I'd prefer to give you a key than to give you a gift. Some people would think that you're a greedy person when you give them good counsel instead of the request they made. They forget that every purpose is established by counsel. Knowledge is key to everything. Jesus received riches, power, glory, honour, and many other good things at His resurrection; but instead of handing them over to us directly, He took them to heaven - which is a more secure location. The psalmist confirmed it when he said "in God's right hand, there are pleasures forevermore".

In Matt 16:19, Jesus told Peter that He'd give him the keys of the kingdom of heaven, so that whatever he needs on earth will be supplied from heaven. 1 Pet 1:3 further tells us that "God has given us all things that pertains to life and godliness through the knowledge of Him that has called us". Everything we would ever need is available, but only through knowledge. In Luke 11:52, Jesus referred to knowledge as the key, and He accused the lawyers for taking away the only key that would grant people access to blessing. If knowledge is the key, why do people wait long hours for who to help them?

That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; KNOWLEDGE IS ALWAYS WILLING AND READY TO HELP YOU. ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS SIT DOWN AND STUDY. Have a most fruitful week, in Jesus precious name!

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An Inspiration of The Almighty


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