Pride is an abuse on grace and a waste to man's efforts. The bible highlights many great men who lost their dignity to pride. Many believers think that "being proud is the same as being bright". But light doesn't need to be proud before anybody can know that it is light.
Let God announce you! As a matter of scriptures, God hates haughty people. Everybody knew that Herod was the king; but he lost it the moment he began to hype himself. Proud people always demand respect; and from experience, people who demand respect from me never get the best of me. It has also been said that people will respect you, not because you demanded it, but because you deserve it.
That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; GOD LOVES YOU. SO DON'T LET PRIDE TAKE YOUR PLACE. Have a most fruitful day! In Jesus precious name!
An Inspiration of The Almighty
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