing posts from 2015


MAXIMIZING THE LAST DAYS OF THE YEAR! Just a few more hours and we'd witness the very end of the year 2015. But better is the end of a matter than the beginning. The end of the year holds a better chance to achieve anything. As a matter of scriptures, God does not go on break, neither does He reduce His workload. He is the same yesterday, today, and even tomorrow - which obviously is the end of the year. If God is the same, doesn't go on break or reduce His workload, then He has not stopped working for you. If He has been working for you since the year began, then He is still working for you. The only thing that may stop His work on your behalf will be your inadequate supply of faith. Labourers will stop working when they exhaust the materials available. Also, God stops working for you when your faith is exhausted. If you want God to continue working for you, then make sure that faith is available for His use. Let me conclude with this; DON'T GIVE UP ON GOD, BECAUSE H...


MAXIMIZING THE LAST DAYS OF THE YEAR! According to scriptures, the last days are days when the best of God is released to His people. But receiving God's best would either require a repositioning or a prepositioning. People who have gone astray would first need to reposition themselves in the faith, while those who have kept the faith only need to continue walking in faith to qualify for the blessing. In these last days, it is your faith that will determine the value of blessing you'd receive. Scripture tells us that God is willing to come down to avenge His own elect that cry unto Him day and night, but the challenge is, "will He find faith when He comes?". Another scripture says "blessed is that servant whom His master finds working when He comes". God will only release His last days blessing on those whose faith are working. We'd continue with these series tomorrow, but let me pray for you; you will not miss your blessings for these last days! N...


TIMELY NOTES! Satan is a rebellious creature, he has made it a responsibility to tempt God's people into sin. On the other hand, God's people are carriers of God's Spirit, and one of the responsibilities of the Spirit of God is to give glory to God. After Jesus was baptized, the Spirit of God came upon Him, and drove Him into the wilderness. Satan came to tempt Him with good pleasures, but Jesus, understanding that the reason why He carried God's Spirit was to give glory to God, didn't fall for Satan's temptations. The bible tells us that we have been bought with a price, therefore we should glorify God in our body. This could also mean that whatever does not glorify God should be prohibited around us. Let's make the world know that cheating, stealing, lying, killing, blasphemy, gossip, disobedience, hatred and fornication are prohibited around us. Let's write them boldly on our lives so that everyone can see. That's how far we'd go on toda...


TIMELY NOTES! One reason why God wants us to live a sanctified life is so that we can gain access to kingdom secrets. Ps 25:14 tells us that "the secret of the Lord is with those that fear Him, and He will show them His covenant". If God shows you a secret on how to prosper your business - even in the midst of competitors, no one would be able to withstand you. What you know cannot be compared to what God shows to you. It is what God shows to you that will make you a show to your world. The bible described Job as a man who feared God and hated evil. And in Job 29:4 he personally described the source of his prosperity when he said "the secret of the Lord was upon his tabernacle". It was a secret which God revealed to Daniel that changed the position of Daniel. It was a divine secret that moved Joseph from the prison to the palace. I've wondered why "Living Faith Church Worldwide" grows the way it does, but I recently discovered that their leaders tr...


TIMELY NOTES! Other birds are always angry with the eagle because they can't reach its height. So anytime the eagle comes down to their plane, they try to engage it in a fight. The eagle is a wise bird, it never engages in a physical battle with other birds on their plane. Instead, it looks at the direction of the sun and begins to soar towards it. The eagle has two eye lids that enables it to look directly to the sun. Other birds can't do the same, so they'd stop chasing the eagle when they can no longer bare the sun ray. A christian also has that characteristic; Ps 34:5 says "they looked unto Him and were enlightened, and their faces were no longer ashamed". The eagle is strong enough to defeat any kind of bird, but also wise enough to depend on the sun for victory. We're in a world where iniquity is the order of each day; but just like the eagle, always depend on the word for victory. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take...


TIMELY NOTES! Imagine a man going to the kitchen to take a cup of water. On getting to the cup tray, he begins to check all the cups to see if he would find a clean one. There were many cups in the tray, but he first considered using a clean one - probably because he didn't want to be infected with germs, or go through the stress of cleaning the dirty cups. That's how God operates. He'd first consider using a sanctified person for His agenda. Just like the other cups in the tray, you may be wondering, when is it going to be my turn to be favoured by God? The answer is simple, it's when God is through with the sanctified people. A cup cannot clean itself, but you can! God has already made provision for man's sanctification, so instead of waiting for Him to cleanse you, engage His provision and sanctify yourself. The reason why many Christians are still sick is not because God doesn't want to heal them, but probably because God is busy healing the sanctified o...


TIMELY NOTES! Paul had a major problem. Many of the things he found himself doing were things he didn't want to do. He wanted to preach the gospel; that's probably all that he desired from within him. But his body wanted to sin; he often felt like fornicating, smoking, getting drunk, and doing all kinds of iniquity. To be honest, hundred percent of Believers often feel the same way. As much as they want to please God, they also have a nudge to sin. Once there's a will, there's a way. Jesus suffered the same temptations, but He never sinned. It wasn't like Joseph didn't want Potiphar's wife, but he knew it would be a shameful thing, and a sin against God. Daniel had a great position, and he could have easily denied God - knowing that it was his obvious way to maintain his position. But he didn't, he preferred to be eaten by a lion than to bow to an idol. If your will is strong enough to please God over sin, God will stand by you - just like he did in ...


TIMELY NOTES! Our salvation is a call unto glorification. In the beginning, Adam enjoyed the glory and color that God designed for man. Man had no limit, everything was subject to man, including knowledge and life. But when he sinned against God, the glory and color reduced. The more he sinned the more the glory reduced, even to a point that God had to reduce the lifespan of man. Rom 3:23 explains that "all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God". If you want to know what the glory of God upon a man looks like, study how Adam lived before he fell. Adam was so glorified that God visited him daily. He didn't go to school, but he perfectly gave names to all the animals. When the glory of God comes upon you, your qualifications would become irrelevant. God's glory is far beyond any qualification on earth; His glory has capacity to qualify you for anything. Haven't you heard of people who get amazing jobs without the necessary qualifications? Haven't y...


TIMELY NOTES! The bible describes iniquity as a mystery; and mysteries are things that are beyond human understanding. Human beings may not understand why sin overpowers them, but believers should. Believers are not human beings, the bible describes them as gods. A god has capacity to understand anything, including the mystery of iniquity. Moreover, Rom 6:14 makes it clear that "sin shall no longer have dominion over us". Furthermore, Jesus said "it is given to believers to know the mysteries of the kingdom". This could also mean that if a believer commits sin, it's not because the sin overpowered him, but because he chose to sin. Most of the things that tempts us into sin are the lost of the eyes, the lost of the flesh, and the pride of life - which are products of the earth - of which we've been given dominion over them. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; WE ARE OF GOD, AND HAVE OVERCOME. COMMITTING ...


