Movement will be faster and better when light is brighter. No matter how familiar you are with your staircase, you won't run through it in the dark. Darkness is a compelling force; once it comes, it subdues everything inside it. And even if you desire to move very fast, the darkness will naturally compel you to pick one step at a time. The proven way to overpower darkness is to engage light. Darkness only occupies where there is no light.

Life has a staircase, and everyone is expected to step-up. But scripture tells us that the whole world is filled with darkness. I believe this is why many people have not gone beyond their first step in life. When you no longer understand how things are going, and when everything seems to be working contrary to your plan, then you're probably in the dark. Nothing works for you in the dark. This is what I do whenever I don't understand what is happening, I go for knowledge!

That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; KNOWLEDGE BRINGS LIGHT TO ANY SITUATION. BEFORE THE SITUATION OVERWHELMS YOU, OVERPOWER IT WITH KNOWLEDGE. Have a most fruitful weekend! In Jesus precious name!

An Inspiration of The Almighty


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