What you see is as important as where you see it. As potent as imagination is, what you imagine is as important as where you imagine it to be. A lot of people create beautiful imaginations, but very few individuals create or determine the place where their imagination would be established. God understood this principle when He told Abraham to look towards the NORTH, SOUTH, EAST and perhaps WEST, and whatever he could imagine would be given to him. In other words, until you imagine the place, it would be difficult to breakthrough in your imaginations.
For many years I painted great mental pictures to be an inspiration to many generations. But I didn't do anything plausible until I began to imagine myself in certain places - manifesting those mental pictures. The very day I thought about a place was the same day I had an idea on how to make the most of my imaginations to be an inspiration to many generations.
That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Notes! But take these last words; IF YOU CAN SEE THE PLACE, THEN YOU CAN ACHIEVE YOUR DREAM. GOD IS PLACE CONSCIOUS; IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME, PERHAPS YOU MAY ASK ABRAHAM, ISAAC AND JACOB....<smiles>... Have a most fruitful weekend and a glorious Easter celebration! In Jesus precious name!
An Inspiration of The Almighty
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