TIMELY NOTES! If Satan is not tempting you then it's probably because you don't matter to him. And to be honest, that's not a good sign. Every believer is naturally a threat to the devil, and that's why he constantly tries to deceive us. If the temptation is getting too much, then it's probably because the blessing is becoming so much. I've discovered that every major breakthrough often starts with the devil's temptation. If you can overcome the temptation, then you'd gloriously receive your breakthrough. If Joseph didn't overcome the temptation from Potiphar's wife, maybe he wouldn't have been transferred to Pharaoh's prison - where his breakthrough was waiting. Sometimes, refusing to sin may lead to physical torments, but I can assure you, the torments won't cancel the breakthrough ahead. Jesus was heavily tormented because of His commitment to serve God; but despite the torment, He still received His reward. That's how fa...


TIMELY NOTES! God reserves the best for the last, Satan does likewise. Satan specializes in averting God's blessing on people; anytime God sends a blessing, Satan tries all he can to stop the blessing from reaching the beneficiary. Daniel prayed for blessing, but the devil held back the angel who was bringing Daniel's blessing for 21-days. Aside the fact that job feared misfortune, the bible made it clear that he loved God and hated evil. Yet, Satan was able to manipulate his blessings. The bible says we should watch and pray, otherwise we'd fall into temptation. But there's a difference between "falling into temptation" and "suffering temptation". Jesus was tempted, but He didn't fall. Samson fell for the devil's temptation. Joseph was tempted, yet he didn't fall. Temptation is the doorway to sin; if Satan forces you to open it, make sure you don't enter. Falling into temptation is the same as falling into sin. That's how f...


TIMELY NOTES! Just give me the crumbs. That's what the Syrophenician woman said to Jesus. Her daughter was possessed with an unclean spirit, and when she approached Jesus concerning her challenge, Jesus made it clear to her that unbelievers are not entitled to eat the food that belongs to believers. But the woman, concurring with Jesus, was willing to settle for crumbs. She wasn't a believer, yet her daughter was delivered from an unclean spirit - with crumbs. I've discovered that most of our needs won't require the level of faith we engage to get them. If crumbs could cast out unclean spirits, then it can get a miracle job, it can acquire a property, it can even get you a contract. You need to stop waiting or contemplating, faith is like a net that has to be cast. Faith is also like a cheque that has to be cashed. The woman with the issue of blood had faith all along, but she didn't receive her healing until she moved to touch Jesus. That's how far we...


TIMELY NOTES! Think about your expectations as much as you pray about them. Prayer secures and delivers our expectations to us, but the frequency of our thoughts about our expectations delivers them with speed. The bible says we should "watch and pray", which literally means we should "think and pray". Scripturally, prayer will be more effective when it has a root in processed thoughts. The bible says "whatsoever we desire when we pray, we should believe we have received it, and we shall have it". As a man thinks in his heart, so he is. Thinking has a way of translating a man into his thoughts. The more you think about your expectations, the greater your chances of experiencing them. For instance, if you've been praying to God for a life partner, start imagining yourself in your matrimonial home with your family. The reason why God shows us visions of the future is so that we can be quick with our preparations. Many people will not make sensible mo...


TIMELY NOTES! Is this how it's going to end? No, Abraham didn't end his days as a weakling, Hannah didn't end her days as a barren woman. Though Joseph began his journey in misery, but his life became a mystery overnight. Daniel was supposed to become a trained astrologer, but God advanced him to become a prime minister. Job didn't have any tangible hope for recovery, but suddenly, God restored twice of what he had. Moses carried the burden of Israel's suffering in Egypt for many years, but suddenly God gave him victory. Let me tell you how it's going to end. God will comfort you on every side; He will change the tune of the song and put a sweet song in your mouth. He will bring down your oppositions right before your face, and your eyes will see your desires upon your enemies. Laughter will become the order of the day, and your joy shall be full. Therefore, continue in faith, and never give up hope, because God is still at work. That's how far we'...


TIMELY NOTES! The word of God is reflective, those who study and practice the word naturally appear as the word. I was speaking to a man some times back, and while in the conversion, I acted joyfully. Unknowing to me, the man I was speaking to had been struggling to understand a certain bible verse that he read. Surprisingly, he screamed "I now understand it" when he saw the joy that was radiating all over me - despite the kind of conversation I was having with him. The word works, our situations notwithstanding. I was in great need of funds as at that time, but if the man could still understand scriptures through my behaviour - despite my needs, then it means our needs can never grow stronger than the word of God. This happened three years ago, God has since met that need, and many other needs. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; STICK TO THE WORD AND ACT IT. IT WON'T BE LONG BEFORE YOU BEGIN TO REFLECT IT. Have a m...


TIMELY NOTES! The life and acts of Jesus on earth was a fulfilment of prophecy. Prophecies are the direct words of God spoken through the mouth of His prophets. For instance, God told Ezekiel to speak to the bones, and when he did, the bones heard. God told Abraham that Israel will suffer for 400 years in Egypt, and it was so. In Matthew chapter 21, Jesus sent two of His disciples to a village to bring a donkey - which He'd use for a majestic entrance into Jerusalem. And verse 4 said "All this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet... " Great prophecies had gone ahead of Jesus, but He didn't wait for them to come to pass, rather, He made them come to pass. The prophecy stated that "Jesus would come, sitting upon a donkey", but it didn't tell Jesus how and where to get the donkey. A prophecy will remain dormant until you've played your part. Imagine for a moment, what if Jesus didn't make a move to get the donkey,...


TIMELY NOTES! I once listened to a preaching that "if I can put Jesus at the center of my life, then He'd take control of the affairs of my life". Guess what? I did it, and it worked. But what does it really mean to put someone at the center of your life? It means nothing is allowed to come into you or go out of you without going through that person. It means "the only thing that would matter to you would be things that matter to him". Jesus is never worried, and so I can't be worried. With Jesus at the center of your life, He'd become your life's processing unit, and your actions and reactions would have to pass through Him before they are manifested. People who live a sad, broken and downcast life are people who put concerns and needs at the centre of their lives. Whatever takes over the middle would take over the needs too. If what is in your middle isn't meeting your needs, then you probably need to change it. When Jesus takes over your c...


