You really don't have a second chance to make the first impression. There are many people who do not read any message from me, not because these messages are not impactful, but because they don't believe anything good can come out of me
When Phillip went to inform Nathaniel that the Messiah has come, the first question that Nathaniel asked was "can anything good come out of Nazareth?". But thank God for the law of life, there'd always be a time when those that hate you will give you an opportunity to prove yourself.

But when that time comes, what would you be doing? As soon as Jesus saw Nathaniel, He told him something that made him believe that something good can actually come out of Nazareth.

Be committed to your work, and always give your best in everything you do. The reason why I don't rebroadcast some messages is not because they're not impactful, but because they're not my best. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be prideful, I'm just trying to unveil the secret of how you can make the most of opportunity when it comes.

I think i should stop here. May God give us understanding!

Emeka Anslem
Bringing knowledge to the people


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