
Showing posts from 2017




LADIES CAN HAVE THE MAN OF THEIR DREAMS...  Ladies, the man of your dream would remain "THE MAN OF YOUR DREAM". So except you're ready to pull him out of your dream, stop delaying yourself and face the man in your real world.  Yes, face the man in your world. Work with him till he transforms to the man of your dream. Come to think of it; if you find the man of your dream, chances are that you may not be the woman of his dreams. It is not only companies that check CVs, husbands do too. Trust me, dreams can be misleading.  When it comes to rating your man, don't look at him through your "dreams", look at him through your vision of the future. If you can see yourself in a dreamworld through your vision with him, then you've found your dream man.  This may be against everything you've heard about choosing your man, but I'm just trying to make sure you don't #RefuseYourMan Therefore, my charge for you is this; don't give-in to laziness or idle...


LADIES DON'T GET OVERDUE FOR MARRIAGE... Ladies, God didn't tell a woman to find a husband; rather, He told the man to find a wife. So until your man finds you, you're not overdue for marriage. If you respond to the pressures, you may end up in detention, instead of enjoying marital pleasures. Moreover, when it comes to marriage, only two people trigger the process. While man has the responsibility to find a wife, God takes the responsibility to set the single man and woman into families. So God does the settings, men do the finding. Women don't have a role in it.  If you don't get married, then you're free to hold God responsible for not setting your marriage. This also means you don't need to go about "toasting" men with your body, because the only thing you're expected to say to a man when it comes to marriage is "YES! I WILL MARRY YOU", and that's after he has proposed. This may totally be against everything you've heard a...


"I wanted us to play against Arsenal..." I used to love football, but that was when Austin J. J. Okocha was in Bolton. "Bolton Wanderers" was the answer I always gave to those who asked which club I supported.  "Anslem, are you okay?". Absolutely, don't even bother to ask again. But wait, before you unfriend me out of anger, I have something to say.  It's not like I was okay with the fact that they were losers, but I liked the feeling I got whenever Okocha was playing a match with them. It was a feeling of hope.  That feeling of hope continued until it was time to face WESTHAM UNITED. I remember watching that match through a neighbour's window. You know how it was to pay for sport channels on DSTV back then nau.  But where or how I watched the match didn't even matter, because we won. It was one of the happiest moments of my life. Okocha scored the team's goal of the season, and he was the key player of the match.  That's how life i...


LOVE GOD BACK...  God loves everybody, but it's not everybody that loves God in return.  Those who God loves enjoy daily bread, but those who love God in return enjoy daily wage.  Those who God loves have access to daily loads of blessing, but God reserves unimaginable blessings for those who love Him in return.  God services those He loves, but those who love Him in return serve Him and all His interests.  God may love us equally, but we're rated differently. The bible says a man is rated according to his wisdom.  If your aim is to impact your world, then settling for daily bread and benefits won't be enough, you need daily wages and God's reserved blessings.  Daily breads have no reserve to feed others, but those who enjoy God's reserve feed others without stress. That's impact!  If you want to do unimaginable things, then you need to gain access to God's unimaginable blessings.  Dont be deceived, God cannot be mocked. You'd definitely reap the labour ...


TIMELY NOTES!  When a principle is set by a superior person, all his subordinates will be subject to it. For instance, you should not expect to be alive if you decide to jump off a ten storey building. And that is because the principle that governs gravity was created by a superior person. You may amend your own principles easily, but to change the principles of your superior, you would need to become like your superior.  Naturally, any weight must sink when it contacts water. But Jesus was able to amend it when He walked on water. And that is because he created the principle. With faith, Peter also walked on water; but when he lost faith, he became subject to the principles of sinking. Naturally, everybody in the world is subject to sickness and diseases, but sickness and diseases are subject to the principles of faith. The Bible defines faith as "the victory that overcomes the world". Which means no matter what is happening, the principles of faith will still prevail. Natur...


