Faith is like removing a coconut shell. The process may be difficult, but it won't change the fact that you need to remove the shell to eat the coconut. Everybody wants to enjoy God, but the challenge is that they don't like to endure in faith. Faith is not the promises of God, it is accessing the promises of God with absolute obedience to God's commandments. Don't tell me you're "believing God for a blessing" when you've not "done what He commands to receive the blessing".

We don't need faith to enjoy blessings. I've never heard anyone say "Praise God, I ate and drank with faith today". Faith is only required to remove the strongholds that try to hinder our access to blessings. We'd discover from scriptures that every time faith was mentioned, the next thing that follows is an obstacle. Faith came against the fig tree, the storm, and the lunatic man. Faith cured the woman with the issue of blood, fed the Syrophenician woman, healed Jairus' daughter. Faith fed over five thousand people, and brought Lazarus back to life after four days. The amazing thing is, it was never mentioned that those people needed faith to enjoy the blessings they received.

That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; FAITH IS FOR FIGHTING. IF YOU WANT TO ENJOY THE BLESSINGS OF GOD, THEN FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH. Have a most fruitful day, in Jesus precious name!

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An Inspiration of The Almighty


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