
Showing posts from April, 2015


TIMELY NOTES! In the military, when a recruit is given a firearm, it doesn't mean he's ready to shoot. He has to be trained on how to pull the trigger and aim at the enemy. Until he has passed his training session, his commander will not send him to the battlefield. Soldiers may be heartless in dealing with oppositions, but they're also mindful of themselves. The psalmist says that God is so mindful of man. As much as God wants you to destroy your oppositions, He won't put you in the warfront until He's comfortable that you can handle His word. Remember that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty. If you must use a mighty weapon effectively, then you must learn how to pull it's trigger and aim at the enemy. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Notes, but take these last words; BEFORE GOD ENABLED THE POWER IN MOSES' ROD, HE MADE SURE HE KNEW HOW TO USE IT. MANY BELIEVERS ARE STILL STRUGGLING WITH THE CHALLENGES IN THEIR LIFE ...


TIMELY NOTES! Grace is the strength of God added to the life of a believer, which can only be controlled by the word of God. Grace is not a tool you pick up when your strength fails you; it is the strength you need to become what you're destined to become. So you don't have to wait till your strength fails you, just engage His grace at all times. Paul said "I am what I am by the grace of God; nevertheless I work more than them all". I want to believe those other disciples didn't understand the place of grace, that's why Paul beat their records. You may do more tedious work with grace, but you won't feel an itch of stress in your body - unlike when you depend on your strength. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Notes, but take these last words; I'VE OBSERVED MY FATHER, BISHOP DAVID OYEDEPO FOR A WHILE. HE WORKS EXTREMELY HARD, AND YET HE LOOKS YOUNGER THAN MANY YOUTHS. IT JUST OCCURRED TO ME THAT HE'S OPERATING WITH THE GRACE OF...


TIMELY NOTES! A hundred percent of the challenges we go through are curses. The bible says God has set before us life and death, blessing and cursing. I'd be contradicting God's word if I'm going through challenges and say I'm enjoying blessing. There are no challenges in the list of blessings that God made in Deut 28. Gal 3:13 tells me that Christ has redeemed me from the curse of the law, by becoming the curse for me. So that I no longer have to live according to the law - which was impossible to live by, but according to faith. We have a daily responsibility to develop our faith. If God daily loads us with blessings, then we need to load our faith with God's word on a daily basis. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Notes, but take these last words; NO CHALLENGE OR CURSE CAN WITHSTAND A LOADED FAITH. IF YOU DON'T WANT TO CARRY THAT LOAD ANYMORE, THEN LOAD YOUR FAITH. Have a most fruitful day! In Jesus precious name! #TimelyNotes An Inspi...


TIMELY NOTES! If the shoes fits, don't wear them; it means you're not allowing room for growth. Living within your means is deciding to live an average life. Know your limits, but ignore them. I believe we should act bigger, believe larger and associate higher. Your outlook will often determine your outcome. I'm not encouraging you to go wild, to have no boundaries or to be reckless. Certainly we should spend within our means - but not live there. Talk with people smarter than you, listen to those more spiritual than you, lend a hand to those less fortunate than you. Don't stay where you are! That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Notes, but take these last words; I DON'T HAVE FRIENDS THAT ARE MY MATES; ALL MY FRIENDS POSSESS A QUALITY THAT IS HIGHER THAN MINE. Have a most fruitful day! In Jesus precious name! #TimelyNotes An Inspiration of The Almighty


TIMELY NOTES! Forgiving those who have wronged you is a key to personal peace. If you want to travel far and fast, then travel light. Unpack all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness and fears. Always be the first to forgive; without forgiveness, life will be governed by an endless cycle of resentment and retaliation. What really matters is what happens in us not to us. Forgiveness creates the most sublime enjoyments of life; you're missing a lot if you're still holding grudges against anyone. Forgiveness releases you and creates freedom. One of the secrets of a long and fruitful life is to forgive everybody everytime. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Notes, but take these last words; UNFORGIVENESS BLOCKS BLESSINGS, FORGIVENESS RELEASES BLESSINGS. FORGIVENESS WON'T CHANGE THE PAST, BUT WILL ENLARGE THE FUTURE. Have a most fruitful day, in Jesus precious name! #TimelyNotes An Inspiration of The Almighty


TIMELY NOTES! The most common disease among believers is blindness to the word. People who hear and believe the word of God are called believers. But it is one thing to become a believer, and another thing to remain a believer. It is consistency in the word that keeps a believer. If there is no word in you then what are you believing? If you don't know what is written, you'd barely see what is missing in your christian life. And that is what I call WORD BLINDNESS! After working for 5 years, I couldn't see the scriptures being fulfilled in my life. I decided to quit working, and went to a bible school. And just after the bible school, I started seeing what was missing in my life. But the truth of the matter is; I've initially studied the word of God to know what I'm suppose to expect, and since I couldn't see my expectations after a long time, I decided to separate myself. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Notes! But take these last word...


