After you have studied the word of God and prayed about those needs, what happens next? What do you really have to prove that you have even prayed, or that your prayers have been answered? I know, faith is what you have!

In Hebrews 11:3, we understand that through faith the worlds were framed by the word of God. This could literally mean that people will not see the word in you or the prayers you have made until they see the faith on you. Faith is the evidence that you have prayed.

Nobody wins a court case without an evidence. And Heb 11:1 tells us that faith is the evidence of things not seen. The Bible also says that "what thing soever we desire, when we pray, we should believe we have received it, and we shall have it". In other words, believing it is the proof or evidence that we have it.

After praying to God to give you a job, start behaving and talking like someone who will definitely get the job. The problem with many people is not that God did not answer their prayer, but that they refused to show the evident when they should. I heard a testimony of a woman whose womb was diabolically tied by a wicked woman. And anytime the wicked woman asked her "how far?", she would respond with "no changes yet". But one day, she was taught how to respond and act in faith. The same day, the wicked woman called her again and asked the same question; but instead of the regular answer, she responded in faith by saying "God has done it". And immediately, the wicked woman died on the other end of the phone call.

Let me conclude with this; you can not have the evidence and not be set free. She showed her evidence, and the wicked woman set her free. So, concerning your job, marriage, career, business, family, children, and education, tell them "God has done it" with a big smile on your face. And certainly, your freedom will be established. May God give us understanding!

God bless you, I love you, and don't forget to share!

Bringing knowledge to the people


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