Doing a good thing is not the same as doing a good thing with a good understanding. Many people do good on a daily basis, but with an inferior understanding. And many of them never see the rewards for their good deeds because of the low quality of their understanding. My father in the faith defined wisdom as "knowing what to do and doing it"; but let me include that "understanding is doing what to do to get the expected result".

The bible tells us that "wisdom is the principal thing; therefore we should get wisdom. But after we get wisdom, let's get understanding". That also means that "knowing what to do and doing it" isn't enough, it is "knowing what to do and doing it the right way" that guarantees a change. Many people, marriages, businesses, and careers are suffering, not because they're not doing what they should do, but because they don't have a good understanding of what they do.

That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; KNOWLEDGE IS THE POWER, WISDOM IS THE CONTROLLER, UNDERSTANDING IS THE MAJOR. Have a most fruitful week! In Jesus precious name!

An Inspiration of The Almighty


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