TIMELY NOTES! There is a purpose for every man under the heaven. Nobody is born for nothing; everybody is born for something. Nobody is good for nothing, everybody is good for something. Nobody is born by mistake, the birth of every child is in God's agenda - when and how it came notwithstanding! The bible says "all things work together for good to them that love God, and particularly for those He has called according to His purpose". This means; one way you can prove your love for God is to walk in His purpose for your existence. When you're walking in His purpose, everything works together for your good, including the devil. So when you see the devil messing around you, just be calm, he is only working for your good. Hezekiah understood this principle when he claimed the residue of his years. He knew he was walking in God's plan, so his life could not be shortened. Among other purpose of man's creation is to extend the gospel of Jesus to every nation - b...


TIMELY NOTES! The bible is full of amazements. How can a person who is carrying the whole world in His hand say "His yoke is easy, and His burden is light". Well, I'm not going to argue what my Father says, rather i'd just agree with Him - and allow the blessing to flow through me. But even if His word is wrong, He has the capacity to make it right, and that means my argument or doubt will be futile. Every believer needs to come to this understanding, "whether God's word appears false or true, God has capacity to make it work as long as you believe". The foolishness of God is wiser than men. So stop doubting God! The word says we should learn His ways because His yoke is easy, and His burden is light. That means all the heat and pressure in this world is only an easy and light burden to Him. So why would you allow your marital issues to swallow your entire body? Why would you allow your lack of finances to limit your potentials? Despite all the prob...


TIMELY NOTES! Christianity is not a religion, it's a profession. And just like every man in his profession develops himself with relevant and up-to-date informaton, christians must also update themselves with the word of God which is new every morning. It may take a while before something new pops out of every other profession, but in christianity - things are new every morning. As a christian, the knowledge of yesterday may not help you tackle the challenges of today. You need to update your word bank! No profession is easy, especially when your aim is to become a professional in it. Christianity is not easy, if it is, Jesus wouldn't need to send the Holy Ghost to comfort us. One of the things the Holy Ghost does is to give you a shot when the going gets tough. Jesus never found it easy dying for mankind, because He endured the pain He had capacity to resist. But the fact that He is the Son of God didn't cancel what He had to do. He chose the will of God over His! ...


TIMELY NOTES! The devil cannot distort God's plan. The bible says God is beautiful for situations; that means no matter how terrible the devil may have painted your situation, God can still repaint it to appear beautiful. God is a situation painter; and every painter paints according to their thoughts. And the bible tells us that God does not think evil thoughts concerning us, but good thoughts. Satan paints evil pictures of you just to resist you, but God also specializes in converting his resistance to assistance. Satan thought that he was resisting Jesus, he didn't know he was assisting God to fulfill His plan. Joseph was seriously resisted by his brothers, but their resistance turned out to be an assistance that took him to the land of Egypt - where his throne was waiting for him. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Notes! But take these last words; ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD, INCLUDING THE DEVIL. SO WHEN YOU SEE THE DEVIL WORKING AROUND YOU, D...


MOUTH-WORKERS! There are two many Mouth-workers in the world, and we really need to be careful with such people. Their hands work lesser than their mouth. They use their mouth to say everything they will do, but with time you'd discover that what they've done is one percent compared to what they've said. A nation that wants to advance shouldn't lookout for Mouth-workers, but Hard-workers. Many nations are still underdeveloped because they ignorantly elect Mouth-workers into power. Time has unveiled this truth over and again, but it seems many people have closed their ears to what time is telling them. We must understand that, true change can only come by application of truth. There's a difference between "what you can do" and "what you have done". You may never get the opportunity to do what you can do; but there is a supernatural force that compels you to continue in the light of what you have done. Choose a leader that has done somethin...


TIMELY NOTES! Believers are born for signs and for wonders. The bible confirms this statement in Isaiah 8:18. Also, in Mark 16:17, we understand that the moment a person becomes a believer, signs begin to follow him. SIGNS AND WONDERS ARE THE CERTIFICATE AND HERITAGE OF A BELIEVER; IF YOU'RE NOT DOING SIGNS YOUR CHRISTIANITY WILL BE IN DOUBT. But it's one thing to be for something and another thing to do what you're for. Though a printer is for printing, but it will never print until somebody operates it. Having that perception in mind, a believer is for signs and for wonders, but he'd be unable do signs until he is operated by a force. In Mark 16:20, God was working with them - confirming their words with SIGNS following. In other words, God was operating on them to do what they are for. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Notes! But take these last words; THOUGH A PRINTER IS FOR PRINTING, BUT AN OPERATOR CANNOT PRINT WITHOUT PAPER IN PLACE. THOU...


