Put aside heavy weights. Weight lifters hardly take steps forward when they have heavy weights on them. However, if they can successfully lift a weight, then they can successfully drop it. As a matter of fact, it's easier to drop the weight than to lift it. That also means that the fact that you have a weight on you doesn't mean you cannot drop it. If you want to go forward in life then be quick to drop the weight.

Jesus is our weight lifter! He said we should cast all our cares on Him. Which also means we can throw the heavy weights on our lives to Him. A weight lifter only advances when he is able to lift heavier weights. Relatively, our Christianity matures as we develop trust in the capability of Jesus to lift any weight - no matter how heavy it is.

That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; WEIGHT LIFTERS ONLY HOLD ON TO HEAVY WEIGHTS FOR A MOMENT. IF YOU HOLD ON TO THAT WEIGHT MUCH LONGER, YOU MAY LOOSE YOUR STRENGTH COMPLETELY. Have a most fruitful day! In Jesus precious name!

An Inspiration of The Almighty


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