
Showing posts from June, 2016


TIMELY NOTES! God's word is quick and powerful; but Ex 23:30 records that He does certain things little by little. This means that there are things that God does instantly, and there are other things He does in a space of time. Many people would have married the wrong persons if God didn't extend their courtship longer than they planned. The reason why you've not bought your car is probably because God is trying to stop you from entering the traps of your enemies. But little by little, He's taking out your oppositions, so that when you eventually buy the car, it won't take you to the grave as the enemy had planned. Be anxious for nothing. You may be due for marriage, you may be able to afford a car - and yet you just can't buy one for yourself, you may be due for a business breakthrough, you may be overdue for a salary raise, you may be due for a promotion, you may be due to further your education, you may be due for whatsoever it is, but little by little Go...


TIMELY NOTES! Faith works instantly; but it doesn't mean it didn't when your desired result doesn't come instantly. This has been the undoing of many believers; they begin to have doubts when their timing doesn't agree with faiths timing. Faith may destroy a disease, but sometimes, the effect of the disease may take time to heal. The moment faith is engaged, the root of the ailment is destroyed, then the healing process begins. Faith does not have a dying patient, it only has healing patients. If it has not healed, then it's healing. After Jesus cursed the fig tree, the disciples only saw the effect the next day. Everything that causes a tree to flourish dried up from that tree the moment Jesus cursed it, it only required one more day to have a physical effect. Some people need just one more day to begin to see the physical effects of their faith, but they allow doubt to set-in, and eventually lose the blessing. The people of Israel were already delivered from t...


TIMELY NOTES! In Phil 4:4-6, the bible says we should rejoice in the Lord always. That means even when things get rough, we still have an obligation to be joyful. If Satan can't steal your joy he can't keep your treasures. He may steal from you, but a thief is never the owner of what he steals until the owner decides to let go. The moment you loose your joy to what Satan stole from you, you've simply told him to keep what he stole. But when you rejoice - despite the robbery, The anti-robbery God will intervene and make the thief return sevenfolds of what he stole. Some people came to steal from David, and when he discovered it, he first asked God whether to pursue them or not, and God said he should pursue and overtake them. It takes a joyful heart to ask God such a question inside such a pressure. Be careful for nothing, but report every situation to God in prayer, supplication with thanksgiving. The same way you report a case to the police is the same way you should r...


TIMELY NOTES! Many people are convinced that they need a change; and to be honest, sometimes we get so fed up with life that we really need a change. Some say they want a change of environment, some wants a change of job or business, some are convinced that changing their career path is the only way they can make progress. The one that amazes me the most is that some people think their spouse is the reason why they're not progressing, and so they'd want to change their spouse. Transformation begins with information. If you really need a change, then begin by changing the information you have inside of you. If you change your job, business, school, career, environment, or even your spouse, without changing the knowledge inside you, then it won't be long before you get fed up and change them again. Personally, I've met very insensitive people; but instead of getting fed up of them, I simply acquire more sense on how to get what I want from insensitive people. That way...


TIMELY NOTES! Many believers have failed to understand that being released from the oppressor does not guarantee a release from oppression - responsibility does. There is no way to fully walk into freedom without shouldering its responsibilities. Salvation may have delivered us from Satan, but it is the  responsibility we take to walk in the salvation that God has brought us that guarantees freedom. Deliverance is not freedom! We've been delivered from sin and Satan, but we must take practical steps to be free from sin and Satan. Deliverance breaks the strongholds of our oppressor, but freedom is living the life that the deliverer has for us. The people of Israel were delivered from Egypt, but because they didn't understand the responsibilities attached to their freedom, they preferred to go back to Egypt to continue living as slaves. Pharaoh still pursued them even after they had been delivered, but it was their responsibility to walk in faith by crossing the sea that guar...