TIMELY NOTES!  In Ezekiel 37:10, the Bible tells us that "as Ezekiel prophesied as God commanded him, the breath came into those bones, and they lived, stood up upon on their feet, and became an exceeding great army". God's word carries the breath of life; anytime you speak His word to a situation, He breaths life into that situation. No wonder Proverbs 4:20-22 tells us that if we attend to God's word, we would add life to our flesh. We would also recall that during creation, it was the same breath that God put into the lifeless man.  I feel bad when I see Christians live without a proof of their redemption. They have received eternal life, yet they live like people who have no life. When would believers understand that the word of God is what breaths life into their endeavours? The life of our business, jobs, career, education, marriage, relationships, and family; they are all tied to God's word. I often pity congregations that gather to hear compromised preachin...


TIMELY NOTES!  Knowledge, when not applied, may become stale or unsuitable after a while. People say "No knowledge is a waste"; but I'd like to add that "knowledge without timely application may become a weight". Many people are thinking about what they know, instead of doing what they know. The reason why you'd often find intelligent but frustrated people around you is probably because what they know is not giving them their desired breakthrough. Many young people study in order to get a job in an environment where there is literally no job. Wouldn't it be better if they studied in order to start a business instead?  I once told a friend during a church service that I was tired of listening to powerful exhortations from our pastor, and that I wanted to start getting powerful results. I can assure you, that's not something anybody would want to say in the middle of an inciting exhortation. But to my amazement, our pastor said the same thing few secon...


TIMELY NOTES!  According to scriptures, the devil does not have power to resist the words from our mouth. In Luke 21:15, the bible says "For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist". The reason why many people are still suffering is probably because of what they're saying with their mouth. Many believers don't know how to talk. God gave us "mouth and wisdom"; and the wisdom of God is the word of God. That means our mouth is suppose to be speaking God's word and not contrary. When a believer begins to speak contrary to God's word, then his mouth is malfunctioning.  Satan doesn't care about your appearance as much as what you say. Your appearance doesn't instruct him, it is your mouth that does. You may appear sick, but if your mouth says contrary, then Satan will agree, and the sickness will fade way. In Ps 18:44-45, the bible explains that "the enemy shall obey, become afraid...


TIMELY NOTES!  It's been said that "we make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give". In other words, converting what we get into what to give is how to make a life. A friend once asked me "who is a great man?". I responded with what Jesus said, that "every one who desires to be great must be a servant". He didn't seem to be convinced at the response because he later asked me if that was the only way to be great.  Whatever Jesus says is genuine. The bible says "let God be true and all men liars". If God has said something about anything, then any other theory about that thing is inferior. It is not your huge income that will make you great; rather, it's the dimension of your outcomes that will. Greatness is not in the eyes of the beholder, but in the eyes of the beneficiaries. Jesus is a great King, but His greatness needed to be proven by the people. He had to go about doing good and healing all that were oppresse...


TIMELY NOTES!  God does not only save us from something, He saves us for something. Salvation is not only a move to deliver us from going to hell; it's also the platform where we can secure the posterity of many generations. Salvation is not a one-time confession, it's a long-term profession. The bible says we should work out our own salvation with fear and trembling.  Every believer is supposed to be known for a good work. In Eph 2:10, the bible says we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. I feel very sad whenever I meet idle believers, because there's no room for idleness in God's salvation agenda. John 15:16 also makes it clear that God saved us so that we can be fruitful in life. Many believers don't work only because they've not found what they like; well, before you find what you like, do what you find. It's not really about the kind of work you do, but about the glory of God tha...


TIMELY NOTES!  The thing about joy is that you have to have it, whether situations are pleasant or not. A large percentage of people who are sick today are people who go the mile just to live a happy life. Happiness feeds on what you have, joy feeds on who you are. That means you really don't need to have anything to live a joyful life. People who just want to be happy become broken when they don't have enough to make them happy; and like we know, a broken spirit makes our body vulnerable to all kinds of sicknesses and diseases. Abraham didn't have anything to show for his life. But the Bible recorded that he staggered not at the promise of God, but he was strong in faith, joyfully glorifying God. The difference between joy and happiness is that; while happiness would have something to show, joy only needs a promise to show. Abraham had joy because of the promise of God, Jesus held on to the cross because of the promise of God. Hab 3:17-18 says that "although the fig t...


