In the presence of chaos, when hope seems lost...

In the midst of professionals, people who are more qualified than you are for the job...

In the presence of intellectuals, students who will normally defeat you in any competition...

In the circle of beautiful damsels, ladies who will steadily be preferred over you...

In the presence of your worst fears, things you will never attempt...

Don't get intimidated by the way things appear, God has prepared a table before you right in the presence of those "intimidating figures".

Go ahead, attend the interview, forget about who else is attending, God has prepared a table before you.

Defend your project, do your presentation, do your job, execute the project, raise your children, take care of your family, love your spouse, just do whatever has to be done without fear in your heart, because God has prepared a table before you.

Set your expectations high at all times, no matter who or what may stand as an obstacle. If God has prepared a table before you in their presence, then it means your encounter with anyone or anything will end in your favour. No wonder the bible says that "all things work together for good to them that love God..."

Finally, seize every opportunity. God prepares a table before us in the presence of our enemies only to prove that we can scale through anything. May God give us understanding!

God bless you, I love you, and don't forget to share!

Bringing knowledge to the people


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