Evangelism is not a medium to condemn people; rather, it is a medium through which the greatness of God is testified of and demonstrated. The disciples of Jesus understood this principle; in Acts 2:47 "they were praising God, and having favour with all the people, and the Lord was adding to the church daily - people that should be saved". Praising God is not just about singing and dancing, it is also about testifying of God's greatness in the lives of people. So they were testifying of God's greatness, the people liked what they were hearing, and they were added to the church. That is Evangelism!
God may forgive us for every sin, but I am not sure if He will forgive us for the sin of condemnation. Rom 2:1 tells us that there is no excuse for a person who judges another person for the same sin he commits or likely to commit. Stop telling people that they will go to hell if they do not repent. You may be right, but you would also be surprised that many of them are already experiencing hell on earth. Let us follow the examples of the disciples of Jesus; praise God, if they like what they hear, they would surrender their lives to Jesus. No matter how you finetune condemnation, nobody likes to hear it. And how will they receive your message if they can not even hear you?
That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; JESUS SAID "IF I BE LIFTED, I WILL DRAW MEN". CONDEMNATION PAINTS A WICKED PICTURE OF JESUS; LIFT HIS NAME, AND PEOPLE WILL BE DRAWN TO HIM. Have a most fruitful weekend, in Jesus precious name!
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An Inspiration of The Almighty
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