TIMELY NOTES! Do you sometimes feel like what you get from God is too small, and that you deserve more? Well, you are not the first. In Joshua 17:14-18, after Joshua had distributed inheritances among the people, the family of Joseph came to him and complained that the portion of the land that was given to them was too small, considering the fact that they are great people. Great people? Someone would have thought that Joshua made a mistake, and would assign another land to them. But surprisingly, the response was different.  Joshua acknowledged that indeed the family of Joseph were great people, and that he assigned a small portion of land to them. But then he told them that "they were not only entitled to that small land, but all the lands on the mountains can also be possessed by them, if they defeat the oppositions". In other words, they had bigger land space than any other family, except that they had to contend with the enemy in battle. Personally, I have discovered tha...


TIMELY NOTES! Patience carries a reward for its bearer. Patience is the distance between faith and the manifestation of your expectations. Patience is not just waiting for something, it is preparing yourself to meet the demands of what you're waiting for. Waiting for God to give you what you'd waste is the same as wasting your time; because God hates waste, and He will never give you what you will waste.  Many students have not gotten admission into school probably because they're not prepared for school. They may be waiting for admission, but God only gives admission to those who use their waiting-time to prepare for what is coming. If you're looking for a job, prepare for one. God is never far from a prepared man. Many eligible singles are not married because they're still thinking like a single person; and giving a wife to such a person will only bring suffering to the woman.  That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; P...


TIMELY NOTES!  The life of a christian shouldn't be a normal life. It's a normal thing to suspend or park a boat until the storm is calm, but Jesus saw it differently when He rebuked the storm. Normally, we should go to the bank or a personal safe to get money when it is required, but Jesus saw it differently when He instructed His disciple to get money from the mouth of a fish. If a tree is yet to bare fruits, you should wait till it does or go to another tree - if you really want to eat the fruit. But Jesus cursed the tree instead; perhaps He believed that the tree was supposed to produce fruits at His appearance.  Right from the days of John the Baptist, Satan put a mental barrier within believers, so that we'd be compelled to live a normal life. Jesus proved to His disciples that it is normal for the storm to arise, but abnormal for believers to run away from the storm. He cursed the fig tree and got money from the mouth of the fish only to prove that a committed believ...


TIMELY NOTES! We may make our plans, but God has the final say. That is what the Bible says in Proverbs 16:1. People may plan evil against you, but your prayers to God can change their evil plans. Your boss may refuse to promote you, your teacher may refuse to release your grades, your clients may refuse to give you jobs, your helpers may even refuse to help you, but God has the final say. Oppositions would always arise, they may even come in very weird and impossible forms, but it does not change the fact that God has the final say.  What you believe in times of chaos or challenges is what keeps your place. Challenges may shake you, but faith is what you need to stand. Physical things are temporal, while spiritual things are eternal. Challenges are temporal; they can never overpower or outshine the eternal force of faith. 1 John 5:4 defines faith as the victory that overcomes the world. Which means no matter what is happening, you will emerge victorious through faith. The government m...


TIMELY NOTES!  God knows we face challenges; that's why He said "whosoever shall say to this mountain, be thou removed...". Though He sees our challenges and would like to resolve them for us, but I feel like God is in a tight constraint. He may not do anything about our challenges until we begin to speak to them. The world would say "a problem shared is a problem halved", but in the kingdom, a problem spoken-to is a problem solved. Many Christians are still thinking like the world does; Jesus didn't need to share His problem with the fig tree with anybody, neither did He share His problem with the storm, He simply spoke to them. Words carry spiritual powers; the moment we speak, the spirit in the word is activated. John 6:63 tells us that the words that God speaks to us are spirits and life. In the beginning, God saw that darkness was upon the face of the earth, the bible even mentions that the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. But the Spirit...


LET'S PRAY FOR THE PEACE OF OUR NATION...  The Bible says we should "pray for the peace of Jerusalem, so that people that have good intentions and plans for her would prosper". Jerusalem in that context refers to the city where God's people lived. After King Saul lost the Israelites to the Philistines, David quickly took responsibility for God's people and united all of them in Jerusalem. Jerusalem officially became the city of God when the name of the Lord entered into it.  Every nation where the name of the Lord is mentioned and reverenced is an heavenly Jerusalem. And it would be unwise not to pray for such nations.  No matter how anointed and gifted you may be, you need a settled people to maximize your gifts and anointing. The fact that you are an amazing singer does not mean you would prosper; you would need a settled fan.  Who would listen to your fine preaching or songs in a war front? Who would watch your shows with no food on their table? Who would buy y...


