
Showing posts from August, 2015


TIMELY NOTES! In 1 John 4:4, the bible explains our earthly status; it says, we are of God and have overcome all the wickedness of the devil, because greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world. That means, a single believer has so much potentials within him - that even the whole world cannot comprehend. That also means that the whole world is too small to contain the treasures that are hidden within every believer. Excuses have kept many believers in chains. They'd tell you that the reason why they can't make progress is because the devil is against them. The devil will not stop fighting against you; and that's why Jesus gave us power to tread upon all the wickedness of this world, such that nothing shall by any means hurt us. The devil is free to come against you, but he is not free to hurt you. Anytime you use the devil as an excuse for not progressing, you inform God that you're not capable of handling your earthly status. And such an excuse will on...


TIMELY NOTES! In the journey of life, many things may catch your eyes, but look out for the ones that catch your heart. If the path you're travelling does not capture your heart, then you're travelling a wrong path. I believe God put us here so that we can do something into which we can pour our heart. The bible says we should guard our heart with all diligence, because out of it are the issues of life. That could also mean that "you can't make the most out of life when your heart is not flowing with your engagements". We are shaped and motivated by what we love. Doing the things we love naturally release passion within us; and the starting point of all accomplishment is passion. If you ignore what you're passionate about, then you've ignored one of the greatest potentials inside you. Life would be full of issues when passion is displaced. Passion has a way of burning off issues. Without passion, issues determine your fate; but with passion, you'd ...


TIMELY NOTES! When you find what is written about you, the whole world shifts attention to you. Jesus was known as a carpenter's son; and because of that, He got little or no attention from people. But the day He found where His purpose was written, He became a major focal point in the whole community. Even to a point that they were no longer sure that He was the carpenter's son. When Jesus was born, God sent an angel to announce his entrance into the world. But the day He matured to being a son, God did the announcement by Himself. He said "this is my beloved son, in whom I'm well pleased". Naturally, parents rejoice when a child is born; but when the child starts manifesting his purpose in life, he becomes a pride to the parent. I accompanied my dad to his office sometimes back; and when we got there, he quickly introduced me to his colleagues saying "have you met my son? He's an IT Expert, and works with NIIT". Nobody asked him who I was, but ...


TIMELY NOTES! The mentality of many believers has greatly deprived them from enjoying divine intervention. God does not need to go through any man to bless you, He can come to you by Himself, and even if He cannot come, He can send the angels. Remember that God visited Abraham by Himself. When Daniel prayed for God's intervention, God heard and immediately sent an angel to explain things to him. God fed the children of Israel for 40 years with food directly from heaven. It was not man that opened the prison gate for Paul and Silas, no, it was God who caused the earthquake that broke the prison gate. If there is any prayer I've consciously prayed, it's that God should not allow the name of any man to be attached to His blessings upon my life. This is not because I don't appreciate the help I get from people, but because a man can change at any time, and he may eventually want to steal the glory that belongs to God. That's how far we'd go on today's Time...


TIMELY NOTES! You need a backup! Someone or something that can contain your present capacity; someone or something you can run back to when everything is lost. Information on a computer without a backup will soon become a deformation. Having a backup is so important because; many people have terminated their lives because they were terminated from their beautiful job. Many others are now mentally paralyzed, not because they were sick, but because they lost something of great value - and they have no means to get it restored. As Christians, we have an everlasting and ever reliable backup drive. In Ps 35:7, the bible says we should commit our ways unto God, and also trust in Him, and He shall bring it to pass. That means it's our duty to backup our lives in God, and it's His duty to restore our lives when we need it. You'd care less about the information on your computer when you have a backup. Also, you'd worry less about your life when you commit your ways unto God ...


CAN YOU SEE LIFE? Anything I cannot translate into writing easily bores me. Humorously speaking, even when I get into trouble, I still think of how to convert the troubles into writing - as if writing it will solve it. Mysteriously, I've discovered that every time I invested in writing an inspiration from my challenges, I also write the solution in the process. Any other means of solving a problem may not work for me until I think of writing it. And I believe it's because I've been programmed to see life as a message that has to be written. My friends were having an argument over a matter - which I always also expected to join the argument. But instead, I was actively observing their conversation. They stopped after a while and wondered why I wasn't participating, and one of them said "leave him alone, I'm sure he's thinking of what to write". To be honest, everything they were arguing about already had a solution in the write-up I framed in my m...


