If the foundation is poor, what can the righteous do? Many believers are suffering, not because God is not blessing them, but because their foundation is faulty. Any structure that is built on a poor foundation is sure to collapse. The bible tells us that we are God's building, but it's our responsibility to lay a proper foundation for Him to build us. A building may be beautiful, but it won't be purchased as long as the foundation is poor. This is probably why many of our beautiful ladies are not married. Promising young men approach them, but they disengage when they discover that their foundation is faulty.
How would you explain the tragedy of loosing a job just a few weeks after you got it? How would you explain spending your salary on treating sicknesses and bailing yourself out of trouble? God blesses everyday, but oftentimes, our foundation is too weak to contain these blessings. Many couples are divorced, not because they're not eligible for marriage, but because marriage is too weighty to sit on their foundation. Many of us need to get back to the basics of God's word, because that's where our sure foundation lies.
That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; WHEN YOUR FOUNDATION BECOMES UNSHAKEABLE AND UNMOVABLE, YOUR BLESSINGS WILL BECOME UNDENIABLE. Have a most fruitful day! In Jesus precious name!
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An Inspiration of The Almighty
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