
Showing posts from February, 2017
THE MONEY NEXT DOOR... God does not pour down money from heaven. He pours down blessings; blessings like ideas, visions, inspirations, wisdom and revelation. It is our wise engagement with these blessings that converts them to money. Even when God instructs someone to give you money, it's usually with some candid reason. Deborah Rex once told me that "people will not give to you because you need, rather, they'd give to you because they need". What can you give in exchange for what you need? What can you give in exchange for money? Even God referred to this principle when He said "give, and it shall be given unto you". Don't expect to receive if you have nothing to give. Since I started writing, nobody has ever given me money because they just feel like it, they give me money specifically because they love the way I tirelessly convert inspiration to blessings. Anybody can trust you with their money when you have a profitable business idea. Per...


TIMELY NOTES! Laughter is like changing a baby's diaper - it solves a problem and makes things more acceptable for a while. Every time you smile or laugh, you add something to your life. It costs a lot to be heart broken, but it won't cost you anything to smile or even laugh. Smiling or laughing is free. Of all the things you wear, your facial expression is the most important. The bible says a merry heart doeth good like medicine. A good laugh is the best medicine, whether you're sick or not. Tom Walsh said "every minute your mouth is turned down, you lose 60 seconds of happiness". Unhappiness indicates wrong thinking, just as ill health indicates a bad regulatory system. It's impossible to smile on the outside without feeling better on the inside. If you laugh at it, you can live with it. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Notes, but take these last words; GOOD PEOPLE WOULD ALWAYS WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE IF YOU ALWAYS SMILE. SO SMILE, IT...


TIMELY NOTES! With much perseverance, even the snail made it to the Ark. Many people have had to abort great ideas, only because they considered "speed of accomplishment" over "impact". In the pursuit of any vision or idea, impact must be the priority, and anything else should be secondary. The first Timely Notes I posted was on the 27th of February 2014, and it attracted only "8 Likes". But of recent, it has crossed "160 Likes", with numerous comments and shares. Timely Notes has delivered many depressed people. Someone once sent a testimony of how he was delivered from committing suicide after he read a Timely Note. Recently, someone who was plagued with insanity told me how he was delivered. He remarked that he couldn't recognize anything; but miraculously, he could read the "30-day Timely Notes devotional" book I gave to him. He said the more he read it, the healthier he became. Timely Notes corrected his brains. That'...

Into The Deep - Emeka Anslem

Into The Deep - Emeka Anslem Hi guys, I don't have enough words to describe this book. But do me a favour, give me a description after you must have read it. Cheers! Open

Timely Notes 30-Day Devotional - Vol 2 by Emeka Anslem

Timely Notes 30-Day Devotional -Vol 2 by Emeka Anslem Hi guys, Here is a gift for Timely Notes' 3rd year anniversary. Download and enjoy! Open


TIMELY NOTES! What is following you? And these signs shall follow them that believe; in the name of Jesus, they'd cast out demons, they'd speak with new tongues, they'd lay their hands on the sick to recover, no poison, whether physical or spiritual, will be able to hurt them. If Pharaoh knew that signs and wonders were following Moses and the people of Israel, he wouldn't have pursued after them. Unfortunately for him, the signs and wonders which were following Moses and the people of Israel consumed him and his army. As believers, we need to understand that the power that is following us is far greater than the powers that are pursuing after us. What is blocking your path? Behold, I give unto you power to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the powers of the wicked, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. We really shouldn't be concerned with the things that are blocking our path,  because we have the power to work over them unhurt. If Moses and t...


TIMELY NOTES! When a man is drunk, it is usually obvious to everyone who sees him, and they would say he is under the influence of alcohol. If he is constantly afraid, they would say he is living in a state of fear. If he is anxious, they would say he is in a state of anxiety. The subjects often used to describe the state of a man are usually abstract, yet their occurrences are undeniable. If this is the case, why can't believers live under the influence of God? I would like to hear people say things like "he is under the influence of God's word". Instead of living in a state of fear and anxiety, what's wrong with living in a state of favour? Let's study God's word till we get drunk, and become influenced by it. The only time most Christians live under the influence of God's word is just after a Sunday service. Amazingly, people also notice when a person is living under a demonic influence. Peter went to preach in a place, and after a while, the pe...