THIS WEEK! Many people stop their testimonies from coming by stopping their joy from going. Our joy is the bringer of our testimonies; if joy is not going out from you then don't expect testimonies to come to you. If Satan succeeds in stealing your joy then he will also succeed in keeping your testimonies. Your joy is not for sale; when Satan comes to buy, tell him you're not selling. It might interest you to know that every living creature needs joy to succeed, including Satan. The reason why he goes about looking for who to devour is because he derives joy in it. This week, as the Lord lives, everything the devil has stolen from you will be fully returned to you! Every day of this week will be days of recovery for you! Your health will be recovered! Your career will be recovered! Your business will be recovered! Your marriage will be recovered! Your job will be recovered! Your children will be recovered! Your home will be recovered! Your dignity and color will be recovere...


TIMELY NOTES! Encourage yourself! That's what David did. The bible tells us that at a point in David's reign, his people were bitter and talking against him, they didn't like his judgements and decisions, they even talked about stoning him. Yet, David encouraged himself in the Lord. It might interest you to know that most of the people who came against him were people who adored him. They liked him when his vision was favourable, but when challenges came, they turned against him. That's how life is; as long as you're pursuing a vision, a time will come when you'd be "on your own", and the only person you can look up to is God. David couldn't find anybody to trust or encourage him at that moment, and so he encouraged himself with God's word. Shortly after he encouraged himself, God intervened and made him to recover all that was stolen. Don't give up because nobody likes or supports your vision; rather, encourage yourself if you're s...


TIMELY NOTES! God does not entice people with words. Whatever He tells you is what He has capacity to do; and even if what He says doesn't exist, He has capacity to create it. God related His word to the rainfall in Isaiah 55:11; the rain falls to the ground and doesn't go back to the cloud, rather, it nourishes the earth and causes it to produce fruits. That's how God's word works; it must accomplish the purpose to which it was spoken. No matter the condition of the earth, it doesn't have capacity to reject rainfall. No matter what is going-on on the earth, rainfall would always have its priority. The same way, no matter what is happening in your life, the word of God must prevail, because it has priority over any circumstance. No matter the intensity of a burning fire, it won't overpower rainfall. This is because, the water from the rain is able to enter the source of the fire and quench it, just as the word of God is able to enter into your bones and marr...


TIMELY NOTES! God is ready to give you an opportunity, He's probably waiting for you to conclude your preparation. Many people ignorantly believe that they are waiting for God, when the real truth is that God is waiting for them. At the wedding at Cana, Mary told the servants to do whatever Jesus told them to do. Jesus was ready to turn water into wine - because he has the capacity, but what if those servants didn't prepare the water? Why did Jesus have to wait till they filled all the bowls with water? Couldn't He have turned each bowl of water into wine, while the servants filled the other bowls? The answer is the same; God will not do anything until we are ready. When He wanted to deliver the people of Israel from Egypt, He told them to prepare. God is a covenant keeping God, who is only committed to do His part when you've completed your part. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; GOD DOES NOT DELAY, HIS RESPONSE...


TIMELY NOTES! I can't take this anymore! That's the language of those who have become fed up of recurring unpleasant circumstances. When Jacob stole Esau's fatherly blessings, Isaac made it clear to Esau that he'd have to serve his brother Jacob - all the days of his life. However, he mentioned that when Esau gets fed up, he should fight for his right with his sword. That means being fed up of your situation is not enough, you must fight to win. If the challenge is still present then you've not won the fight. The bible instructs us to resist the devil and he will flee from us, and in case he refuses to go, resist him steadfastly. Jesus told ten lepers who desired healing to go and show themselves to the priest; and while they were on their way, they discovered that they had been healed, but one of them returned to Jesus to thank him and perhaps to show Him that there were still traces of leprosy on his body. And I perceive that Jesus saw the traces and perfected...


TIMELY NOTES! If you're confused about what is happening to you, check the scriptures. It's okay to be consumed by the emotional attacks in the world, but before you make a decision on what to do about it, please check the scriptures. Joseph really loved Mary, but his emotion was attacked when he heard that Mary had conceived - knowing that he had not touched her. He had already decided to break up his relationship with Mary when the angel of the Lord appeared to remind him of what the scriptures had said. Satan often uses the scriptures to get to believers. When Jesus was born, Herod didn't know how or where to locate Him. But he privately called for the high priests of the land, who eventually told him how and where to find Jesus - according to scriptures. When Satan attacked Jesus with scriptures in the wilderness, it occurred to me that there are scriptures that may not be acceptable for certain situations. Our christian life is like a real-time movie, and the bible...


TIMELY NOTES! The story of a major breakthrough often starts with a conflict. During the conflict, those who used to support you may surprisingly be against you, and those who had never supported you may suddenly become your confidant. But in all these things, focus on the story. Don't get carried away by the conflicts or challenges, because if you do, you'd never tell a good story. Joseph went through conflicts, yet he focused on the story. While Jesus was going through great conflict on earth, the bible says "He saw the joy that was set before Him, and endured the cross". Your story has a beautiful end, that's what God said in Jeremiah 29:11. Just imagine God and the hosts of heaven watching your life's story. Just imagine them making commentaries regarding your actions. I don't know about you, but I'd like to hear God and the angels make good commentaries about my story. I'd like my story to excite the whole heaven and earth. I'd like my...


TIMELY NOTES! Be at peace with yourself! You need it to do everything else in life. Most of man's challenges are products of a displaced inner peace. Inner peace is the ability to have no regret about the past, take control of the present, and be happy about the future. Many people suffer in the present because they've refused to forget their past, while many others never live a happy life because they see nothing to be happy about in the future. The reason why many Christians can't experience divine intervention is probably because they've infected their peace with concerns. God's formula for intervening on our matters is "Be still". No matter how close the enemy may be, be still, and know that He is God. God is never too far from a peaceful man. Learning how to strengthen your inner peace would be one of your most profitable investments in life. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; MAKE EVERY  EFFORT...


TIMELY NOTES! The fear of man literally paralyzes destiny. Many people can't make life-changing decisions because they fear what their parents, manager, or relatives may do to them. And the reason why they fear is because these people act as major pillars that holds their lives. But the truth of the matter is, the moment you take your destiny in your hand, no man will be strong enough to be your pillar. I recently heard of a man who was accommodated by a fellow christian brother; but when the Christian brother discovered that the man has taken responsibility for his destiny, he cooked up a story and sent the man out of his house. Pro 29:25 assures us that God will keep us from anything that evil men might try to bring against us. In Heb 13:5-6, He also promised to always be with us and protect us so that we never have to fear what men try to do to us. When you place your full confidence in the word of God, you will quickly place the fear of man under your feet. We'd underst...


