
Showing posts from February, 2016


TIMELY NOTES! As believers, we need to understand that our salvation has relocated us to the kingdom of God. Though we live in a world where governments rule, our growth and development is not determined by these governments. The reason why many believers are lacking is simply because they rely on the government for their needs. It's important to know that no nation will ever have enough to supply the diverse needs of a believer.  It is God that supplies all our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. That also means that, if God is not the one supplying your needs then you'd continue having problems. The kingdom of God is a kingdom of covenants and personal responsibilities. The bible says we should be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the works of the Lord, because our labour is not in vain. Companies may delay your salary for months, but God does not owe those who serve the interest of His kingdom. Heb 12:28 also mentions that we're in a kingd...


TIMELY NOTES! If the foundation is poor, what can the righteous do? Many believers are suffering, not because God is not blessing them, but because their foundation is faulty. Any structure that is built on a poor foundation is sure to collapse. The bible tells us that we are God's building, but it's our responsibility to lay a proper foundation for Him to build us. A building may be beautiful, but it won't be purchased as long as the foundation is poor. This is probably why many of our beautiful ladies are not married. Promising young men approach them, but they disengage when they discover that their foundation is faulty. How would you explain the tragedy of loosing a job just a few weeks after you got it? How would you explain spending your salary on treating sicknesses and bailing yourself out of trouble? God blesses everyday, but oftentimes, our foundation is too weak to contain these blessings. Many couples are divorced, not because they're not eligible for ma...


TIMELY NOTES! A time is coming when people who are looking for who to help them would become people whom their helpers will be looking for them to help them. This also means that suppliers would be readily available to meet any arising need of our lives. People with business ideas will no longer lack resources to kick-start their ideas. Students will enjoy lasting scholarships, and the unemployed among us will have a hard time choosing where to work. Companies are downsizing, unemployment rate is increasing, families are cutting their daily meals and privileges, students are lacking vital information, and this is all because the government is failing. The kingdom of God is at hand. God cares about us; but the bitter truth is that, only those who subscribe to the advancement of His kingdom will enjoy the best of God in this season. Matt 6:33 guarantees us that a kingdom priority life will distinguish us in the midst of famine. No matter how urgent your needs may be, God's kingdo...


TIMELY NOTES! Sometimes, the challenges that keep staring at us in the eye are those ones that won't go until we pass through them. And most times, these challenges carry our desired breakthroughs behind them. The bible tells us that a great and effectual door is opened unto us, but there are many adversaries. And if we must go through the door then we must pass through the adversaries. Imagine how Jesus felt when the cross won't stop staring at Him. At a point He even prayed to God that "if it were God's will, let the cup pass over Him". As believers, challenges are meant to pass over us, but the challenge that Jesus was faced with had to be passed through. If a challenge has refused to pass over you, then it probably means you have to pass through it. However, no challenge is strong enough to determine the end of your our on the earth. Jesus died on the cross, but His journey on the earth didn't come to an end. As a matter of scriptures, He resurrected a...


TIMELY NOTES! Extraordinary efforts would always bring extraordinary results. Jesus needed to save the world, but He first engaged in a 40-day prayer and fasting. He later needed to select His disciples, but didn't until He prayed about it. Oftentimes, it is our refusal to do those things that we think are "not necessary" that keep us where we are. If the change you desire has not come, then make changes in your approach. The aim of every football coach is to score a goal in any match; but if his team are not playing as expected, he'd start making substitutions. We need to start living like a football coach, because the events of our lives are as real as a football match. There has to be a reason why you're not making your goals, there has to be a reason why things are stagnant, there has to be a reason why you've not gotten a job, there has to be a reason why you've not gotten married, there has to be a reason why you've not gained admission. A co...


TIMELY NOTES! Joy is like a human tracker; it's what God uses to locate us when He wants to bless us. Anytime joy is absent from a man, the angels would have to put extra efforts to bring God's blessing to him. Prayer is good, but even while you're praying the most sorrowful prayer, let your joy be full. It took an angel 21-days to deliver answers to Daniel's prayer. According to the angel, demons attacked him on the way and delayed him from the first day that Daniel began his prayer. Remember when we were little children, how that we'd joyfully plead with our parents to forgive our disobedience - despite their raging countenance. And most of those times, their countenance suddenly become light, and eventually they forgive us. Many people think they must break their hearts before God will hear their prayers. But think about it for a moment; if a natural man - being evil, know how to respond to the joy in his children, how much more will our heavenly Father respo...