TIMELY NOTES!  Knowledge covers pain. Isaiah 11:9 tells us that "it shall come to pass that destruction shall cease because the knowledge of the Lord shall fill the earth as the waters covers the sea". If it ever feels like challenges are covering you, then cover them with the knowledge of the Lord. The bible tells us that the name of Jesus is a strong tower, and the righteous runs under it for safety. And Rev 19:13 further tells us that His name was called the word of God. In other words, if His name covers people from trouble, then His word also covers people from trouble.  I recently paid my cousin a visit. And when we met, she told me she couldn't go out because she had "runny nose". Coincidentally, I also had runny nose. But when I told her, she said mine was not serious because it was not showing. I didn't hesitate to tell her that "Knowledge has covered it". Knowledge has a way of making situations beautiful. Certain situations may not go, b...


TIMELY NOTES!  Be anxious for nothing; instead, pray about those concerns, and don't forget to appreciate God for the opportunity. But how would you pray or give thanks when the situation becomes really unpleasant? Many people would like to do the will of God at all times; but oftentimes, the challenges they go through take away their heart from His will. I've seen married men who had happy faces during the first two years in marriage, but afterwards, they live in clear depression. At that point, their minds have wandered far away from the word of God, and they'd need someone to constantly remind them - that God shall supply all their needs according to His riches, and not their riches.  Come to think of it, most of the things we get anxious about are things we were first joyful for. Many people were happy to get a job, but they've become anxious because their job can no longer pay their bills. Many people were happy to get married, but now, anxiety has taken over them ...


TIMELY NOTES!  Sometimes, when God does not answer your prayers, then it's probably because He wants you to try natural abilities before you engage His supernatural ability. The disciples of Jesus told Him to release the 5000 people, so they could go to their various houses and feed. That was more like a prayer request. But instead of doing the supernatural, He first instructed His disciples to feed them. In other words, they should do what they could naturally.  Isaiah 41:21 says "... Bring forth your strong reason". His disciples gave strong reasons why they couldn't be fed naturally, then Jesus fed them supernaturally. I recently had a dislocation on my right leg that no one could fix. After I had tried everything I could naturally, and none of them worked, I passed the situation over to God. Five minutes after, I heard cracky sounds from my right leg, and that was it, I was healed. Christianity is not foolishness; many people unnecessarily prolong their predicamen...


BUT MENTORS ARE EVERYWHERE...  If you want to go into politics, don't look for the president of the United States to mentor you; look for someone who has crossed the level you're currently in.  A mentor is a person who has gone at least one level ahead of you in your field.  Moreover, even if the US president would agree to mentor you, he'd assume that you've been in politics for some time.  As a writer, I won't run to John Maxwell for mentorship; rather, I'd look for young writers who have gone a little bit farther than I have.  At John Maxwell's level, he may have forgotten the basic principles required to start; but for a young writer, those principles would still be fresh on him. And relating it would be easy. Trust me, if you miss the basics, you'd live with head aches.  Dont mistake a role model for a mentor. A role model is someone you aspire to be like; a mentor is a teacher who possesses a quality you desire.  You may grow beyond your mentors, j...


TIMELY NOTES! Stagnation is one's inability to make progress. To make progress, you must deem it prudent to develop abilities. In the words of my pastor; life is an adventure, and he refers to the word "adventure" as a compound word that consists of "Add" and "Venture". Venture is what has brought you to where you are; so if you want to make progress, add venture.  Life feeds on what you've produced. It is the volume of what you give to life that it pays for. Our abilities are like products to life; don't expect to be paid for what you've not sold. That's why the bible warns that we should not be deceived, whatsoever a man sows, he'd also reap. The reason why many people have not moved from their current position is probably because they're still feeding life with the same ability. Repeating the same thing with the same process won't give you a different result. To change your daily activities, develop new abilities. Life do...


