Where is faith? That must be a very weird question. I think what we're familiar with is "what is faith?". Virtually every believer knows what faith is, but very few know where it is. Faith is in "nowhere", it has no residence. According to scriptures we'd understand that FAITH IS FORMED; it is formed by continuous pondering and meditating on the word of God. Faith is not what you need to believe the word of God, faith is what you need to receive from God. Anybody can believe God, but it takes faith to receive what you believe God for. You can't truly have faith and still struggle to receive from God; the bible says "as many that believed, to them He gave power to become...". Receiving from God follows a natural sequence when faith is formed within you.
We have many believers around the world, but only few are receivers. A Christian must develop capacity to both believe and receive, otherwise he may end up frustrated. No wonder the bible says it's impossible to please God without faith. Faith is like a virtual court room where God is the Judge, and the Word is your evidence. If you're not sure of the word then you can't win any case in the court of faith.
That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Notes! But take these last words; IF YOU'VE NOT RECEIVED YOUR EXPECTATION, IT MAY BE BECAUSE YOU'VE NOT FORMED ENOUGH FAITH TO RECEIVE IT. A BELIEVER IS TRANSFORMED TO A RECEIVER WHEN FAITH IS FORMED. Have a most fruitful day! In Jesus precious name!
An Inspiration of The Almighty
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