TIMELY NOTES! Ps 46:10 explains a formula to know God. It said "Be still, and know that I am God". But how will a man be silent when over 60,000 thoughts runs through his mind daily? How can we practice silence when everything about and around us makes noise? Many people know about God, and that's because they've witnessed His manifold acts both in their lives and the lives of others, but how many people really know God? Nature grows in silence. Grass, trees and food crops don't make a sound, yet they grow and flourish. The moon and the sun are constantly moving, yet nobody hears a single sound from them. The brightness of the day and the hotness of the weather explains the presence of the sun, yet not a single sound has come from it. Nature relates with God's provision and instructions, and that's why they grow easily. Man should also meditate on God's word or instructions, and he'd grow easily. Meditating on the word of God is the only way to...


TIMELY NOTES! Face your fears, it's the only way you can master it. The things we fear are the things we've not faced with confidence. Most of our fears are scenes of the past, but because we've refused to face them we make them ever present. No wonder the bible tells us that "fear is a snare to destiny". The word "snare" means "a mental trap"; which means the challenge itself may not even be a problem, but your mindset has exalted the challenge above what it really is. You can silence your fears; remember that God has not given us the spirit of fear but the spirit of soundness. If you're not making sounds then you're making fear. Fear is a mitigator of soundness. If you want to experience all-round soundness, then stop the fear that is going around with you. Somebody recently asked which church I attended, and when I responded, she said "no wonder, the people that go to that church talk with soundness". That's how f...


TIMELY NOTES! The origin of every struggle is from the heart. As a matter of thoughts, you can't struggle in life as long as your heart is at peace. The bible also makes it lucid that "all the issues of life comes out from the heart". Whatever comes out to your life is a product of what you've processed in your heart. You're not lazy because you don't have strength, no, you're lazy because your heart despises hard work. After all you've said and done to abate the struggle, it only increases. What else can you do? Who could be working against your progress? Who is behind all your struggles in life? Who? Who? I think the reason why you've not found the answer is because you've been looking for "who" and not "what". Your heart may be the only thing behind your struggles; change your heart to change your life. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; JESUS IS THE GIVER OF PEACE;...


TIMELY NOTES! There is no storm in life that is ordained to change the direction of one's destiny. In Jonah 2:8, the bible says "they that regard lying vanities forsake their own mercy". The storms that rise against man may appear real, but it doesn't change the truth that they are lying vanities, figments, things that want you to speak words that are contrary to God's word. Jesus and his disciples were crossing over to the otherside of the river when a storm suddenly arose. The disciples saw it as the end of the road, but Jesus saw it as a bridge to cross. While the disciples were talking for the storm, Jesus was talking against the storm. The reason why many people are not going forward is probably because they keep talking about their challenges, instead of talking against them. God had promised to take Israel to the promiseland, but their contact with the red sea almost sent them back to Israel - all because of the words of their mouth. But Moses eventuall...


TIMELY NOTES! Self-discipline is one of the most important and useful skills everyone should possess. This skill is essential in every area of life, and though most people acknowledge its importance, very few do something to strengthen it. Contrary to common belief, self-discipline does not mean being harsh toward yourself, or living a limited, restrictive lifestyle. Self discipline means self control, which is a sign of inner strength and control of yourself, your actions, and your reactions. Self discipline gives you the power to stick to your decisions and follow them through, without changing your mind. I perceive that the reason why many believers are yet to receive God's promise is because they lack self discipline. Paul said "But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified". That also means that discipline is a major qualifier for God's blessings. That's how far we'd go on today...


TIMELY NOTES! The wedding at Cana was a wonderful occasion. The invited guests didn't want to go, even though the occasion had ended. The wedding planner made provision for wine, enough to last through the occassion. But to their surprise, the guests wanted more wine when all that was left was water. The wedding planner became stranded and quickly ran to Mary to inform her about the situation of things. Mary immediately said to them, focusing on Jesus, do whatever He tells you to do. God always reserves the best for the last moments. You'd be ignorant to think the year has ended, and so you can't get your expectations for the year. The wedding at Cana had ended but the guests wanted more, and for that reason Jesus had to convert tasteless and colorless water into colorful and tasteful wine. Jesus can do the same for you today! He can convert anything just to meet your expectations. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; D...


TIMELY NOTES! In life, some things are deeper than pain; you'd even wish to feel pain than to experience them. Some memories can hurt you more than a deep wound. A father that has to provide for his family don't feel the pain in his body, he works day after day to see that his family is cared for. When we were children, we cried over every surface injury; but now, we don't have time to cry. Crying has never healed any wound; so why would anybody waste his precious time in tears. I live my life without regrets; because no matter how much regret I feel, I still have to be responsible for my future. No matter how much mistakes a father makes, he still has to be responsible for his family. No matter how many mistakes a manager makes, he still has to manage his company. Fix the things you have regrets for, and if you can't fix them forget them. The time you spend on regrets may be the time you need to be alert for favour. That's how far we'd go on today's T...


YOUTHS CAN CHANGE NIGERIA! The Nigerian government should awake from their slumber. This is not the first time that our Eaglets would reach a worthy position in a tournament, or even become the champion. Putting experienced adults in power has only caused us to experience more bad luck. Let the government give youths opportunity to lead major sectors. I'd like to see youths become Ministers of Education, Defense, Aviation, Industry - Trade & Investment, Environment, Labour & Productivity. Even the minster of Youths & Development is not a youth. Youths are strong! I believe Nigeria would be safe in the hands of intelligent and honest youths. The bible says "no one should despise the youths, because they are examples for others to follow". Secondary school students enjoy good tuition when Youth Corpers are deployed to their school. These are pointers that youths will command better results. A youth in power will definitely be of best behavior, because he...


TIMELY NOTES! Appreciation connotes increase in the business world. And if we observe scriptures closely, we'd discover that appreciation to God is more like an application for increase. In Jeremiah 30:19, God made it clear that the only way He'd release more blessings to His people is if they appreciate Him for what He has done. God had led Joshua and the people of Israel on till the wall of Jericho; but He didn't bring down the wall until they praised Him. If praising or appreciating God brings increase, why do many believers suffer lack and want? In my opinion, any believer that has difficulty in advancing his life is not an appreciative or praiseful believer. Ps 67:5-7 explains that everyone who praises God naturally experience increase. So if you're not increasing then you're not praising. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; IF YOU WANT TO EXPERIENCE INCREASE IN ANY AREA OF YOUR LIFE, THEN ENGAGE THE SICKL...


