Be positive about everything, even the things you desperately need to change. Many people are still on the same job because of their negative attitude towards their job. They have this "I deserve a better job" attitude; which affects their job, relationship with colleagues, and the company at large. The truth is; if your attitude towards people does not bring peace to them, you won't see the hand of God. Remember that scripture admonishes that we should follow peace with all men otherwise we will not see God.
The salary may not be up to your expectation, the business may not bring as much profit, your spouse may not be as supportive, your teachers may not be as intelligent, your children may not be as brilliant, but be positive! I've lived with a mindset that "nothing comes to me for nothing; everything that comes to me comes for a positive reason, and that reason must be positively accomplished". Things may appear bad, but it doesn't change the fact that it is bad for a positive reason. And for that singular reason, I have to be positive. Come to think of it, if I approach a positive thing negatively, what do you envisage will happen?
That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; IF YOU'RE NOT POSITIVE, YOU WON'T HEAR GOD. AND IF YOU DON'T HEAR GOD, THEN YOU'D REMAIN IN THAT SITUATION LONGER THAN YOU SHOULD. Have a most fruitful weekend, in Jesus precious name!
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An Inspiration of The Almighty
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