God’s method of blessing is agricultural. In 2 Cor 9:10, the bible describes God as a personality that “gives seed to the sower, multiplies the seeds sown, and increases the fruits that comes from the harvest”. Note that it didn’t say “God plants the seed”, rather; it specifically mentioned that God gives seed to the sower. Luke 8:5 and Mark 4:3 further describes a sower as a person who believes in a seed.

But what kind of seed does God give? Mark 4:14 tells us that the sower sows the word; and that simply means that the word of God is the seed that God gives. That also makes it is God’s responsibility to give us the word, but our responsibility to sow it. It is God’s responsibility to germinate and increase the seed sown, but our responsibility to water and nurture it.

Faith is the only acceptable soil that grows the word of God. Mark 11:23 makes it lucid that God will only allow us to have a harvest of the word we don’t doubt. A believer won’t positively engage the word he has doubts for, just as a farmer won’t plant a seed he has doubts for. No matter how much a farmer tries, he can’t describe how a seed develop roots, stems, branches, and fruits; he may describe the process, but he’d never be able to define the acts. What he does is to water the plant, and nurture it while it grows. Many people are too concerned with how God will bless them, when their real concern should be nurturing the word that God has given them. We need to learn how to mind our business!

Watering and nurturing of the word is an expression of our faith. When God sees your commitment, He commands the growth of the word you’ve received or planted. One major way to nurture the word or express your faith is speaking the word you believe. It’s foolishness to dig out the seed you’ve just sown. And that is what many believers do; they receive a word, confess it for a while, and when they don’t see any manifestation, they’d change their language. That also means that they don’t believe the word they’ve received from God. No matter how long it takes, a farmer expects a seed sown to germinate and spring forth.

Let me conclude with this; God wants to see His seeds grow and multiply; but He needs a sower who understands the agriculture of faith. The fact that faith is agricultural doesn’t mean faith is slow, no! Amos 9:13 tells us that it shall come to pass when the sower will overtake the reaper, because the seed will grow the same moment it touches the ground. This also means that we can get instant results as soon as the word touches our faith. May God give us understanding!

God bless you, I love you, and enjoy the rest of your week!

Emeka Anslem
Bringing knowledge to the people


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