TIMELY NOTES! The blood of Jesus has capacity to enforce any change we desire in life. In Zech 9:11, God explained how he delivered the prisoners of hope. He said "by the blood of the covenant, He has sent forth the prisoners out of the pit where there is no water". He further explained in Verse 12 that "they should turn to their strong hold - which is the blood of the covenant, because it is able to restore a double portion of everything they've lost". God does not restrict His acts when the blood of Jesus is involved. He will not allow any opposition to stand in the way of the blood of Jesus. Anytime you engage the blood, whether through prayers, through the communion, or through sprinkling, God responds immediately. Challenges do not hang around for long when the blood of Jesus is involved. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; SOME THINGS WILL NOT CHANGE UNTIL YOU ENFORCE IT. THE FIGHT OF FAITH IS A GOOD ...


CONDITIONED TO LOSE! There was a story about an eagle whose egg hatched in the midst of chickens. Though it grew up to understand that eagles are very special birds, but because it possessed a chicken mentality - it never flew beyond the capacity of a chicken. The eagle was born to win, but it was conditioned to lose. As Christians, we've been born into a winning family; but Satan has conditioned us to lose. And as long as our thoughts are framed around satan's living conditions, we'd never soar as an eagle. An eagle does not look up to the sky, rather, it looks down to the ground to see what is happening. Whatever is happening on the ground does not affect an eagle, because it soars far above the ground. Anything is free to happen on the ground, but the things that happen on the ground are not free to affect an eagle unless it permits it. The bible says we're seated far above principalities and powers. That also means that Satan is on the ground, while we are i...


TIMELY NOTES! Angels are the militia of heaven. They are specially trained to protect the interest of anything that relates with the kingdom of God. The fiery furnace couldn't hurt those three Hebrew boys because an angel was there to cool the fire. Daniel told king Nebuchadnezzar that "God had sent an angel to shot the mouth of the lion". When three cities were coming to destroy Jehosaphat and his people, God sent an angel to destroy those three cities. Angels are the hosts of heaven, and God is the Lord of hosts. It is naturally impossible for the son of the "Chief of Army Staffs" to move around without at least one security guard. Also, it is supernaturally impossible for a son of God to move around this world without an angel. The bible says "He shall give His angels command over us to protect us in all our ways". That also means that "which ever way we go, angels are there to protect us". That's how far we'd go on today...


TIMELY NOTES! To every promised position there is a strong opposition. The word "opposition" is a compound word that is joined with "opposite" and "position". Satan introduces oppositions to you so that you may miss God's intended position. The bible tells us that a great and effectual door is opened unto us, but there are many oppositions. That also means that if Satan is not opposing the works of your hand, then you must be in a wrong position. The presence of opposition is not to stop you, but to prove that you're in the right position. If Satan does not show up around you then it means you have nothing to show. The bible tells us that all things work together for the good of them that love God. That could also means that when you see the devil operating around you, just relax, he is working for your good. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; GOD'S PROMISED POSITION IS STRONGER THAN THE ...


TIMELY NOTES! Satan cannot impose evil on you. However, he has a sound suggestive-power that makes evil almost irresistible to man. The aroma from a bakery would always draw attention, and most likely compel people to go in and buy things that the bakery produces. The aroma may be almost irresistible, but it's not irresistible. You can decide to pass through, because you didn't have a plan to buy whatever the bakery produce, and especially because the aroma from the bakery should not determine when you'd buy bread. Don't allow the devil to determine when you should be broke, fall sick or even get emotionally downcast. Satan has the right to suggest evil to you just as a bakery has a right to release the aroma of her bread on the open air; but you also have the right to resist him. The aroma on the air may affect you until you move away from that environment; the same way, Satan may afflict you with pains until you decide to move away from the environment of pain. Th...