TIMELY NOTES! Every christian needs a prophet! Many people have fear for the unknown, not necessarily because evil is coming, but because they don't want to miss out. I wonder what Job was afraid of; though the bible says the things he greatly feared came upon him. If we observe what happened to him, we'd discover that he was afraid of losing everything - because he lost everything, even his wife advised him to curse God and die. People who develop fear for the unknown are people who have fear of losing everything they have. You'd have nothing to be afraid of if you have nothing, not even death. As Christians, we can be sure of what is coming. Amos 3:7 tells us that "God will not do anything until He has revealed it to His servants - the prophets". Remember that it was through a prophet that God brought Israel out of Egypt. I worship in a church where God unveils His plan to the prophet per time, and also tells him what the congregation should expect when they...


TIMELY NOTES! Praising God isn't just about dancing and singing joyful songs to God, it's more about proving the potency of God through our works. 1 Cor 6:20 tells us that we have been bought with a price, therefore we should glorify God in our body and in our spirit, which belongs to God. In Eph 2:10, the bible says we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works. This also means that people should be compelled to glorify God when they see you or the works of your hand. A king would prefer to honor an invitation to a large gathering of people than an invitation to a single person. This is because, the glory of a king is in the multitude of people that gather before him. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you shouldn't sing and dance to God; as a matter of scriptures, that's something you must do to continue enjoying God's blessing. But my point is; God wants you to create a larger platform where multitudes will glorify Him. That's ...


TIMELY NOTES! Life is a very long journey. If you doubt me, count the number of years it took you to reach this message. And if you can read this clearly, it means you're intelligent and sound. Let's take a minute to reason; where were you at this time five years ago? What paths have you crossed? Are you still on the same lane? Is life's traffic affecting your movement? Would you prefer to park your life as a man parks his car? Really, do you even have a destination? I figured out that many Christians have great desperation, but without a clear destination. A desperation without a destination is the same as perspiration without inspiration. No matter how hard you work, if nothing is inspiring you, your hard work will end in futility. Inspiration is like the spark light that triggers a gas cooker. No matter how much gas flows in the air, it won't produce fire until it is exposed to heat. Its presence in the air may be obvious, but it just won't catch a fire. The ...


TIMELY NOTES! The future is bright! Yes, likewise the sun. But what have you achieved with your bright future? The sun doesn't shine for nothing; it shines so that men can have enough light to work. The sun is bright, but nobody goes to it; likewise, the future is bright, but nobody goes to it, not even a time machine. The brightness of our future is only an advantage to our present. If you don't do any productive thing with your present, the brightness of your future will be irrelevant. Jesus is the sun of righteousness, the bright and morning star, and the future of every christian. My father used to say "the future looks bleak" during our morning devotion. But if Jesus is our future, then it means that our future cannot look bleak, rather, it will continually be bright. However, the problem is not the bleak or bright future, it is our weak responsibility towards our presence. No matter how bright our future may be, if we don't embrace the present, we'd ...


TIMELY NOTES! Doing a good thing is not the same as doing a good thing with a good understanding. Many people do good on a daily basis, but with an inferior understanding. And many of them never see the rewards for their good deeds because of the low quality of their understanding. My father in the faith defined wisdom as "knowing what to do and doing it"; but let me include that "understanding is doing what to do to get the expected result". The bible tells us that "wisdom is the principal thing; therefore we should get wisdom. But after we get wisdom, let's get understanding". That also means that "knowing what to do and doing it" isn't enough, it is "knowing what to do and doing it the right way" that guarantees a change. Many people, marriages, businesses, and careers are suffering, not because they're not doing what they should do, but because they don't have a good understanding of what they do. That's ho...


TIMELY NOTES! Can you give your life for a wicked man? Well, I may give my life for a good man, but it won't even cross my mind for a wicked man. As a matter of fact, I've often prayed to God to judge every wicked person around my life. Every christian hates the sight of wickedness; they'd fast and pray to see the end of a wicked man's menace. Also, the bible tells us that God judges the righteous, but He is angry with the wicked everyday. If God is angry with the wicked, and if we're made in His image, then it's only natural for us to be angry with the wicked. What kind of person is Jesus? The whole world was filled with sin and great wickedness against God; yet in Romans 5:8 the bible tells us that God proved His love, such that, while we were yet sinners and filled with wickedness, Christ died for us. That also means that even though God is angry with the wicked, He still loves them. The bible further explains that God does not desire that anyone should p...


TIMELY NOTES! There are some elements that go along with a dreamer. People are supposed to talk about you, they're supposed to hate you, you're supposed to get into tight places, you're supposed to be controversial, you're supposed to face one thing and another. But all of them are road maps; whenever you see these things, you should know you're on the right track. When you see all hell breaking loose in your life, it's a sign that you're on the major road. The reason why they build pedestrian bridges on a highway is because cars on the highway don't stop for people to cross. And if you don't want to use the bridge, then you may have to wait till the vehicles are far away from you. But the devil is never far away. When Moses started complaining to God about the red sea ahead, the Pharaoh behind, and the murmuring people of Israel with him. God was amazed because He had initially given him a rod of breakthrough. God had to remind him that despite ...


TIMELY NOTES! What's happening with your mouth? In James 3:10, the bible says "out of the same mouth proceedeth blessings and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so". It's obvious that God didn't design our mouth to speak evil or curses, rather, he created them for blessing. Many people have consistently said negative things with their mouth to an extent that even good words now sound evil in their mouth. I perceive that God often gets angry with our mouth. Just imagine, the same mouth you use to praise God is the same one you use to condemn a fellow man -  who was made in God's image! I believe this is why God will be judging man based on the words of our mouth. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; OUR MOUTH HAS POWER ENOUGH TO MAKE OR DESTROY US. LET'S RESTRAIN FROM SPEAKING EVIL. Have a most fruitful day! In Jesus precious name! #TimelyNotes An Inspiration of The Almighty


TIMELY NOTES! I've never seen a plant that grows from different locations. Every plant naturally grows in the location in which it is planted. Many believers are not growing because they're not planted in a church; they go from church to church on a weekly basis. In Ps 92:12-13, the bible explains that "the righteous shall flourish like a palm tree, and grow like the Cedar in Lebanon, as long as he is planted in the house of the Lord". Jesus is in every church, but He also chooses the church where our services will be useful to Him. In Deut 12:13-14, the bible warns that we should not sow our seeds in every place that we see, but the place that God will show us. It further says that He will give us His instructions in that place. For instance, my place of worship is Winners Chapel International. And for the last 14-weeks, we've been working on an instruction to rescue the unsaved souls. And to be candid, God has been blessing us in return. That's how far...


TIMELY NOTES! Someone recently asked me to pray to God to release the rewards of all my labour in His kingdom. But as much as I wanted to pray as instructed, a question kept popping up in my mind. How do I know that God has not rewarded me? I was compelled to ask a friend the same question, and she said "our rewards should be connected to our expectations; and if our expectations are not met, then it means that God has not rewarded us". I respect her depth of understanding, but I've also thought in that direction for a long time. In Rev 22:12, the bible explains how God rewards; it says He comes quickly, and His reward is with Him, to give everyone according to his work. This means that man cannot determine the reward he'd get for his labour. However, he can labour more until he receives a reward that meets his expectation. I've heard testimonies of individuals who were in great pain and affliction for years; and for sure they prayed and even engaged in kingdo...


