
Showing posts from February, 2015


THE MONEY NEXT DOOR! God does not pour down money from heaven, no; He pours down blessings like ideas, visions, inspirations, wisdom and revelation. It is proper engagement of these blessings that converts them to money. Even when God instructs someone to give you money, it's usually with some candid reasons. I mean, since I started writing, nobody has ever given me money because they just feel like it, no; they give me money because they love the way I tirelessly convert inspiration to blessings. Anybody can trust you with their money when you have a plausible idea. As a matter of thoughts, I'd prefer to give money to a poor man who has an idea than to a rich man who is just a dummy. God will always send those who will financially support a disciplined man that has a great idea. Money is the next door neighbor to idea, and money would always visit idea - no matter the economic crisis. So stop praying for money and start praying for ideas. I pray that money will start vis...


TIMELY NOTES! You may have many chances to change your life, but you have no chance to replace it. Be aware that life is too expensive to live to chance. Life is one opportunity that we cannot afford to waste. You must have heard that "opportunity comes but once"; that's true, if it's referring to life itself. Life has no duplicate; if you're hoping it does then you have a real case. The bible makes it clear that before God gives you life He first gives you a place to stand. And if you're not standing in your place then you're planning to destroy the plan of God. Our life is constantly on trial; if we don't have enough evidence to keep it then we stand a chance to loose it. The bible says "God judges the righteous, but He is angry with the wicked everyday". It is true that Jesus came to give us abundant life, but He has also informed us that a life that doesn't bring forth fruit - He takes it away. And if He takes it away, it can only...


TIMELY NOTES! Those who arrive at the future are those who know how to get there. Understanding is the road map of life. People who get confused in life are those who are yet to understand the phase of life they're battling with. This is as easy as saying your nursery school rhymes won't make you a medical doctor. A married man cannot continue living as a bachelor, otherwise he'd have challenges keeping his home. A salary earner should not behave like a student who receives pocket-money, and has no savings. This is why no matter how much salary you earn, if you don't have what you've saved then you're not safe. A good savings will always result to a good financial future. A good understanding of marriage and family will always result to a good home. A good understanding of anything will naturally produce good results. The bible says wisdom is the principal thing, but while you get wisdom also get understanding. Wisdom is the correct application of knowledge,...


TIMELY NOTES! Those who arrive at the future are those who know how to get there. Understanding is the road map of life. People who get confused in life are those who are yet to understand the phase of life they're battling with. This is as easy as saying your nursery school rhymes won't make you a medical doctor. A married man cannot continue living as a bachelor, otherwise he'd have challenges keeping his home. A salary earner should not behave like a student who receives pocket-money, and has no savings. This is why no matter how much salary you earn, if you don't have what you've saved then you're not safe. A good savings will always result to a good financial future. A good understanding of marriage and family will always result to a good home. A good understanding of anything will naturally produce good results. The bible says wisdom is the principal thing, but while you get wisdom also get understanding. Wisdom is the correct application of knowledge,...


TIMELY NOTES! God blesses those who are ready to meet the needs of others. In the sight of God, believers are not supposed to think of their personal needs - because everything they'd need is already in their Father's house; and all they have to do is take them. It's a natural thing for a parent to provide food for a son that went to work for them. No wonder the bible says "if a man being evil - can give good gifts to his children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Ghost to them that ask Him?". Jesus taught His disciples not to think of what they'd eat, drink or wear, because their heavenly Father knows they have need for those things. But they should seek the work of God's kingdom first, and all those things shall be added to them. God's design is not for us to have needs but to enjoy additions. While many people are following after needs, needs are ordained to supernaturally follow believers. The bible says "and these sig...


TIMELY NOTES! Be careful about what you process in your mind. It doesn't take long to start feeling what you think. There are many people who left their jobs to face their life purpose - because their thoughts gave them a feeling that they're ready. But at the end, they become unsuccessful in their pursuit. I'm not saying you shouldn't make progress in life, no! I'm saying that there are certain steps you can't afford to take now, otherwise you may ruin your destiny. God is not a confusionist; when it's time to take a step you won't be confused about it. Don't allow your thoughts to rule over you; take control of what flows through your mind by relating them to God's word. The bible says we should not be conformed to this world, but we should be transformed by renewing our mind by the word. Many people wants to experience transformation; but a lasting transformation cannot be gotten by worldly thoughts, but by wordly thoughts. I've heard ...


