USE WHAT YOU KNOW BEST! David did not just use the slingshot against Goliath, he probably began the fight with a sword and a shield. He must have fought to a point that the conventional sword and shield could no longer help him. And then he remembered what he knew best. He further received inspiration as he considered using what he knew best. The more he thought about it, the more convinced he became that what he knew best would defeat Goliath. It is not that it was impossible to use a sword to defeat Goliath, but defeating Goliath required his best skill, and that means he has to switch to what he knew best. And when he eventually switched, he defeated Goliath with a single shot. Do not allow yourself to lose when you know something that can help you win. You may not know everything they expect you to know, but use the one thing you really know to remain on track. I recently gained some respect from my HOD; he asked me to construct an official mail on his behalf, and when he r...