TIMELY NOTES! Everything has changed! Even yesterday has suddenly become today. They say "change is the only constant thing", which makes it the only thing that lacks ability to change. In other words, everything else can change, but change cannot change. Situations also experience change; if your life is not experiencing changes, then you're probably not submissive to agents of change. Don't tell me there's no way out of your predicaments. Don't tell me you've tried everything, and nothing seems to be working. Don't tell me that a good husband or wife is hard to find. Don't tell me that the school will never admit your kind. Don't tell me that the economic degradation has reduced the rate of employment, and so you can't get a good job. Don't tell me that you don't have an idea, because the real truth is that you have great ideas, you just haven't harnessed them yet. Don't give me that "it can't be done" mi...


TIMELY NOTES! Everything has changed! Even yesterday has suddenly become today. They say "change is the only constant thing", which makes it the only thing that lacks ability to change. In other words, everything else can change, but change cannot change. Situations also experience change; if your life is not experiencing changes, then you're probably not submissive to agents of change. Don't tell me there's no way out of your predicaments. Don't tell me you've tried everything, and nothing seems to be working. Don't tell me that a good husband or wife is hard to find. Don't tell me that the school will never admit your kind. Don't tell me that the economic degradation has reduced the rate of employment, and so you can't get a good job. Don't tell me that you don't have an idea, because the real truth is that you have great ideas, you just haven't harnessed them yet. Don't give me that "it can't be done" mi...


TIMELY NOTES! Before God answers your prayer, He checks for your desire. The bible says "what thing soever you desire, when you pray...". That also means that if it's not a desire in your heart, then it shouldn't be a prayer point in your mouth. Desire is a compelling force; it naturally compels answers to come. The reason why many people are not getting answers to their prayers is probably because their desire for what they're praying for is not strong enough to call forth the answers. Desire sees how much you can get, while prayer gets how much you can see. If you don't get anything after your prayers, then it means you didn't see anything. The bible says we should "watch and pray"; in other words "see and get". God told Abraham that He will give only as far as Abraham could see. Desire is a clear picture of what you want, while prayer is a clear fusion that links your desires to reality. That's how far we'd go on today...


TIMELY NOTES! The bible says "let God be true, and all men liars". That also means that no man has capacity to tell the truth, except he is speaking through the word of God. This has been proven many times; a doctor would diagnose a terminal diseases on a believer, and by the time the believer comes back for a rescan, the terminal disease had been terminated by the power of God. Doctors and forecasters should learn this; they may have facts, but God's word is the only truth. And in the face of truth, facts are false. They should learn how to integrate the truth into their facts. For instance, if a cancer patient is told that "though he has cancer, but the truth is that God has a cure to all kinds of diseases", he'd have hope. If forecasters see heavy rain ahead, they can say things like "though we see a heavy downpour ahead, but we are believers, and we are not moved by what we see". Fact does not create hope, it is truth that does! A time is c...


TIMELY NOTES! Knowledge, when not applied, may become stale or unsuitable after a while. People say "No knowledge is a waste"; but I'd like to add that "knowledge without timely application may become a weight". Many people are thinking about what they know, instead of doing what they know. The reason why you'd often find intelligent but frustrated people around you is probably because what they know is not giving them their desired breakthrough. I once told a friend during a church service that - I was tired of listening to powerful exhortations from our pastor, and that I wanted to start getting powerful results. I can assure you, that's not something anybody would want to say in the middle of an inciting exhortation. But to my amazement, our pastor said the same thing few seconds later. He said "what you've learnt is enough, when are you going to start getting the results?". That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note...


TIMELY NOTES!  Are you ready? It has been said that "success is sure when preparation meets with opportunity". That sounds encouraging; but people have stopped looking for encouragements, rather, they're deeply in search of truth. I've come to realize that preparation no longer meets with opportunity. If you think it does, why isn't everybody getting opportunity? Opportunity has become a big shot, it doesn't have time for people who are still undergoing preparation.  However, there is something that gives a quicker access to opportunity. It's called readiness! As a matter of thoughts, ready people don't meet opportunities, they create them. Ready people don't hope for things to come, they create an avenue for things to come. Opportunity is majestic, it will take readiness to secure its attention. Having the necessary qualifications for a job doesn't mean you're ready for the job. And this has been the undoing of many individuals.  That'...


TIMELY NOTES! Have you not heard, that those who run in a race run till they reach the finish line? Don't be deceived; in the race of life, everybody is a competitor. There are no fans or supporters; everybody runs for his own place. Even your coach is also on a race; if you don't perform up to expectation, he'd look for another person to coach. People who benefit from you, and people who you directly benefit from are also in the race. They'd continue praising you as long as you continue releasing benefits to them. But when they stop seeing the benefits, many of them will change track. Life is not fair; so don't run a fair race! Be a smart runner; make sure you make a mark when the baton is passed to you. If you slow down for your friend, you may lose the trend. If your friend is losing his place, make sure you don't. Two losses can't make a win; it will take a winner to mentor a loser. Your friend may not like you if you leave him behind, but he won...


TIMELY NOTES! Don't give me that impression! Plants and animals didn't just grow into existence; the moon and the sun didn't just appear from nowhere; they are all creations of a Creator. Fast horses didn't create fast cars; rather, fast cars were created by people who fastened their mind to see the laxities of our transportation system. We need to develop a mindset that is open to everything. As believers, we're not permitted to have an impossibility-mindset. Every believer works with God; and all things are possible with God. Many people pray ceaselessly to God for opportunities, yet they keep stabbing these opportunities with their impossibility mentality. Even the best man for a job has his best man for the job. Don't define your present capacity by your previous experiences or the experience of others; you can always develop your capacity to compliment your previous experiences. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these...


TIMELY NOTES! Appreciate people; it would put a smile on their face. Every man wants to know how he looks or how well he is doing, even though we may not often express it in words. From experience, a person with a sad countenance would always cheer up when he's told how good he looks. One of the most effective ways to tell people that Jesus loves them is to tell them how beautiful they look. I've done it over and again, and the result is always the same. I've not seen a person that hates to be appreciated. God understood this principle when He said "if we need favour from a wicked person, we should go to him with a gift". Appreciation is a most treasured gift to any man, no matter his calibre. If you want to know the degree at which God can bless a man, develop an habit of appreciating God. Appreciation isn't just about acknowledging people for what they've done for you, it's also about acknowledging the hand of God in the lives of others. That...