TIMELY NOTES!  The breakthrough you're praying for is not going to be easy to sustain. That's why God took the Israelites through a longer path to the Promiseland. He particularly said that if He takes them directly to Canaan, they may not be able to fight for their rights. God may give you the land you desire, but you still need to fight for your right to possess it. In Deut 2:24, the bible says "... I have given into thine hand Sihon the Amorite, king of Heshbon, and his land: begin to possess it, and contend with him in battle". God doesn't have issues giving you the breakthroughs you desire, He's probably waiting for you to be well equipped to possess it.  Canaan was their promised land, but it was not vacant. Many believers are still unemployed, only because somebody is occupying their position. Many eligible singles are not married, not because they're not good enough, but because somebody is holding back their God-ordained spouses. The fact that God...


TIMELY NOTES!  Prayer won't cancel responsibility. I often tell people that if God didn't answer them the first time they prayed, then He has probably made a way of escape, and He just needs us to take responsibility in finding the way out. 1 Cor 10:13 says that "the temptations in your life are not different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure it". God is ever ready to show us the way out of our challenges, but most times, we just want Him to do a miracle. And that's why certain issues stick with us for long.  Miracles are God's response to our responsibility. If Moses knew this, he wouldn't have prayed to God when they reached the Red Sea; because all he needed to do was to use the rod to divide the sea, just as he did when he performed the other miracles in Egypt. Sometimes your rent won't come as chea...


SHIFT TO WHERE NAU?  Boarding a bus in Lagos is something else. Passengers never forget to use the word "SHIFT".  Some of them would probably wish that you turn to a broom stick, so they can shift you away from the seat.  "Shift small", and even after you move a little, they'd still insist that you "Shift small".  Just pray that it never gets to your turn to ask them to "shift"; because they'd just shake their body for about 3 seconds and frown back at you. I wonder if "shifting" and "shaking" are the same. From experience, I think the shaking even takes more space from you.  Well, the good thing is; it gets better as the journey continues. The movement of the vehicle automatically adjusts the positioning of passengers. Those who were shaking their body would eventually be shifted by the moving vehicle. And at the end, the journey wouldn't be as tight as it started.  That's how life is. You may start rough and ...


TIMELY NOTES!  The moment God shows you a vision, start pursuing it. Habakkuk 2:3 didn't say we should wait till God tells us to start the vision; rather, it says we should wait for the fulfilment of the vision. And we all know that visions are never fulfilled in a day; it takes a process of work. John Maxwell said "the only way to get ready is to start". There's really no "best time" to begin any venture, just like you'd never have enough resources to start any venture. If you really want to do it, then start now, and with what you have.  God showed Bishop David Oyedepo a vision, and mandated him to liberate the "world" from all oppression of the devil. Though the vision is to liberate the world, but he began with one person, and then four people, until he began to actually liberate the world. That's what Habakkuk really meant; though the process may not look like what you saw in the vision when you begin, but continue working on it, becau...


THIS IS HOW TO RUN...  Don't be deceived; in the race of life, everybody is a competitor. There are no fans nor supporters; everybody runs for his own place.  Even your coach is also on a race; if you don't perform up to expectation, he'd look for another person to coach.  People who benefit from you, and people who you directly benefit from are also in the race. They'd continue praising you as long as you continue releasing benefits to them. But when they stop seeing the benefits, many of them will change track.  Life is not fair; so don't run a fair race. Be a smart runner; make sure you make a mark when the baton is passed to you.  If you slow down for your friend, you may lose the trend. If your friend is losing his place, make sure you don't.  Two losses can't make a win; it will take a winner to mentor a loser. Your friend may not like you if you leave him behind, but he won't like you either if you both lose the race. Losers hardly relate with ano...


TIMELY NOTES!  I was really sick yesterday; and when my Doctor ran some diagnosis, it was discovered that I was running out of knowledge. Honestly, I wondered how lack of knowledge could cause an endless ache on my head and a tunnel in my eyes. But then, when the Holy Spirit tells you the cause of a thing, don't argue. I didn't hesitate to visit a bookstore at the close of work; and yes, I bought two books.  I was so excited about one of the books that I totally forgot that I was sick. Imagine, the sickness couldn't even wait till I reach chapter two, it just disappeared. Knowledge is life; we need to be intentional about developing ourselves. Growth is not something you attend to "when you have time"; rather, it's something you should create time for on a daily basis. Give yourself a daily appointment for growth, and keep it. I rarely leave my bed in the morning until I've fulfilled my early morning study appointment with myself.  That's how far we...