TIMELY NOTES! God will never allow the enemy to take everything you have from you. He'd always leave something that He can work with. When Satan proposed to torment Job, God gave him permission, but warned him not to touch his body. Satan made another proposal, and this time, God permitted him to touch Job's body but that he mustn't take his life. Job lost every material possession he had, and also lost his health. But despite all that he lost, he still had his mouth to worship and praise God. He still had capacity to pray for His friends. Abraham had lost his youthful age, and that made it impossible to do valuable things with his life. But he still had obedience. If God allows you to lose anything, then it probably means that He doesn't need those things to fulfil your destiny. He is not only "God" because of what you have, He's also the God of what you have left. God knows how to use what you have left to restore you to a position far beyond what yo...


I'M NOT AFRAID OF HEIGHTS... I just haven't stayed long enough on a high plain. Ask the dead if they were ever afraid of graveyards, their response would probably be "only when we were alive, because we've stayed here for too long to be scared of the grave". Every excuse you give for your inabilities excludes you from great possibilities. I used to be afraid of leading a certain group of people, only because they are people with great potentials and calibre. It wasn't low self-esteem, I just wasn't ready to put so much effort in leading a group like that. But I took the challenge anyway, I became their leader. And the longer I maintained that office, the better I became. Things have really changed in that group, and every committed member has a testimony. So here's my take; if you're afraid of heights, then there's probably something up there that needs your attention. Don't move away from your fears, move towards them. Surpri...


TIMELY NOTES! Life is not fair! And Satan has vowed to make it remain like that. God had earlier informed Believers that "From the days of John the Baptist until the present, the kingdom from heaven has been forcefully advancing, and violent people have been attacking it". Somehow, the unfairness of life is part of God's plan for the forceful advancement of Believers. If people are not forced by circumstances, they may not make productive moves. If life were fair, people would be static; and if people are static, there would be less innovations. Most of the inventions that are in existence today are products of someone's response to the unfairness of life. Waiting for life to be fair is the same as wasting your life to the sphere. There is a popular saying that "there is nothing in this life"; but if that is true, God won't need to put us here. Pleading for fairness is submission to the devil's attack. We need to understand that the devil hates t...


Hmm, this month's conference will definitely be transforming... Oluwadamilare, Elizabeth, and Uche are writers I don't joke with. They write with so much angelic ecstasy, you'd wish their write-ups should not end... The conference is this Saturday, and it's on Whatsapp. So you don't have to worry about mobility. Just send your name to my whatsapp(09024529639), and I'd add you to the forum. And yes, I'd so be writing... Lol God bless you with multiple promotions! #EmekaAnslem


TIMELY NOTES! A time is coming when people who are looking for who to help them would become people whom their helpers will be looking for them to help them. This also means that suppliers would be readily available to meet any arising need of our lives. People with business ideas will no longer lack resources to kick-start their ideas. Students will enjoy lasting scholarships, and the unemployed among us will have a hard time choosing where to work. Companies are downsizing, unemployment rate is increasing, families are cutting their daily meals and privileges, students are lacking vital information, and this is all because the government is failing. The kingdom of God is at hand. God cares about us; but the bitter truth is that, only those who subscribe to the advancement of His kingdom will enjoy the best of God in this season. Matt 6:33 guarantees us that a kingdom priority life will distinguish us in the midst of famine. No matter how urgent your needs may be, God's kingdo...