TIMELY NOTES! The thing about joy is that you have to have it, whether situations are pleasant or not. A large percentage of people who are sick today are people who go the mile just to live a happy life. Happiness feeds on what you have, joy feeds on who you are. That means you really don't need to have anything to live a joyful life. People who just want to be happy become broken when they don't have enough to make them happy; and like we know, a broken spirit makes our body vulnerable to all kinds of sicknesses and diseases. Abraham didn't have anything to show for his life. But the Bible recorded that he staggered not at the promise of God, but he was strong in faith, joyfully glorifying God. The difference between joy and happiness is that; while happiness would have something to show, joy only needs a promise to show. Abraham had joy because of the promise of God, Jesus held on to the cross because of the promise of God. Hab 3:17-18 says that "although the fi...


TIMELY NOTES! In Acts 16:25-26, as Paul and Silas began to sing, the Bible says that there was a sudden earthquake, the foundation of the prison was shaken, all the prison doors flung open, and the bands on the prisoners were loosed. Really, what were they expecting? The whole earth is God's footstool, we should expect things like that when God begins to dance. Praise is one thing that makes God to rise from His throne. In Ps 47:5, the Bible says that God ascends with a shout of joy and with a sound of the trumpet. Ps 22:3 explains that the best part of God is gotten in His praise. Isn't it amazing to know that our victory is cheap when we excite God with praise? Just imagine; God began to dance, and the walls of Jericho fell down flat, the enemies of Judah began to kill themselves until no one was left, the prison gates broke lose so that Paul and Silas could escape. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; WHEN GOD ARISES, EN...


BEFORE YOU SAY A WORD! Before you say a word, say the word. In Mark 16:20, the Bible tells us that the disciples went and preached everywhere, with God working with them - confirming the word with signs following. What God confirmed was His word, but the signs that followed were their words. The reason why we pray is because we need God to do signs, and prayer is a sickle for signs. If God confirmed His word and signs followed, then it simply means that He answered their prayers. Without mincing words, this is enough proof that God answers the prayers and declarations that accompanies His word. We can relate this with how God called Abraham, and Lot who went with him also enjoyed the same blessing. But when Lot departed from Abraham, the blessings also departed. It's not safe to pray and make declarations without the word of God. People come to me to share testimonies of how the words I declared concerning them came to pass. If only they know that this has been my secret. I...


TIMELY NOTES! Words are not static; the moment they are spoken, they go ahead to accomplish what has been said. That's why Eccl 5:6 warns that we should suffer not our mouth to cause our flesh to sin; neither should we say before the angels, that what we said was an error, except we want God to be angry at our voice, and destroy the works of our hands. When we speak, angels pick, so that God can fix. Though the angels pick what we say, but we're all witnesses that it's not all that we say that gets back to us. And this probably has to do with the kind of words we speak. Words are accompanied with special weaponries, but the kind of words we speak would determine the kind of weapon that would go with it. For instance, God's word is the sword of the Spirit that is sharper than any two-edged sword; it is also a hammer that breaks every rock. So when you speak God's word along with your desires, you handover a sword and a hammer to the angels that would transport wh...


DON'T KEEP SECRETS! Alright, keep secrets, but not the ones that need to be spoken, seen, and shown to the people around you. I particularly like today's Timely Notes, it talks about the 3 kinds of life that a man lives; the public life, the private life, and the secret life. I've honestly thought that our private life is a secret life, not until I began to meditate on the points from today's Timely Notes. Though the scriptures translate "private" as "secret"; but the secret that Timely Notes talked about is the one that only you can see, the one from your spirit. How do you respond to situations? I recently read a story about a man who was wealthy because he was contented, and contented because he was wealthy. He only had a farmland, but everybody knew he was wealthy, because he was contented. One night, a priest visited him and told him the value of a diamond, and how rich he could become if he possessed a little portion of diamond. And for t...