TIMELY NOTES!  You can't get out of trouble by getting away from the trouble. You have to face it, and deal with it. For instance, If you want to have financial freedom, then be ready to simplify your lifestyle by spending less and saving more. If you want to resolve your marital problems, then create a win/win agreement that both of you will benefit from. If you want to do better in business, then be ready to solve those challenges that your competitors shy away from. If you want to do well academically, then you need to be well-informed about your academic works.  Your five loaves and two fishes can feed five thousand, if only you'd invest them. Miracles are not mere accidents, they are deliberate acts of God provoked by the desperate acts of men. A miracle happens when God moves to resolves your challenges for you; but oftentimes, He doesn't move until you begin to make moves towards your challenges. In 2 Chro 20:17, God had already told Jehosaphat and his people that ...


TIMELY NOTES!  Knowledge is like a fluid of excitement that flows within it's carrier. The world is gradually losing happiness, because they are impatiently waiting for the sons of God to re-ignite the excitement. But unfortunately, the sons that the world is waiting for are also experiencing destruction - because they lack knowledge.  You must strive to break the barriers between you and knowledge. Many people have concluded that the reason why they can't acquire concrete knowledge is because they don't have the resources; which usually means they don't have the money or time. But acquisition of knowledge does not really require your money and time as much as it requires your desire. If your desire to acquire knowledge is in place, every other resources will fall into place.  That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take this last words; THERE'S REALLY NO EXCUSE FOR IGNORANCE THAN UNWILLINGNESS TO LEARN. IF THERE IS A WILL, THEN THERE'S A ...


TIMELY NOTES! Praise God! That is what you should do when it seems like there is nothing more to do about a situation. Everything may be failing or may have failed, but when you engage praise, even what has failed will work again. Habakkuk understood this principle; he explained that though all his source of living may fail and refuse to yield profit, yet he will praise the God of his salvation. Because God will increase his speed, and make him to work upon high places. That simply means that when you praise God, you become faster and placed higher than your oppositions. That also means that praise puts challenges below or behind you.  The disciples of Jesus did not know what to do to feed those five thousand people, and so they advised Jesus to let the people go. But Jesus knew what to do; He praised God, and the five loaves and two fishes that was available multiplied and fed them all. The condition of things may compel you to release your clients, but praise has capacity to retain a...


TIMELY NOTES!  Do you have doubts? When you begin to doubt the occurrence of what you believed, then you really need to pray. Doubts are like weeds, they grow wherever they see an empty land. Faith is like a land, and prayer is the material that builds on faith. If you want to make the most of your faith, then you must buy more prayer time. A building project will naturally stop if the supply of the required materials stop. Though faith comes by hearing the word of God, but faith without prayer will soon result to doubt. Faith needs a partner; it would either use prayer to excel, or invite doubt to fail. The moment you stop praying on your faith, then doubt hits the road.  Doubts may be unwanted, but just like weeds, you cannot stop them from growing on an empty prayer life. Prayer is like a cultivator, it clears doubt from what you believe. In my opinion, anybody who has developed doubts for what he believed has not been praying. All the while, Jesus believed that the will of God was ...


SO GOD ALSO HAS A PROFILE...  Confront your oppositions with praise to God. That was what David did against Goliath.  I used to work with a man who would tell me not to talk about God whenever we discussed official matters. Mysteriously, his company has crashed today; and the last time I heard of him, he was having a mental problem.  Anytime you acknowledge the greatness of God in the presence of an opposition, God takes praise for it. And when God takes praise, oppositions take a bow.  David applied this principle when he said to Goliath "you have come to me with a sword, spear, and a shield; but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied". Praise is not just about singing and dancing to God, it is also a display of confidence in God, even in the presence of your challenges.  Praise is God's profile; Goliath introduced himself to David, and David did not hesitate to introduce his God to him. Just like David, when...