TIMELY NOTES! Where have you been? That must be the question that Pharaoh asked Joseph when his dream was interpreted. Let your life become a relief to others; let people see hope when they see you. No matter what may have transpired between us, I won't let you see me as an obstacle. I won't let you hide yourself when you see me coming; neither will I let you change direction just because I'm heading your way. Oftentimes, those who hurt us the most appear to be those who helped us the most. Potiphar could have easily defended Joseph - knowing that Joseph would never sin against God; but he chose to put him in prison for an offense he did not commit. While Joseph was in the prison, he had an encounter with two palace servants - of which one of them recommended him to Pharaoh three years later. Since Potiphar was in charge of the prisoners, he could have easily denied the fact that Joseph could interpret dreams. But because Joseph remained faithful - even in the prison, P...


TIMELY NOTES! Words are abstract, yet they have physical effects. Words can start a fire in your heart, just as they can also put it out. They can make you feel like a prisoner, while they can also make you feel liberated. They can make you feel like a slave, just as they can make you feel like a king. Most of the challenges that people go through are usually the products of what they've said to themselves, or what someone else had said to them. The bible says "as a man thinks in his heart, so he is". That could also mean that "a man is compelled to live or act according to the words that he constantly think about". Don't be deceived, there is a word for everything you think about. The bible didn't say we'd be judged by the things we like or the things we lust for; rather, it says we'd be judged by our words. Remember also that the world in which we live today was created by words. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. ...


TIMELY NOTES! Do you have doubts? When you begin to doubt the occurrence of what you've believed, then you really need to pray. Doubts are like weeds, they grow wherever they see an empty land. Faith is like a land, and prayer is the material that builds on faith. If you want to make the most of your faith, then you must buy more prayer time. A building project will naturally stop if the supply of the required materials stop. Doubts may be unwanted, but you can't stop them from growing - just as you can't stop weeds from growing on an empty land. Prayer clears doubts from what you believe, just as a cultivator uproots weed from a land. That also means that prayer can both clear your doubts, and build your faith. In my opinion, anybody who has developed doubts for what he believed - has not been praying. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; SATAN IS SO DECEPTIVE THAT HE CAN CAUSE YOU TO DISBELIEVE WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN. IF...


TIMELY NOTES! What do you have? If all you have are things you can physically see, then you really don't have anything. According to scriptures, physical things are subject to change; and they can change at any moment. Job was the wealthiest and most protected man in his time; but in a moment, he became the poorest and most feeble person in his time. Strange, right? Spiritual things lasts forever. The bible tells us that "whatever the Lord does shall be forever". Spiritual things have capacity to transcend different times and seasons. If Job had refused to pray for his friends, he would have died in that affliction. But his spiritual action towards his friends changed his physical condition. You must have heard that "if God is all you have, then He is all you need to have all your needs met". That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; SPIRITUAL INVESTMENTS ARE THE PRESERVATIVES OF PHYSICAL THINGS. IF YOU WANT YOUR...


TIMELY NOTES! Keep going! Your oppositions cannot cross the Red Sea with you. If Moses and the people of Israel didn't cross the sea, Pharaoh would have killed all of them. Oftentimes, the oppositions that are coming behind us are stronger than the ones ahead of us. In the journey of life, we're not permitted to stop. But if you must stop, your reason for stopping must be to re-strategize on how to go forward. The oppositions ahead may appear impossible, but if you will not surrender, you'd cross over! Elisha was in-between fire and the Jordan river; and he had no choice but to cross the river - because the fire was fast approaching him. The bible recorded that he took the mantle which fell from Elijah and smote the Jordan river. The moment he did that, the river created a passage for him. Oppositions are opposite-positions to the intended position. And If you'd add a little more effort, the oppositions ahead will let you take your proper position. My father has oft...


TIMELY NOTES! The life of a christian is like that of a man who decides to visit a zoo. As long as he doesn't brake into the domain of the wild animals, he is safe. The bible says that "those who are born again do not continue in sin, but they keep themselves, and the evil one cannot touch them". As long as the man is within the zoo, he must abide by the Zoo Access Rules. Also, as long as we're born again, we must abide by the rules that govern our Christianity. You can't consciously enter the lion's den and expect not to be devoured. Also, you can't consciously continue to sin against God and not expect the devil to torment you. God is merciful to forgive, but the only way we can prove His mercy is to first detest sin. God is faithful and just to forgive; but the fact that He is just to forgive doesn't mean He'd just forgive you. Many believers are suffering demonic torments because they live in the assumption that God has forgiven them; meanw...


TIMELY NOTES! Man is too intelligent to be taught by another man. You must have heard that "if all you know are things you were taught, then you know nothing". Every individual was created with equal capacity to accommodate knowledge; but the reason why our intellectual power has variance is because many people engage in personal development. We may have classmates, but I've never seen a group of people who are knowledge-mates. That also means that we may be in the same class but drawing from different knowledge base. Daniel was in the same class with many other magicians and astrologers; but the bible records that he had a knowledge base that was connected to God - which made him ten times better than his peers. You can't continue learning from the same limited-source and expect to be free in a world with unlimited challenges. The presence of a challenge declares the absence of knowledge; and the reason why many professors are still struggling with life is simply...


TIMELY NOTES! How are you today? Wouldn't you be surprised if Jesus asked you that question? What would even be your response? Would you say "fine", just as you often respond to people? Or, would you give a more detailed response? Maybe you'd be silent for a moment, then burst into laughter until you forget your pains and worries. Or perhaps, your needs will suddenly be met at the instance of his voice, and your heart will be filled with joy unspeakable. The bible says the voice of the Lord is powerful, and full of majesty. You can't be hearing a powerful and majestic voice on a daily basis and not have a good day. Many believers are struggling to make ends meet, not because they don't demonstrate their faith, but because they lack the voice of the Lord. When God speaks to you, everything begins to speak for you. If the president declares me as his brother, everybody that hears it must respond to the declaration - their proofs notwithstanding. The problem ...


TIMELY NOTES! Be open-minded with God! Even if what He says is not in existence, He has capacity to create it. As a matter of scriptures, things are created at the instance of His word. Remember how creation took place; he spoke things into existence. When God speaks, everything hears and acts accordingly. When He said "let there be light", light was instantly created. When he commanded the waters and the earth to be separated, the separation occurred without delay. God is more interested in our faith than our prayers. The bible explains that God is willing to avenge the believers that pray to him day and night, but the only thing that will limit him is the absence of faith. Let your faith in God be limitless. The bible says He is able to do all that we ask or think. Which also means that He can do all that we ask, and even those things which seems too big for our mouth to ask. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take this last words; IF GOD C...