TIMELY NOTES! Where is faith? That must be a very weird question. I think what we're familiar with is "what is faith?". Virtually every believer knows what faith is, but very few know where it is. Faith is in "nowhere", it has no residence. According to scriptures we'd understand that FAITH IS FORMED; it is formed by continuous pondering and meditating on the word of God. Faith is not what you need to believe the word of God, faith is what you need to receive from God. Anybody can believe God, but it takes faith to receive what you believe God for. You can't truly have faith and still struggle to receive from God; the bible says "as many that believed, to them He gave power to become...". Receiving from God follows a natural sequence when faith is formed within you. We have many believers around the world, but only few are receivers. A Christian must develop capacity to both believe and receive, otherwise he may end up frustrated. No wonder...


TIMELY NOTES! The bible says that the spirit of man is the candle of the Lord. But of what use is a candle if it cannot be used to produce light? If you want to see the content of a dark room, all you have to do is light a candle. I perceive that this also apply in the life of man. Many people think that God is seeing their problems; but the truth is, He can't see your problems until you light His candle - which is your spirit. Remember that He couldn't see through the waters during creation because darkness covered it. Our spirit is the candle of the Lord, but His word is the fire that lights up the candle. God will never force fire on you, just like a match stick will never force itself on a candle. If you want God to see and intervene on the issues of your life then you must engage His word. God will not see you when your heart and mouth is filled with worldly sayings; because the whole world is filled with darkness. So saying or doing what the world is doing is leaving ...


TIMELY NOTES! Behind every word in scriptures are unsearchable truths. The same word may be true for a million situations. For so long I've wondered why the Spirit of God moved ahead of God's word, after God saw that the earth was without form and void. It just occurred to me that the Spirit of God knows the mind of God, and it knows what God will say or do at situations like that. God made us in the likeness of His Spirit. Which also means that we're designed with God's kind of mind. Even though God's thoughts are higher than our thoughts, we can still gain access into His highest thoughts - something called "Inspiration". Inspiration is God putting His thoughts into your mind. We need the Holy Spirit more than we need anything else in this world. The world is still limited because we've not tapped into the unlimited nature of God. And the only personality that can fully unveil what God will do is the Holy Spirit. Believers must understand that th...


TIMELY NOTES! What you see is as important as where you see it. As potent as imagination is, what you imagine is as important as where you imagine it to be. A lot of people create beautiful imaginations, but very few individuals create or determine the place where their imagination would be established. God understood this principle when He told Abraham to look towards the NORTH, SOUTH, EAST and perhaps WEST, and whatever he could imagine would be given to him. In other words, until you imagine the place, it would be difficult to breakthrough in your imaginations. For many years I painted great mental pictures to be an inspiration to many generations. But I didn't do anything plausible until I began to imagine myself in certain places - manifesting those mental pictures. The very day I thought about a place was the same day I had an idea on how to make the most of my imaginations to be an inspiration to many generations. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely No...


TIMELY NOTES! No Christian can demonstrate scriptures without the help of the Holy Spirit. Behind every scripture is an hidden picture which can only be unveiled by the Spirit of God. Christianity becomes more impactful when we're able to see scriptures as God intended. This is because God designed our minds to think on images and not on words. Words majorly describe an image, if you can't imagine the image of a word then it would be difficult for you to understand the meaning of that word. If you've never seen a dog, you may not understand what I mean when I tell you "I have a dog". God's word is not a story book, it's God's image in print. Before you can fully understand what God means in His word, you need His Spirit to show you a mental picture of what He's saying. The bible says "there is a spirit in man, but the inspiration of the Almighty gives him understanding". Inspiration is God painting an image of His word in your spirit....


TIMELY NOTES! There are two systems that works in this world; they are the "world's system" and "God's system". The world system works because we're in the world, and the things that make up the system are diverse human experiences. People in the world make choices and decisions based on their experiences of the past and oftentimes - emotional attachments. And this is why the world is filled with travailing people; people who are not sure of their tomorrow. God's system also works. Because the world and everything in it was framed by His word. Whatever God's word says contrary to the world's system must remain. In God's system, past experiences does not determine man's present capacity. God can use a failure in the past to lead an entire nation to the promiseland, just like He used Moses. God's system works by faith and not by emotions. This is why no matter how hard anyone cries to God for change, he still needs to personally...