TIMELY NOTES! This has lingered for too long; people don't seem to understand that there's a life beyond their private and public lives. For a truth, what you do in your private life affects your public life. If you pray well in your private times, it would definitely influence your public life. If you study well in your private times, you'd live a remarkable public life. If you train well during your private training hours, you'd be an amazing public figure. The reason why we invest in our private times is so that we can have a better public life. But the fact is; both the private and public life are outward lives. What about the peace, the joy, the hope, the faith, the love, the ones that nobody will see except you show them? These are inward virtues that can only emerge from a secret life. I've seen people who spend quality time in prayers, but lose their peace when there's a little challenge. They pretend to love publicly, but when the love is really nee...


ACRES OF DIAMOND! Actually, it's more than diamond, I just couldn't find a more suitable word for it. But come to think of it; an acre of diamond will make you a billionaire for life, imagine what acres of diamond would do. Don't think too far, because no matter how much it sums to, it would never give you everything you need in life. And that's why I remarked that what I'm about to share with you is actually more than acres of diamond. I'd get to the point, but let's examine a few things. What if you could really plant diamonds just as we plant other crops? What if the harvest seasons for diamonds comes in spaces of 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, and 1 year, or even more? Many years ago, a certain evangelist ministered to a young student called David. In the process, David received Jesus as his Lord and Saviour. Many years after, David became the pastor of a fifty thousand seat auditorium. One soul gave birth to over fifty thousand souls. Currently, his chur...


ACRES OF DIAMOND! Actually, it's more than diamond, I just couldn't find a more suitable word for it. But come to think of it; an acre of diamond will make you a billionaire for life, imagine what acres of diamond would do. Don't think too far, because no matter how much it sums to, it would never give you everything you need in life. And that's why I remarked that what I'm about to share with you is actually more than acres of diamond. I'd get to the point, but let's examine a few things. What if you could really plant diamonds just as we plant other crops? What if the harvest seasons for diamonds comes in spaces of 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, and 1 year, or even more? Many years ago, a certain evangelist ministered to a young student called David. In the process, David received Jesus as his Lord and Saviour. Many years after, David became the pastor of a fifty thousand seat auditorium. One soul gave birth to over fifty thousand souls. Currently, his chur...


TIMELY NOTES! If you don't want to struggle later in life, then get committed early in life. Life is a very fertile soil, that's why the bible says "whatsoever a man sows, he'd also reap". It is your commitment to sowing seeds now that will determine the quality of your later end. The volume of seeds you sow today will determine how much harvest you'd get. Never see your commitments to life as a waste of time and energy. God sums all your labour to determine your harvest - whether they are worthwhile or not. Joseph was committed to both fruitful and unfruitful things, but everything worked together for his good. Jacob engaged in many unfruitful labour, but God converted everything into favour for him. Don't regret anything, because regrets only lead to regression. Move forward at all cost, because the path of a just man is as a shining light that shines brighter and brighter unto the perfect day. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely N...


WHAT HAVE YOU SAID? I visited a family over the weekend to pray for their son who was marking his birthday. And among the things I prayed for was that "Within six years, their son will become a football star. And that in seven days, everyone who had forgotten to help him will begin to remember him". Two days after, his parents met me and said a football club that is based in Argentina called their son for an interview. A friend had a court case, with no money to hire the service of a lawyer. When he told me about it, I told him not to worry, that we would hire the "Judge of all". He thought I was joking until we prayed that God should become his lawyer concerning that case. The next day, according to him, a personality that dressed like a lawyer appeared to him in a trance, and asked him to explain everything that had happened to him. When he eventually explained what happened, the lawyer helped him to win the case - that same day. A man called me at past 7pm ...