TIMELY NOTES! As believers, we need to understand that our salvation has relocated us to the kingdom of God. Though we live in a world where governments rule, but our growth and development is not determined by these governments. The reason why many believers are lacking is simply because they rely on the government for their needs. It's important to know that no nation will ever have enough to supply the diverse needs of a believer.  It is God that supplies all our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. That also means that, if God is not the one supplying your needs then you'd continue having problems. The kingdom of God is a kingdom of covenants and personal responsibilities. The bible says we should be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the works of the Lord, because our labour is not in vain. Companies may delay your salary for months, but God does not owe those who serve the interest of His kingdom. Heb 12:28 also mentions that we're in a k...
HE PREPARES A TABLE BEFORE ME... In the presence of chaos, when hope seems lost... In the midst of professionals, people who are more qualified than you are for the job... In the presence of intellectuals, students who will normally defeat you in any competition... In the circle of beautiful damsels, ladies who will steadily be preferred over you... In the presence of your worst fears, things you will never attempt... Don't get intimidated by the way things appear, God has prepared a table before you right in the presence of those "intimidating figures". Go ahead, attend the interview, forget about who else is attending, God has prepared a table before you. Defend your project, do your presentation, do your job, execute the project, raise your children, take care of your family, love your spouse, just do whatever has to be done without fear in your heart, because God has prepared a table before you. Set your expectations high at all times, no matter who ...


TIMELY NOTES! If the foundation is poor, what can the righteous do? Many believers are suffering, not because God is not blessing them, but because their foundation is faulty. Any structure that is built on a poor foundation is sure to collapse. The bible tells us that we are God's building, but it's our responsibility to lay a proper foundation for Him to build us. A building may be beautiful, but it won't be purchased as long as the foundation is poor. This is probably why many of our beautiful ladies are not married. Promising young men approach them, but they disengage when they discover that their foundation is faulty. How would you explain the tragedy of loosing a job just a few weeks after you got it? How would you explain spending your salary on treating sicknesses and bailing yourself out of trouble? God blesses everyday, but oftentimes, our foundation is too weak to contain these blessings. Many couples are divorced, not because they are not eligible for marri...
CHRISTIANITY IS NOT FOOLISHNESS! Resigning because your boss nags all the time is definitely foolishness. Haven't you heard that "the heart of a leader is in the hands of the Lord, and He turns it wherever He wants"? Someone once shared a testimony of how he transfered his boss that refused to promote him. His boss delayed his promotion for no reason. But thank God smart believers; he began to reign prayer points on his boss until he was transfered. He took the position of his boss by spiritual smartness. If you slept with your lecturer because he threatened to fail you, then it's only because you are lazy and you really wanted to sleep with him. Many ladies have escaped similar threats just by engaging the spiritual weapons at their disposal. People are free to threaten you, but don't let their threats determine God's say. For who is he that decrees a thing and it comes to pass, when your heavenly Father has not declared it? They are free to say what ...
HE WAS TOO TOUGH TO BE DEFEATED... A certain man was diagnosed with a terminal disease, and was told he'd die in 3 months. The more he heard the report, the more sickly he became. He decided to start going to church; and each time he did, he returned with excitement from what was preached. After some weeks, he decided to stop visiting the hospital, since he was going to die anyway. He focused on going to church, which was the only place that gave him joy. 12 months passed, he had even forgotten that he was scheduled to die 9 months before. When he finally remembered, he rushed to the hospital to confirm what had happened, and to his amazement, the terminal disease had been supernaturally removed from his body. Every time you study God's word, virtue flows from the word to you. Remember what Jesus said when the woman with the issue of blood touched Him, He said "virtue has left me". You just can't remain the same with consistent study of the word. That man ...


TIMELY NOTES! God gives us grace so that we can achieve greater things in this world. But I have discovered that many believers think of grace as a substitute for hard work. Paul said "I am what I am by the grace of God; nevertheless, I worked harder to achieve greater results". The things that will rescue humanity from servitude are not prayer points, they are work-points. As much as God is looking for people who will stand on the prayer altar, He is also looking for those who would stand all-night, working out what they have prayed for. Prayer is like making an oral report, but it is the physical evidence or work that proves the validity of the prayer. Wicked people also pray, but the impact of their wickedness is only felt by their practical evil works. Believers even pray more, but do little or nothing about the work. The bible says believers will build the destroyed places, but I am yet to see where a house is built by heavy prayer points. Even Jesus had to engage Hi...