TIMELY NOTES! "There would be traffic as usual"; that was what I thought when I was preparing for work one Monday morning. But God reproved me immediately by saying "what usually happens is subject to what you expect to happen". Then I remembered that in Prov 23:18 the Bible says "for surely there is an end, and your expectation shall not be cut off". That could also mean that, expectation puts an end to any form of procedures, regularities, or protocols. If you will not cut of your expectation, then those protocols will soon be cut of for you.  Normally, there was no way a prisoner in Egypt would become a prime minister in Egypt - overnight, but expectation made it so. Everybody knew that the wall of Jericho could not be brought down, but expectation brought it down. Protocols would always bow to the strong expectation of a believer. Do not think you will not get married because people rarely get married in your family. Do not think you will not complete ...


TIMELY NOTES! When prayer no longer answers as quick as it used to, when miracles suddenly become a thing of chance to you, then it's time to learn the principles. All a baby needs to do is to believe in John 3:16; but for a matured son, he needs to have more details. The first time Jesus sent out His disciples to witness, He instructed them not to take anything along, because He would provide for them. But the second time, He told them to take every thing they would need for the journey, including money.  A christian who refuses to respond to the demands of maturity will suffer what the world suffers. If it feels like God has reduced your daily supplies, then it's probably because you need to take scriptural responsibilities. I've seen Christians who buy things on credit only to pay with a salary they've not received. And yet the bible says we should be contented with whatever we have. The day you became a Christian, God's word became the mirror of your life. And t...


TIMELY NOTES! "Nothing can separate me from the love of God". That is something we should remember when challenges try to separate us from the blessings of God. Your family, business, job, academics, career, and everything you enjoy are evidences of God's love for you. We may have family challenges, but we must not allow those challenges to separate us from our family. We may have health issues, but we must not allow them to separate us from the job that God blessed us with. Bishop David Oyedepo has often remarked that; it is not a sin for a believer to be challenged, but it is unscriptural for him to be defeated.  This is why the just man may fall seven times and still have opportunity to rise again. God will not allow Satan to keep your blessings if you refuse to give up on the fight. Satan may defeat you seven times, but God is up there, waiting for you to win. The blessings of the Lord makes rich, and it does not come with sorrow. So when you see things like sorrow ha...


TIMELY NOTES! "By this time tomorrow, there will be cheap food in the market place". That was what Elisha said in 2 Kings 7:1. And in verse 18, the Bible says that what he spoke came to pass as he said it. But something amazing happened when he spoke those words; a highly esteemed counselor spoke doubting words, that "even if God opens the windows of heaven, can there be food by this time tomorrow?". He said that probably because he was in charge of food supplies to the people. And as at that time, it was impossible to get food from anywhere.  I perceive that one of the ways that believers will overthrow the wicked is by their spoken words. In Job 22:29, the Bible says "when men are cast down, then you shall say, there is a lifting up". That counselor must have noticed and said there cannot be food supply, but Elisha who also noticed said there shall be food supply. When the food supply came as Elisha said, the counselor died, he did not live to eat from t...


TIMELY NOTES! When you eventually start a business venture or you decide to advance your career, and you see competitors who have gone far ahead of you, you see people who seem to be more intelligent, people who have gained the favour of almost everybody, you may even see companies that have all the facilities that you are still dreaming to have, do not be afraid nor discouraged, because God will be with you. The Bible says something similar concerning the children of Israel in Deut 20:1; it says, "when you go out to battle against the enemy, and you see horses, and chariots, and a people more than you, do not be afraid of them: for God is with you". Courage is the battle axe of God; without it, God cannot fight for you. Many ideas never see the light of day because of the absence of courage. A man with courage will rarely experience shortage of blessing. David understood this principle when he confronted Goliath. Goliath came with a sword and a shield, but David came with co...


TIMELY NOTES!  John the baptist had acrophobia; he was afraid of the "high position" that God put him. Not because he could not baptize the people, but because he felt unworthy to baptize Jesus - the Saviour of the world. John had been baptizing the people for so long; which means he was quite experienced in it. But the appearance of Jesus destabilized his baptizing skill. Jesus had to encourage him to do it, because that was how God wanted it to be.  What makes you think you cannot handle bigger clients or bigger tasks? The moment John baptized Jesus, the heavens opened, and the Holy Spirit came upon Jesus. And that simply means that John did a great job. Do not be too comfortable with small tasks, projects, or clients; because the truth is, God wants you to handle bigger and greater things. Didn't your bible tell you that a man that is diligent in his business will stand before kings? As long as you know your job, then expect big shots and big clients to come to you, ju...