Be careful about what you process in your mind. It doesn't take long to start feeling what you think. There are many people who left their jobs to face their life purpose - because their thoughts gave them a feeling that they're ready. But at the end, they become unsuccessful in their pursuit. I'm not saying you shouldn't make progress in life, no! I'm saying that there are certain steps you can't afford to take now, otherwise you may ruin your destiny. God is not a confusionist; when it's time to take a step you won't be confused about it.
Don't allow your thoughts to rule over you; take control of what flows through your mind by relating them to God's word. The bible says we should not be conformed to this world, but we should be transformed by renewing our mind by the word. Many people wants to experience transformation; but a lasting transformation cannot be gotten by worldly thoughts, but by wordly thoughts. I've heard many people say "they feel uncomfortable where they are now, and they think God is telling them to move". Most times, it is not God that speaks to them, rather, it's their thoughts.
That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; IT IS EASIER TO FILTER A THOUGHT THAT HAS NOT MATURED INTO A FEELING. SO BEFORE YOU ALLOW YOUR MIND TO PROCESS ANY THOUGHT, DO A THOROUGH SCAN. Have a most fruitful day! In Jesus precious name!
An Inspiration of The Almighty
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