TIMELY NOTES! God is too faithful to fail. The fact that God didn't support your plans doesn't mean that He failed you. Sometimes our plans are completely out of God's agenda; and oftentimes we run faster than God. The bible says we should be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. It didn't say we should depend on our strength or our might. Don't make a jump when God has not taken a step. Some criminals came to steal from David, and even though he saw them escaping with his properties - he didn't make any move to retrieve them until God instructed him to pursue them and recover all that they have stolen. Don't ever loose your hope. If God is for you then He'd surely go before you. If God has told you what He would do, work with Him until you experience the manifestation of His intention. Heaven and earth may pass away, but God's promise to you will not fail. Don't ever mistake your Saviour to be a failure. Before He formed you in t...


WHAT IF I TRY? Before you say you can't, imagine what will happen if you try. Those who have made a mark in life started their journey by trying many steps. Thomas Alva Edison tried over nine thousand times before he finally made a light bulb. If you want to leave a trademark in life then you must learn how to trade; but you can't be a successful trader until you're willing to try. Trying something keeps you from dying with nothing. No one is an island of knowledge. It's in the multitude of trying that man's intellectual capacity is built. Trying may not necessarily give you your expected result, but it's sure to give you an experience to return with. And good result naturally responds to good experience. I think i should stop here. May God give us understanding! God bless you, I love you, and have a most fruitful week! Emeka Anslem Bringing knowledge to the people...


TIMELY NOTES! If you don't know what you deserve, you'd get reserves. God is Omnipotent; He knew that some day the government would not be able to provide jobs for citizens, and yet He said "be fruitful and multiply, and have dominion over the earth". It's a pity that many believers ignorantly work against the will of God; they've submitted to having reserves instead of having dominion. God does not give reserves, He gives a more abundant life. The bible makes it clear that the things that God has prepared for those that love Him has never been seen or heard, it has not even crossed the heart of man. That is to further tell you that God does not reserve things for us, rather, He prepares them. If God prepares things for us, then we also need to prepare to receive. The world will not give you what you deserve until you demand it. And you can't make a right demand until you have a full knowledge of what is prepared. Some people are making demands, but fo...


TIMELY NOTES! God gives us grace so that we can achieve greater things in this world. But I've discovered that many believers think of grace as a substitute for hard work. Paul said I'm what I am by the grace of God; nevertheless, I worked harder to achieve greater results. The things that will rescue humanity from servitude are not prayer points, they're work-points. As much as God is looking for people that will stand on the prayer altar, He's also looking for those who would work all-night. Wicked people pray, but the impact of their wickedness is felt by their evil works. Believers even pray more, but do little or nothing about the work. The bible says we'd build the destroyed places; but I've not seen where a house is built with prayer points. Even Jesus had to engage His hands when it was time to rebuild the temple. God releases grace when we pray; but the release of grace is not the accomplishment of work. Grace is essentially for work! The only way w...


TIMELY NOTES! In Proverbs 11:28, the bible says "he that trust in his riches shall fall; but the righteous shall flourish as a branch". It didn't say the righteous shall flourish as the vine or the root. Jesus said, "I am the Vine, and you are the branches. Any branch that doesn't bare fruit will be cut down, and the ones that bring forth fruit will be purged so that they can bring forth more fruit. We are the branches of Jesus, and we're expected to bring forth fruits that tastes like Jesus. The bible says "taste and see that the Lord is good". If people cannot taste the goodness of God through you, then you're probably not connected to the Vine. Proximity is not connectivity. You're either connected or disconnected. Many believers are unknowingly disconnected; I mean believers who even preach daily - in His name. It is by your fruit that the world will know which vine you're connected to - not by your preaching. You can't bring...