LET ME PRAY FOR YOU! This week will be a pain-free week for you! Whatever used to cause pain for you will not see you this week! I decree, every device that the enemy has been using to inflict pain on you will not work this week! Right now, the pain in your body is consumed by the fire of the Holy Ghost! The pain in your business and career in consumed by the power of God. This week, you'd be laughing at the things that used to cause pain for you! So shall it be! In Jesus precious name! God bless you, I love you, and have a most fruitful week! #LetMePrayForYou


TIMELY NOTES! Those who stick to God's word naturally enjoy answers to prayer. In John 15:7 Jesus admonished that "if we remain in Him, and His word remains in us, we can ask for whatever we want, and it shall be done". That also means that prayer can only be effective when it is rooted in the word. Before you raise a prayer point, look for the word-point. Problems won't just listen to what you say to them, no, they listen to what you say to them by the word of God. If God's word is silent about any situation, then consider it an impossible case. But mysteriously, there is no impossible case with God. Bishop David Oyedepo mentioned in his exhortation this morning that "whatever God cannot do cannot be in existence. And that the existence of any situation is an indication that God can fix it". So all we have to do when we're faced with challenges is to locate the word that will enhance our prayers. In my opinion, don't go to the prayer altar u...


TIMELY NOTES! Power is essentially for productive work. God won't give you power just because you want to cast out evil, rather, He'd give you power to overcome any evil that tries to stop your good works. In Luke 10:19, Jesus gave His disciples power to thread upon all the wickedness of the devil, such that nothing shall by any means hurt them. Earlier in Luke 10:1, He appointed 70 other disciples and gave them assignments. These means that He didn't give them power until He gave them an assignment. I believe this is why many Christians are still powerless. They are wasting power on the devil, instead of investing it on good works. Jesus used the phrase "thread upon" to explain to us that we can actually walk through the valley and the shadow of death without stopping our work. A speed bump doesn't determine the destination of a moving car, it only reduces the speed for a moment. Satan may be a speed bump to destiny, but he can't stop us from reaching...


TIMELY NOTES! Put aside heavy weights. Weight lifters hardly take steps forward when they have heavy weights on them. However, if they can successfully lift a weight, then they can successfully drop it. As a matter of fact, it's easier to drop the weight than to lift it. That also means that the fact that you have a weight on you doesn't mean you cannot drop it. If you want to go forward in life then be quick to drop the weight. Jesus is our weight lifter! He said we should cast all our cares on Him. Which also means we can throw the heavy weights on our lives to Him. A weight lifter only advances when he is able to lift heavier weights. Relatively, our Christianity matures as we develop trust in the capability of Jesus to lift any weight - no matter how heavy it is. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; WEIGHT LIFTERS ONLY HOLD ON TO HEAVY WEIGHTS FOR A MOMENT. IF YOU HOLD ON TO THAT WEIGHT MUCH LONGER, YOU MAY LOOSE YOUR S...


TIMELY NOTES! Never underestimate people, neither should you overestimate anyone. I've come to discover that those who make enviable impact in life are people who were hidden and forgotten in life, while those who make us fools are those who we ignorantly publish on paper for headline news. I don't have confidence in any man; rather, I develop confidence in their faith in God. This is why you'd have issues with me when you don't operate in faith. You really can't do beyond what you can't do. So instead of trying to impress people, make them know you can't, then develop yourself afterwards. I don't live by other people's expectations of me, because I've discovered that their expectations usually grow faster and even overrule mine. And that means I'd eventually disappoint everyone, including myself. If I can't reach my expectation, what makes you think I can reach yours? That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But t...


TIMELY NOTES! Christianity without Inspiration is mere religion. God is not looking for people who can recite the whole bible, He's looking for people who can interpret the mind of The Holy Spirit behind every scripture. The bible says in Job 32:8 that "there is a spirit in man, but the inspiration of the Almighty gives him understanding". Jesus explained in Mark 4:11 that a person who lacks godly Inspiration is not different from a dog. You can't be a child of God and not know the mind of the Spirit of God. That's why God said in Isaiah 1:18 that we should "come and reason together with Him". Christians who lack inspiration are those who hardly create time to reason with God. I find it difficult to hang around Christians who don't and are not willing to talk from inspiration. In my opinion, if you don't inspire me, then you're not required. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; THE WORD O...