You don't want to miss this...
TIMELY NOTES! #ValentinesSpecial Everybody needs a listener. A relationship should be a platform to listen to one another. But in most cases, both sides are always talking. Personally, I hardly flow with people who do not listen to my dreams and thoughts. If you want to see the best of anybody, then be ready to listen to them. God wants us to listen to Him. The bible says "we should seek first His kingdom, and all other things shall be added to us". That could also mean, if you can give God a listening ear, you would naturally gain access to His resources. The same way, if you can give any man a listening ear, he would love you with everything he has. If people are not meeting your expectations, it is probably because you are not giving ear to their expressions. Do not expect much from God if you rarely allow Him to express Himself in your life. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; ONE OF THE WAYS TO PROVE THAT YOU ARE ...
I'M SEARCHING, BUT I'M NOT SINGLE... My first relationship couldn't continue, only because I found a new love, and she could not share my love with any other. She called me a cheat, she felt I should have told her before I started a new relationship. I think she said I was "double-dating". If she knew I had become a Christian, she probably would have included that magical sentence "... And you  call yourself a Christian". The second bluntly said "No". She said she couldn't date a guy who has greater love for someone else. She thought she'd have to struggle to maintain her space. I even explained to her that the one whom I'm in a relationship with loves me so much that enough space has been created for her. Well, she still said "No". And then here came to third; I really liked her, and I would have done anything to get a "Yes". But unfortunately, she also wanted me to choose. And that is something I can...


TIMELY NOTES! Joy is like a human tracker; it is what God uses to locate us when He wants to bless us. Anytime joy is absent from a man, the angels would have to put extra efforts to deliver God's blessing to him. Prayer is good, but even while you are praying the most sorrowful prayer, let your joy be full. Remember that it took an angel 21-days to deliver answers to Daniel's prayer. According to the angel, demons attacked him on the way and delayed him from the first day that Daniel began his prayer. Remember when we were little children, how that we would joyfully plead with our parents to forgive our disobedience, despite their raging countenance. And most of those times, their countenance suddenly becomes light, and they eventually forgive us. Many people believe they must break their hearts before God will hear their prayers. Think about it for a moment; if a natural man know how to respond to the joy in his children, how much more will our heavenly Father respond to ...
THIS YOUR ATTITUDE WILL NOT KILL YOU ONE DAY... According to scriptures, our lifestyle is shaped according to our thoughts. What you think about your neighbor will eventually form your attitude towards him. The way you think about your job will form your attitude towards work. If you think a little more on how you hate your Mathematics teacher, then your attitude towards attending his class will change. Your thoughts concerning your spouse, your church, your family, your colleagues, the people on the highway during rush hours, and even the government, creates your attitude towards each of them. Attitude is not everything, however, it makes everything different. When things are working contrary to your plan, your attitude should be the first point of contact. If your boss suddenly changes his attitude towards you, then he must have changed his thoughts towards you. When people change the way they live or interact with you, then something has changed in their thoughts. It...
TIMELY NOTES! Get back to the word! No other means can be as quick as the word of God. Doctors may tell you that it would take time for your health to respond to medication, lawyers may tell you that the case will need more time to be resolved, your boss may have extended the set-time for your promotion, your in-laws may have selfishly extended the time for your wedding, do not worry, God's word is quick and powerful, and it is able to make anything happen when you want it to happen. We need to stop allowing nature to cheat us. If God had conformed to nature, the moon and the sun would not have been in existence today. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the waters. That would have remained the story if God did not engage the word. And God said "let there be light", and light came instantly. Nature would always have good reasons why you can't get your desires on time, but you also have "God reasons" why you must get you...
IT'S JUST THAT, SOMETIMES I FEEL TOO LAZY... "Sometimes I feel too lazy to do some necessary things" was the excuse she gave for not committing herself to diligence. Really, what's the use of your feelings when work needs to be done? People who live by their feelings are selfish and self-centered people; they forget the multitudes of people that require their service and focus on a feeling that does nothing but hide their potentials. It's okay to feel lazy about doing certain things, but even in the feeling, still go ahead and do it. Actually, it's not that you "feel lazy", but that you are "not willing". Imagine how I would feel when I discover that you are not willing to help me? (Gush! Don't even imagine it...) It's not like I feel good every time, but my willingness to write to you is what keeps me going. We are not called to feel, we are called to do. Think about it, should people suffer all because you don't ...
IN JESUS NAME! Signs and wonders are the natural heritage of a believer. Mark 16:17 tells us that "these signs shall follow them that believe...". Nothing about our lives should be natural, even our women should give birth supernaturally. If signs and wonders are not following you then it probably means you do not believe, or you do not practice what you believe. The "name of Jesus" is the sign and wonder that scripture spoke about. After He mentioned that signs would follow them that believe, He continued by saying "in My name, they shall cast out demons, they would lay their hands on the sick and heal them, they would pray with new tongues, and poison will not harm them". His disciples confirmed this in Mark 16:20 when they said "Even the devil was subject to His name". Do not let the world intimidate you, the name of "Jesus" is bigger and far greater than whoever or whatever is trying to oppress you. This is what I do to my...