TIMELY NOTES! Get back to the word! No other means can be as quick as the word of God. Doctors may tell you that it would take time for your health to respond to medication, lawyers may tell you that the case will need more time to be resolved, your boss may have extended the set-time for your promotion, your in-laws may have selfishly extended the time for your wedding, God's word is quick and powerful, and it is able to make anything happen when you want it to happen. We need to stop allowing nature to cheat us. If God had conformed to nature, the moon and the sun would not have been in existence by now. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the waters; that would have remained the story if God didn't engage the word. And God said "let there be light", and light came instantly. Nature would always have good reasons why you can't get your desires on time, but you also have a word-reason why you must get your desires without de...


TIMELY NOTES! If you want to live a struggle-free life, then invest in spiritual growth. The bible says "It shall come to pass that the burden shall be taken away from your shoulder, and the yoke from off your neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed, because of the anointing". The devil will not always be a burden to believers; a time came when he had to leave Jesus alone for a season. And the reason why he left Jesus alone was because of the anointing on Jesus. You'd be making a mistake to think that every believer is struggling with Satan's oppression. At some point, the appearance of Jesus tormented evil spirits, such that they begged Jesus not to destroy them. Studying God's word with prayer and fasting is a major way to increase the anointing upon your life. There are believers that Satan won't go to because they carry an overcomer's anointing. If Satan is still oppressing you then your anointing is small. The anointing is a word used to describe th...


TIMELY NOTES! What are you saying? James 3:10 tells us that "out of the same mouth proceeds blessing and cursing. And it ought not to be so". God knows that many of us are unemployed, and that we desperately need a job. He knows that we're in need of a spouse, He knows we need to build a house, He knows we need to pay our children's school fees and other bills. He knows we urgently need a car to make our movement easier. The truth is; God is committed to meeting all our needs, but I perceive that the way we speak about them is hindering Him. According to scriptures, we're not admonished to speak about our needs, rather, we're to speak to them. The bible says "whosoever shall say unto this mountain, be removed, and be cast into the sea, and does not doubt that what he says shall come to pass, he shall have whatsoever he says". That also means that it is not what you speak about that you'd have, but what you speak to. So, before you rush off to...


THIS WEEK! Trying times are hard times. Your cash flow may suddenly cease, your peace may constantly be hunted, your employers may suddenly despise you, your closest pals may become your worse enemy, even your family may suddenly become non-compliant. These things happened to Joseph; the bible says "until the time that his word came, the word of the Lord tried him. Even though Joseph was tried, the bible also tells us that God proved him right". The trials you're going through now may be hard, but no matter how you feel about them, if you don't successfully pass through them, you'd remain in them. This week, your trying times will finally come to an end! Just as the king sent for Joseph, they'd send for you from great places this week! God will put laughter in your songs this week! Sorrowful tunes will not be heard from your habitation! Only goodness and mercy are permitted to follow you this week! Whatever is contrary to God's goodness will be far fro...


TIMELY NOTES! Signs and wonders are natural heritages of a believer. The bible says "and these signs shall follow them that believe...". Nothing about our lives should be natural, even our women should give birth supernaturally. This is my take; if signs and wonders are not following you then it probably means you don't believe, or you don't practice what you believe. The name of Jesus is the sign and wonder that Jesus spoke about. After He mentioned that signs would follow them that believe, He continued by saying "in my name, they shall cast out demons, they'd lay their hands on the sick and heal them, they'd pray with new tongues, and poison will not harm them". His disciples confirmed this in Mark 16:20 when they said "Even the devil was subject to His name". Don't let the world intimidate you; the name of Jesus is bigger and far greater than whoever or whatever is trying to oppress. This is what I do to oppressors; I put them u...


TIMELY NOTES! There's an evil that I've seen in this world. Believers are dying in poverty; they can't even afford a comfortable dress. They walk long distances where they normally should use a cab. They make efforts to look for a job, but often get rejected with scorn. They work very hard but get very little. The men marry late because they don't have the means, and the women have to wait for them because they can't marry themselves. These occurrences are not the will of God for a believer. Job 20:15 tells us that an enemy has swallowed up our riches. And that's probably why many believers never have enough to care for themselves, let alone others. The good news is; if God could bring Jonah out from the belly of a fish, then He can force the enemy to vomit our riches. If Daniel was ten times better than his peers, then a believer should be minimum ten times better than any unbeliever in his field. I perceive that this evil has tarried this long because beli...


TIMELY NOTES! According to scriptures, every thought you have shapes your life. What you think about your neighbor is your attitude towards him. The way you think about your job is your attitude towards work. Your thoughts concerning your spouse, the people on the highway during rush hour, and the government create your attitude toward each of those subjects. I've recently learnt that attitude is not everything, rather, it makes everything different. That also means that when things are working contrary to your plan, your attitude should be the first point of contact. If your boss suddenly changes his attitude towards you, then he must have changed his thoughts towards you. When people change the way they live or interact with you, then something has changed in their thoughts. It's amazing how people who have snubbed me for years suddenly embraces me. They used to think of me as a minor, but now they see me as their mentor. Your results naturally shift people's paradigm...


