TIMELY NOTES! Continue in the faith! That is what Paul admonished Believers to do in Acts 14:22. The blessings flowing in and through your life are not permitted to discontinue except your faith discontinues. You should not lose your job or your business all because there is economic recession. The Bible tells us that as long as the earth remains, seed time and harvest shall not cease. That also means, that even in the midst of a heavy recession, as long as you are sowing seeds, you would definitely see the harvest. No wonder, Isaac sowed in Canaan when there was a great famine, yet the Bible says "he reaped an hundredfold the same year". Recession is not our problem, it is sowing seeds of faith that is our problem. Gal 4:28 says "And we, brethren, after the pattern of Isaac, are children of promise". We need to do things after the pattern of Isaac; he sowed in the land when there was famine, and he reaped an hundredfold the same year. We live in an Isaac order ...