TIMELY NOTES! Learning is the only medicine for knowledge. Illiteracy is an ailment that hurts more than any disease in life. The reason why the bible considers hard labour as foolishness is probably because those who engage in them don't know how to convert their hard labour into large profit. The bible says "the labour of the foolish wearies everyone because he doesn't know how to get to the city". There is always a more knowledgeable way to do everything. The reason why certain things are too hard for you is because you're too soft on knowledge. If you want to experience an easy life, don't go easy on knowledge. And if you want to increase your rating in life, increase the rate at which you learn. Knowledge moves in the speed of light; there's really no one that it cannot catch up with. That also means I can do more than my mentors have done, if only I'd be consistent in learning. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But ...


TIMELY NOTES! The more you hear of what you really are, the farther you go from the things you ignorantly do. A certain man had a terminal disease, and was told he was going to die in a few months. The more he heard the doctor's voice in his head, the weaker he became. After some weeks, he met with a christian who led him to Christ and invited him to church. He enjoyed the message that was preached, and consistently attended all their services. He discovered that the words from the church strengthened him, while the words from the doctor made him weaker. He decided to stop listening to the doctor, and concentrated on the messages from the church. Mysteriously, he had attended the church services for over a year before he remembered that he was supposed to die some months back. And that how the things he was hearing influenced his health. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take this last words; CHOOSE WHAT YOU HEAR! REMEMBER THAT YOU'D NATURALLY...


TIMELY NOTES! You're just one idea away from excellence! If people are not thinking about you, then it means you don't have ideas. Ideas naturally attract people with resources. You can't have a true idea and not have resources to match. As a matter of thoughts, God will often give you ideas that centres on the resources you have. When an idea drops into your mind, just look around you, you'd find the resources to match. During the times of consistent blackout, a certain poor man looked for a job and couldn't find one. It suddenly occurred to him that he could supply candles to the retailers who also travel long distance to buy them. He didn't have money to implement this idea; however, he negotiated with all the retailers around the community to pay the cost of buying the quantity of candles they need, but to pay a subsidized amount for transportation. Now, because he was buying in large quantity, he paid an wholesale price for the candles, and also enjoyed...


TIMELY NOTES! My pastor once said "if you don't want to see shame, then do the same". It's also a popular saying that "every true star rises on the shoulder of another". Jerry Savelle began his ministry preaching like Kenneth Copeland, his mentor; but today, he preaches like himself. The reason why Elisha asked for a double portion of the grace upon Elijah was because he had enjoyed the grace on Elijah all along, and he knew that the only way he could accomplish more than Elijah did was to acquire a double portion of his grace. Emulating the people you like is not a bad thing. As a matter of thoughts, it's a requirement for discovery of purpose. I discovered my purpose in 2013; but before then, I had written and spoken like my pastor. Saying the things he said has given me enough confidence to say the things I'm inspired to say. There are many people whose potentials are crying out for examples to follow. If you're not sure of what people wil...

Season of Hope 3.0



TIMELY NOTES! What is the meaning of your life? Virtually everybody knows the meaning of their names; but only a few know the meaning of their lives. What's the use of your name if your life has no meaning? People don't celebrate names, rather, they celebrate life - even at death. And even if your name is "Silver, Gold or Diamond", if your life does not add value to others, nobody will remember you when you're gone. The reason why many presidents and leaders will never be remembered is because they were promoting their names instead of promoting values in the lives of their followers. According to scriptures, every man is a solution to something. But a solution can only be validated when it has solved its intended problem. Play time is over! It is time to discover who you are - so you can consciously add meaning to the lives of others. A global take-over is fast approaching; and only those who understand their purpose will be a part of it! That's how far...


TIMELY NOTES! When a principle is set by a superior person, all his subordinates will be subject to it. For instance, you shouldn't expect to be alive if you decide to jump off a ten storey building. And that's because the principle that governs gravity was created by a superior person. You may amend your own principles easily; but to change the principles of your superior, you'd need to become like your superior. Naturally, any weight must sink when it contacts water. But Jesus was able to amend it when He walked on water - and that's because he created the principle. With faith, Peter also walked on water; but when he lost faith, he became subject to the principles of sinking. Naturally, everybody in the world are subject to sickness and diseases; but sickness and diseases are subject to the principles of God's word. So whenever you see sickness around you, get back to the word. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take this last wo...


TIMELY NOTES! Practice makes perfect! Perfection will never be attained in a profession that is not consciously practiced. Faith is a profession that also requires practice. And just as we have legal and medical practitioners, we also have faith practitioners. A medical practitioner may begin his career by curing malaria or fever, but if he's consistent in the practice of Medicine, it won't be long before he begins to cure cancer and many other terminal diseases. If your faith cannot get you what you need, then you've not practiced enough. As a matter of scriptures, the bible says "if your strength fails you in the day of battle, then your strength is small. Faith is the strength of every believer; if you don't have faith, then you don't have strength. Faith practitioners don't only study the word, they also practice it. Studying the word without practicing it will never make you a faith practitioner; you'd only be deceiving yourself. That's h...


TIMELY NOTES! Every believer is ordained to be at the top. And according to scriptures, they're expected to pull those who are not on top to the top. But you'd need a ground weight to make a great pull. Knowledge is the ground weight of every believer; the more knowledge you have, the more people you pull. Knowledge has capacity to both give you weight to pull, and a push - in case you're falling. There are many people who never have downtimes, because they sustain their uptimes with knowledge. Knowledge is never restricted; its access is unlimited. The reason why many people are so limited in life is probably because they're limited in knowledge. Knowledge is a major life-support factor; without it, the issues of life will drown you. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take this last words; THE PRESENCE OF KNOWLEDGE WILL MAKE AN ENVIABLE DIFFERENCE IN YOUR LIFE. MAKE IT AN HABIT TO LEARN SOMETHING NEW EVERY DAY. Have a most fruitful wee...


TIMELY NOTES! It's possible to be doing the right thing and still be ignorant of it. And as long as you're ignorant to the right things you do, you may never receive the rewards. You can't expect results from nothing; results are only expected from things we are aware of. Many people have not changed position because they're expecting promotion from nothing. Holding nothing can't get you promoted; you need to hold something of value to be promoted. Actually, people who hold something of value naturally feel promoted. It's not enough to know the right thing to do, you must do it with a result-consciousness. The bible says people are destroyed because they lack knowledge; but I've observed that many people have knowledge, but they don't know what to expect when the knowledge they have is applied. And I perceive that the major cause of their destruction is their ignorance of what to expect from the application of the knowledge they have. That's ho...