TIMELY NOTES! Be consistent in well-doing. As a matter of scriptures, God doesn't like it when we're not consistent. The bible says we should not be weary in well-doing, for we'd reap it in due season if we don't faint. It also says we shouldn't cast away our confidence, because it would be compensated with a great reward. The bank may be far away, but you'd still have to get there to claim your cheque. We need to begin to see our positive engagements and investments as if we're going to the bank. We may encounter traffic jam on the way, we may have to refill our tank in a fuel station, sometimes we may even need to turn back or stop to attend to a more urgent matter. Delay is not denial. You may have done so much for your spouse, your boss, your relatives, or even your children, just to make them see reasons to change, but yet, they still have that very character that you so much despise. Sometimes, you may be discouraged, and you'd even feel like r...