FROM  YOUR BEST TO THE TEST, THEN TO THE MARKET! Sometimes it's just impossible to explain the happenings around our lives. Some other times, our expectations are cut off with unexpected betrayals. I've learnt that every phase of life requires us to first do our best and later on - expect a test. If you're too scared to undergo life's test, then you're not set for advancement in life. People who expect to be blessed should also expect a test. After all, no product can be released to the market without a proper test. Life's test is not necessary to suffer us, but also to prepare and recommend us to life's market. If you're not "testable" then you can't be marketable. Until God tests you He cannot market you. Don't despise your test if you don't want to be deprived from entering the market. Don't be too quick to pray against situations; instead, take a little time to understand the root of every situation - knowing that there ...


TIMELY NOTES! What thanksgiving is to God is what complaining is to the devil. Thanksgiving grants you access to the environment of God; while complaining leaves you at the mercy of the destroyer. The bible talks about a set of people who complained and were destroyed by the destroyer; it also talks about a certain leper who came back to thank Jesus for "partly healing" him - and was completely made whole. Be careful what you think in your mind and say with your mouth; if you don't appreciate God for the happenings around your life then Satan would cause everything you have to depreciate. God is delighted to do more when you thank Him, but your complain only informs satan that you don't like what God has done for you. God does not give small things. Everything God gives to you is good and perfect. The psalmist says "this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes". Even if God gives you things that looks small, it is your duty to make it ma...


TIMELY NOTES! You can't give what you don't have. Everything that is released from within you or out of you are things that you have. For instance; you can't give out money if you don't have it; you can't love anyone if you don't have love in you; you can't hate or get angry if you don't have hatred and anger in you. You can't be afraid if you don't have fear in you. You can't be heartbroken if you don't inhale things that breaks your heart. You can't appreciate people if you've not developed a sense of appreciation. You can't praise God if you don't appreciate His greatness. So, everything you give out is actually what you have inside you. The bible says we should give and it shall be given unto us in greater measure. That means, you'd naturally get more of whatever you give. If you give money, you'd get more money; if you give anger, you'd get more angry; if you give in to guilt, you'd feel more guilt...


TIMELY NOTES! There is no greater joy than the joy of the Lord. Not even the joy of having children or a wife, or an husband. The joy of living a purposeful life can't even be compared to that joy. Jesus lived according to His purpose while He was on earth, but a time came when He had to look up to the joy that was set before Him. The bible says we should look up to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him - endured the cross - despising the shame. How would you feel when the people you have so much love for decide to crucify you? If your source of joy is from them, then you'd definitely loose your joy. Don't make any man the source of your joy; rather, let the joy of salvation dwell richly in you. Any joy that is not traceable to God is a selfish one, and is bound to be lost. When God gives you joy, it naturally transcends to your family, business and life. Let the joy of the Lord be your strength. Many people have not commun...


TIMELY NOTES! Life is not fair! And Satan has vowed to make it remain like that. God had earlier informed believers that "From the days of John the Baptist until the present, the kingdom from heaven has been forcefully advancing, and violent people have been attacking it". Somehow, the unfairness of life is part of God's plan for the forceful advancement of the saint. If people are not forced by circumstances, they won't make productive moves. If life were fair, people would be static; and if people are static, there'd be no innovations. Most of the inventions that are in existence today are products of someone's response to the unfairness of life. Waiting for life to be fair is the same as wasting your time in life. It's a famous saying that "there is nothing in this life"; but if that is true, God won't need to put us here. Pleading for fairness is submission to the devil's attack. We need to understand that the devil hates the king...


TIMELY NOTES! You have what it takes to be better. People say money makes the world go round, but love makes the world a better place. A president of a nation doesn't necessarily need money as much as he needs love to lead his people. Moses didn't need so much money to lead Israel out of Egypt; his leadership was love motivated. No man has capacity enough to manage another man, let alone, an entire nation. My idea of who should be president is a person who has unconditional l ove for his people and passionate about their well-being. It's unfortunate that the people we elect into power are people who we perceive should have an idea on how to lead a nation. But an idea that is not motivated by love is bound to fail. The reason why many governments and nations are failing is not because they don't have ideas, neither is it because they don't have money to finance their ideas; no, it's because both the people and the government are not selfless. Moses had prob...