You can't get out of trouble by getting away from the trouble. You have to face it, and deal with it. For instance, If you want to have financial freedom, then be ready to simplify your lifestyle by spending less and saving more. If you want to resolve your marital problems, then create a win/win agreement that both of you will benefit from. If you want to do better in business, then be ready to solve those challenges that your competitors shy away from. If you want to do well academically, then you need to be well-informed about your academic works. 

Your five loaves and two fishes can feed five thousand, if only you'd invest them. Miracles are not mere accidents, they are deliberate acts of God provoked by the desperate acts of men. A miracle happens when God moves to resolves your challenges for you; but oftentimes, He doesn't move until you begin to make moves towards your challenges. In 2 Chro 20:17, God had already told Jehosaphat and his people that "they shall not need to fight in that battle". But afterwards He said, "tomorrow, stand your ground, and go out to face them". Therefore, my friend, stand your ground, face your fears, and defeat them with the help of the Almighty God. 

That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; YOU WON'T HAVE TO LOSE THAT BATTLE IF YOU FACE IT. GOD WILL ALWAYS FIGHT FOR THOSE WHO ARE CONFIDENT ENOUGH TO FACE ANY CHALLENGE. Have a most fruitful week, in Jesus precious name! 

And hey, don't forget to "like" it. And if you really like it, please share it! 

An Inspiration of The Almighty 


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