The strength of every believer is his faith. When you begin to fall for temptation, when darkness suddenly begins to rule your thoughts, when you begin to doubt your spirituality, then your faith is failing. Faith is like a rechargeable lamp that constantly needs to be recharged. The luminance you get from your lamp yesterday will be brighter compared to the one you would get today if you do not recharge it.

Every rechargeable lamp has a battery in it, just as faith has the word in it. As the lamp shines brighter when the battery is recharged, so also faith works better when it is recharged by the word of God. So when things are not as bright as they used to, just take time out to recharge your faith. Do not worry about how dark your situation has become, because when faith is recharged, light will be restored. Have you not heard, that weeping may endure till the night, but joy comes in the brightness of the morning?

That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; FAITH IS DESIGNED TO SET YOU FREE FROM ANY CHALLENGE; AND IF IT IS NOT SO FOR YOU, THEN IT MEANS YOU DO NOT KNOW THE TRUTH. ONCE YOU KNOW THE TRUTH, FAITH WILL SET YOU FREE. Have a most fruitful day, in Jesus precious name!

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An Inspiration of The Almighty


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