WEEDS AT THE FOUNDATION! Just a few minutes after we received today's Timely Note, The Holy Spirit began to show me a mystery behind Ps 11:3. He said "if the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?". If you'd recall from today Timely Note; we read that "no matter how firm your foundation is, it won't be useful to anybody - except weeds and animals"; and that "many Christians are still on the ground because they've not built anything on the solid foundation that God already laid through Jesus Christ". It further mentioned that; Jesus is our firm foundation. But the strength of our foundation will not matter if we're not building on it. Many Christians are already choked up with life issues, just like weeds occupy a land over time. Weeds are unwanted and uninvited plants on a land; and one way we can eradicate them is to build what you want on the land. Now, let's answer the question. If the foundations be destroy...


TIMELY NOTES! The fact that you've laid a solid foundation for your house doesn't mean you've built a house. No matter how firm your foundation is, it won't be useful to anybody - except weeds and animals. Many Christians are still on the ground because they've not built anything on the solid foundation that God already laid through Jesus Christ. Jesus is our firm foundation. But the strength of our foundation will not matter if we're not building on it. We must consciously build on our foundation so that weeds and animals will stop eating our resources. Many Christians are already choked up with life issues, just like weeds occupy a land over time. Weeds are unwanted and uninvited plants on a land; and one way you can eradicate them is to build what you want on the land. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; THE WORD OF GOD IS THE BUILDER OF A CHRISTIAN LIFE. IF YOU ACQUAINT YOURSELF WITH GOD'S WORD, YOU...


TIMELY NOTES! God does not only save us from something, He saves us for something. Salvation is not only a move to deliver us from going to hell; it's also the platform where we can secure the posterity of many generations. Salvation is not a one-time confession, it's a long-term profession. The bible says we should work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. Every believer is supposed to be known for a good work. In Eph 2:10, the bible says we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. I feel very sad whenever I meet idle believers, because there's no room for idleness in God's salvation agenda. John 15:16 also makes it clear that God saved us so that we can be fruitful in life. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; LET THE SALVATION OF YOUR SOUL BECOME A JOYFUL THING TO THE PEOPLE AROUND YOU. DO ALL YOU CAN TO DISCOVER THE GOOD WORKS THAT G...


WHAT'S YOUR SELLING POINT? I heard a testimony of a woman who has a shop, but none of her goods seemed to sell as expected. She prayed and fasted about it until God sent another woman to her shop who supplied her with goods - different from what she had in her shop. Amazingly, the woman who supplied the goods didn't collect a dime for the supply, and even told the shop owner to keep both the cost of supply and the profit she makes from it. From that day, she started selling - even beyond her expectation. She sold all the goods that the woman supplied her, and even sold her other goods that were not selling as expected. The availability of one product announced the other products she had. Life may not go well with you until you discover your selling point. God gave her what will sell, and she started selling in every other thing Let me conclude with this; when people like one of your product, they'd naturally develop interest in the others. Writing is my selling po...


TIMELY NOTES! Don't get upset when people rebuke you for the insensitive things you do; especially when their observation is true. Come to think of it, the reason why people try to rebuke your flaws is mostly because they've seen a better side of you. An honest rebuke will most definitely enforce a change. But unfortunately, many people don't like to be corrected. If you don't have people who have audacity to rebuke you when you go wrong, then it won't be long before you loose everybody else. To be candid, I cherish people who react to my wrongs more than those who love my works. This is because, a minute wrong act can stab memories of the good years. Practically speaking, when you do wrong as a person, you'd discover that everything else will naturally loose relevance until you get over it. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; THE WORLD IS SURROUNDED WITH LIARS. SO HOLD ON TIGHT TO THOSE WHO WILL NEVER LIE ...


TIMELY NOTES! God treats our personal prayers as requests but responds to the prayers for His kingdom as a commandment. In Isaiah 45:11, the bible says "... Ask me of things to come concerning my sons, and concerning the works of my hands, command ye me". And anytime you command God to prosper His kingdom, He also commands men to bless you. Matt 6:33 paints it clear that "seeking the advancement of God's kingdom commits God to your own advancement". Those who pray for God's kingdom should always have something to show afterwards. Jer 33:3 tells us to call unto Him, and He will answer, and He will show us things that we don't know. That also means that God does not delay to answer prayers that relates to His kingdom, and that also makes His blessing automated and instant for those who pray for His kingdom. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; MOST OF THE THINGS THAT GOD HAS DONE FOR ME WERE NEVER IN M...