Mr Engaged - Give God the Glory-Produced By TonyCee

Mr Engaged-Give God the Glory-Produced By TonyCee.mp3 This song will keep you engaged... Open


TIMELY NOTES! What are you saying? James 3:10 tells us that "out of the same mouth proceeds blessing and cursing. And it ought not to be so". God knows that many of us are unemployed, and that we desperately need a job. He knows we are in need of a spouse, He knows we need to build a house, He knows we need to pay our children's school fees and other bills. He knows we urgently need a car to make our movement easier. The truth is; God is committed to meeting all our needs, but I perceive that the way we speak about them is hindering Him. According to scriptures, we are not supposed to speak about our needs, rather, we are to speak to them. The bible says "whosoever shall say unto this mountain, be removed, and be cast into the sea, and does not doubt that what he says shall come to pass, he shall have whatsoever he says". That also means that "it is not what you speak about that you would have, but what you speak to". So, before you rush off to tel...
I SWEAR, I WILL... While we were growing up, swearing by a greater power was usually our best way to resolve conflicts. We believed that using the words "I swear" would prove the validity of our point. And to be candid, it always did. We grew up with that mentality of "swearing" to prove our point, but thank God that Christianity has taught us a different and better approach to proving our points. However, God knows how we reason; and that's why He had to swear an oath in Heb 6:16-18, so that we can believe His word to us. God didn't have to swear, because it's impossible for Him to lie. But He did! Just imagine God saying "I swear, My word is true". Now here is my point; God loves us, and He has reserved great and mighty blessings for us. But we really can't access them until we do what His word commands. Let me conclude with this; if you want to be established as a Christian, believe God's word and do whatever it tells y...


You don't want to miss this!


TIMELY NOTES! Hold on to your expectation; that's where God begins His work. God may not always give you what you ask or expect, but He would ensure you get something that will settle the things you expect. The crippled man at the Beautiful gate really needed alms from Peter and John, just as many people really need a job, a house, a car, a good business, or even a spouse. And the fact that he really needed alms made it his only expectation from people who passed by. His mind was too enclosed to even see that he could be healed and set free from begging alms. He just held on to his only expectation. We later saw in scriptures that the crippled man was not given alms as he expected; rather, he was given hands and legs, so that he could work and make enough money to even give alms to those who may need them. This literally means that if you will not give up on God for the job you are expecting from Him, He may eventually make you an employer of labour. I perceive that sometimes o...
NOBODY GETS ANGRY LIKE THAT! There is no anger in the world, there are only people who think angry thoughts, and acting out on those thoughts. Anger is not something that just happens because someone stepped on your toes, no! It is something you choose to express. Nobody has anger genes inside of him; every angry person developed a force within him that produces anger. Anger is a seed of destruction. Living with anger is simply carrying about a seed that would grow up to destroy you. Jesus made it easier for us to live an anger-free life when He said "do not pay evil for evil. And if someone slaps you on one cheek, be calm enough to turn the other cheek to the person". Come to think of it; a person who will not react at the first slap and still propose a second slap can never get angry. I've read of two occasions where Jesus got angry in scriptures; the first was when he saw that the temple had been turned to a market place, and the second was when the fig tre...


