It was few seconds to midnight on the 31st of December 2009, when I felt a touch that woke me from the bed, the sick bed.

While other people were in the church, making their new year resolution, I was at home lying on a sick bed.

Though I didn't know who touched me, but I heard a voice that told me to check the time. And behold, when I did, it was 12 midnight.

The voice asked "what is your new year resolution?". "I want to be closer to God in the new year" was my response. Afterall, what else could a young boy who had experienced sickness all through the year 2009 ask for? 

To be honest, if anybody had told me back in 2009 that I'd become an inspirational writer, I would have denied it. Maybe the person would have even become my worse enemy. But see what the Lord has done.

I didn't know much about God. I was a christian, but I wasn't a practicing one. In February 2010, I found myself in Living Faith Church Worldwide, where I also responded to the call of salvation after a teaching by the pastor. I got baptized in the Holy Ghost in the cause of the teaching, but because I didn't know what it was, I tried to control it until I was officially baptized in the month of Match.

Since then, I've consistently developed zeal to be a blessing to humanity. Being a blessing has been the only thing that keeps me happy, because I only feel blessed when I've poured out the blessings that God deposits inside of me.

Finally, I'm not a pastor, I'd rather you call me a teacher, because that's what God called me to be. "Add value to lives by bringing knowledge to the people" was what He said to me on the 7th of April, 2014. I also remember praying to God on the first day of July 2015, that He should fill the hearts of His people with knowledge, and He replied by saying "... But I've made you knowledge over them".

So don't be surprised when you get messages everyday, because there'd be nothing to celebrate today without them. To be candid, the privilege I have ever to be a blessing to humanity is the worth of my celebration.

Thank you for the gifts and felicitations. And also for the opportunity you've given me to be a blessing to you. May God reward you with multiple promotions, in Jesus precious name!

I'm still celebrating God's faithfulness... Happy birthday to me!



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