Trying times are hard times. Your cash flow may suddenly cease, your peace may constantly be hunted, your employers may suddenly despise you, your closest pals may become your worse enemy, even your family may suddenly become non-compliant. These things happened to Joseph; the bible says "until the time that his word came, the word of the Lord tried him. Even though Joseph was tried, the bible also tells us that God proved him right". The trials you're going through now may be hard, but no matter how you feel about them, if you don't successfully pass through them, you'd remain in them.

This week, your trying times will finally come to an end! Just as the king sent for Joseph, they'd send for you from great places this week! God will put laughter in your songs this week! Sorrowful tunes will not be heard from your habitation! Only goodness and mercy are permitted to follow you this week! Whatever is contrary to God's goodness will be far from you! This week, the hand of God will advance you financially! There'd be no more financial downtimes for you! The God who sent me will perfect all the good things He has began in your life this week. So shall it be! In Jesus precious name!

God bless you, I love you, and have a most fruitful week!

Securing your week for maximum impact


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