TIMELY NOTES! Making reflections of past errors is not a bad thing, but let your reflections be for your learning, and not to build a sense of guilt. Guilt is the immobilization that comes from living in the past. You cannot feel guilty about things that you are going to do in the future, guilt is about things in the past, about things you have done. Guilt has been a major tool that the devil uses against man, he would either use people to remind you of your past or paint a picture of your past errors in your mind. And the moment you begin to meditate on these past errors, he has succeeded in immobilizing you. I have heard people say things like "he does not even feel guilty for his mistake". In my opinion, you do not need to feel guilty for anything, especially things that can be corrected. Feeling guilty means mentally travelling back to your past and living there. People who live in the past kill the present, and never see the future. It is okay to take the blame for y...
TIMELY NOTES! Commit your ways unto the Lord and trust in Him, He'd bring your desires to pass. When God is your Shepherd, you would not lack any good thing. He would let you rest in fields of green grass, and lead you to quiet pools of fresh water. He would give you strength to scale through; and even if you go through the deepest darkness, you will not be afraid, because His light will be with you. Let God direct your paths. That is probably all He desires to do. The bible says He leads us in the path of righteousness for His name's sake. That could also mean that His name is abused when we, His beloved, walk in a wrong path. We are carriers of God's name, and God is so protective about His name. Anything that affects us also affects His name. The bible records that He has given us a name that is above every other name, and at the mention of that name, every opposition must bow. That also means that our defeat only brings mockery to His name. That's how far we...

E-BOOK ALERT: How To Receive Your Desired Miracle - By Emeka Anslem

Hi, Thank you for being a major part of my birthday. I thought of what to give in return, and God wanted you to have this little e-book as a gift from me to you.  God bless you with multiple promotions! And hey, don't forget to "like" it. And if you really like it, please share it! Open Google Drive: Have all your files within reach from any device. Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
THE WORTH OF MY CELEBRATION! It was few seconds to midnight on the 31st of December 2009, when I felt a touch that woke me from the bed, the sick bed. While other people were in the church, making their new year resolution, I was at home lying on a sick bed. Though I didn't know who touched me, but I heard a voice that told me to check the time. And behold, when I did, it was 12 midnight. The voice asked "what is your new year resolution?". "I want to be closer to God in the new year" was my response. Afterall, what else could a young boy who had experienced sickness all through the year 2009 ask for?  To be honest, if anybody had told me back in 2009 that I'd become an inspirational writer, I would have denied it. Maybe the person would have even become my worse enemy. But see what the Lord has done. I didn't know much about God. I was a christian, but I wasn't a practicing one. In February 2010, I found myself in Living Faith Church Wor...
I'M NOT BLACK! I'm not white either... I don't belong to a race; I come from a tribe, the tribe of Judah. A tribe where Jesus is the first born, and I'm just glad to be His brother. Meanwhile, what's this "White People, Black People" comparison? People think white people have the upper hand when it comes to development. They also think black people have "slaved mindsets", and that they never invest in lasting changes. White people work, black people watch. White people create solutions, black people think they need help. Black people pray ceaselessly to travel to the white man's country for greener pasture. White people receive invitations from black people to come to their aid. The white man goes to a black man's land and becomes a wealthy investor. But the black man prefers to spray insecticides for a living in a white man's land. Anyway, that shouldn't bother me. My brother, Jesus, is not white, neither is He ...