TIMELY NOTES! Believers are as farmers; what we sow is what we'd eventually reap. Farmers have tools for sowing and tools for reaping. Believers also have tools for sowing and reaping, except that our tools are not physical, they're spiritual and highly effective. For instance, prayer is a sower; we don't often expect God to do something we've not prayed for. But the moment we pray for something, we begin to expect it. That also makes our expectation the harvest or result. But between sowing and harvesting, farmers require other tools for nurturing. The nurturing stage is as important as the sowing stage. A farmer that does not nurture his plants won't get much during harvest time. Praying for souls to be established is as important as praying for them to saved. Many of us need to pray like Daniel did; he continued in prayers for twenty one days until his answer came. That also means that he nurtured his plant until he received the harvest. That's how far ...


TIMELY NOTES! Hold on to your expectation; that's where God begins His work. God may not always give you what you ask or expect, but He'd ensure you get something that will settle the things you expect. The crippled man at the Beautiful gate really needed alms, just as many people really need a job, a house, a car, a good business, and even a spouse. And the fact that he really needed alms made it his only expectation from people who passed by. His mind was too enclosed to see that he could be healed and set free from begging alms. He just held on to his expectation. We later saw in scriptures that the crippled man was not given alms as he expected, rather, he was given hands and legs, so that he can work and make enough money to even give alms to those who may need them. This means that if you won't give up on God for the job you're expecting from Him, He may eventually make you an employer of labour. I perceive that sometimes our expectations are way too small for...


TIMELY NOTES! Let me make this clear! You're not going to have good followers until you become a good leader. Everybody has a follower, even children. There's always someone out there who is looking up to you to take the lead. Imagine for a moment, car trackers started existing when cars were invented. There are many people who will never discover their potentials until they find someone walking in the path also destined for them. I believe this is why a mentor said "the wealthiest place on the earth is the graveyard". Let's live right! We can't leave this world the way it is. Remember that the daily heart cry of the world is that God's people should manifest God's power on the earth. This also means that people are waiting for us to make a move, so that they can follow. The volume of moves you make will ultimately determine the number of followers you'd get. If your followers are small, less productive or negatively influenced, then check your...


TIMELY NOTES! Commit your ways unto the Lord and trust in Him, He'd bring your desires to pass. When God is your Shepherd, you won't lack any good thing. He'd let you rest in fields of green grass, and lead you to quiet pools of fresh water. He'd give you strength to scale through; and even if you go through the deepest darkness, you won't be afraid, because His light will be with you. Let God direct your paths. That's probably all He desires to do. The bible says He leads us in the path of righteousness for His name's sake. That could also mean that His name is abused when we, His beloved, walk in a wrong path. We are carriers of God's name, and God is so protective about His name. Anything that affects us also affects His name. The bible records that He has given us a name that is above every other name, and at the mention of that name, every opposition must bow. That also means that our defeat only brings mockery to His name. That's how far ...


TIMELY NOTES! The bible says that "God is not unrighteous to forget our labour of love". That also means that it is unrighteousness before God for any diligent man to be forgotten. Many people are suffering, not because they didn't do well in life, but because those who were supposed to help them has forgotten them. Joseph helped two palace servants in the prison, one of them was killed after some days, and the other was restored to his position. We later saw that the other servant remembered Joseph after two years - when Pharaoh was troubled by a dream. Imagine for a moment, what if God didn't put the king in a tight corner? What if somebody else could interpret the king's dream? Do you think the servant would have remembered Joseph? I guess not. But even though man can forget our love towards them, God is not unrighteous to forget. He will surely make a way for you to be remembered. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these ...


TIMELY NOTES! While I was growing up, swearing by a greater power was usually our best way to resolve conflicts. We believed that using the words "I swear" would prove the validity of our point. And to be candid, it always did. We grew up with that mentality of "swearing" to prove our point, but thank God that Christianity has taught us a different and better approach to proving our points. However, God knows how we reason; and that's why He had to swear an oath in Heb 6:16-18, so that we can believe His word to us. God didn't have to swear, because it's impossible for Him to lie. But He did! Just imagine God saying "I swear... , My word is true". The fact of the matter is; God loves us, and He has reserved great and mighty blessing for us. But we really can't access them until we do what His word commands. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; IF YOU WANT TO BE ESTABLISHED AS A CHRISTIA...