THE MONEY NEXT DOOR... God does not pour down money from heaven. He pours down blessings; blessings like ideas, visions, inspirations, wisdom and revelation. It is our wise engagement with these blessings that converts them to money. Even when God instructs someone to give you money, it's usually with some candid reason. Deborah Rex once told me that "people will not give to you because you need, rather, they'd give to you because they need". What can you give in exchange for what you need? What can you give in exchange for money? Even God referred to this principle when He said "give, and it shall be given unto you". Don't expect to receive if you have nothing to give. Since I started writing, nobody has ever given me money because they just feel like it, they give me money specifically because they love the way I tirelessly convert inspiration to blessings. Anybody can trust you with their money when you have a profitable business idea. Per...