If it ever gets to a time when your thoughts stop giving expression, and your prayers stop bringing utterance, then there's something you need to know. Knowledge is like food to the body, and your life places a very high demand for it. Thinking and praying can be likened to breathing; and if you stop feeding, it won't be long before you stop breathing. The devil knows that God is able to do whatever we ask or think. And that's why he'd do anything to block our access to true knowledge.
Many Christians loose their prayer and thinking life because they're starving spiritually. The moment you loose your prayer and thinking life, it won't be long before you fall into temptation. Remember the bible says we should "watch and pray, lest we'd fall into temptation".
That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Notes. But take these last words; KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! WE PRAY AND THINK ON IT. ONCE KNOWLEDGE IS DISPLACED, IGNORANCE BECOMES THE TRUTH. Have a most fruitful day! In Jesus precious name!
An Inspiration of The Almighty
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