TIMELY NOTES! If you're wondering how a god should be operating, observe the life of Jesus all through scriptures. But most importantly, a god speaks, believing that what he says shall come to pass - unhindered. During the wedding at Cana, Jesus instructed the servants to serve the guests the water from the pots, and as they did, the water became wine. Jesus spoke to the fig tree - that it would never bare fruits again, and by the next day the tree had dried up. The storm was raging, and then He came and said "peace, be still", and the waters became still. He sent his disciple to get money from the mouth of a fish, and it happened. That's how the Almighty God began creation; He spoke, and He saw exactly what He spoke. You'd discover that the moment God made Moses a god unto Pharaoh, Moses only needed to use his mouth to defeat Pharaoh. People have wondered why I declare the duration of time I want my prayers to be answered; well, it's because I'm a god...


I'M NOT HUMAN! Then what am I? That's the same question I asked when I discovered that "I'm a new creature..." In 2 Cor 5:17, the Bible tells us that if any man be in Christ, he is a "new creature". And that simply means he's no longer a man, but another class of being. His old human nature pass away, and his new nature begins to dominate. Then again, what is this new creature? "Ye are gods, and all of you are children of the most High"; That's how Ps 82:6 put it. Come to think of it; if the earnest expectation of the world waits for the manifestation of the sons of God, then it means the world is waiting for gods, and not humans. Moreover, the sons of God can't be humans, they've got to be gods. At Lystra, a certain man who had never walked suddenly began to walk as he heard Paul preach. When the people around saw what Paul had done, they lifted up their voices saying "the gods have come to us in the likeness of me...


TIMELY NOTES! Stop stressing your life with those old things, the new things are far better. If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away, and all things become new. Yeah, all things become new! Your job becomes new, your marriage becomes new, your family becomes new, your business becomes new, your career becomes new, everything about you becomes new. The mistake most believers make is that they don't take out time to learn how the new things work. Instead, they do guess works, and often continue with the old methods without knowing. You really cannot know how a new thing works except you learn how it works. So, learn how your new marriage works. Learn how to approach the new business, the new job, the new academics and career, the new family. The world system cannot operate the new you. Therefore, don't be conformed to this world, but be transformed by renewing your mind through the word of God. That's how far we'd go on today's ...


TIMELY NOTES! I'm not afraid of what tomorrow may bring. Asides the good future God has prepared for me, I'm not expecting anything awkward to happen in my future. I'm not living for the future, I'm living in faith; and those who live in faith live for now, because faith is a now force. I'm not waiting for tomorrow; I'm doing all that has to be done knowing that God works out everything for my good, including the wrong things that happen to me. I'm not afraid of insufficiency; I'd give and not withold, for God has made me to have sufficiency in all things and abundance for every good works - my current possessions notwithstanding. Why should I have fear for the unknown? God will not do anything until He has revealed it to His prophets, and Satan would not do anything to me until he reveals it to me. What God reveals to me requires faith to receive it, just as what Satan reveals to me requires fear to receive it. In other words, I can't receive fr...


TIMELY NOTES! God loved Jacob, even before he was conceived. He hated Esau, and had already told his parents that Jacob would rule over him. Does that really make Him an unjust God? The Bible says He'd show mercy to whom He'd show mercy; does that mean anybody can come short of His mercy at anytime? We're like clay pots in the sights of our Creator, and He created all of us to serve special purposes. Though some may be for domestic use, while others may be for a more honourable use, but all these things work together for good. The kingdom of God is like that great house where there are many vessels; some are gold, silver, and wood. Some are honourable, while some others are completely dishonorable. However, anyone that is clean enough for the master's use will be selected. That also means that God can use anybody for great works as long as that person is clean enough for Him to use. Afterall, what's the use of an honourable vessel if it's not usable? Don...


TIMELY NOTES! Signs and wonders will only follow them that believe. If you're not seeing as much wonder in your life, then it probably means you don't have as much believe. Signs are wonders are the natural heritage of a believer, but there are many Christians who have had nothing to show since they began their Christian journey. This is because, most Christians only believe for their salvation, and afterwards, they begin to live in doubt. They think the way the world thinks, and ultimately believe the way the world believe. Believing in the world's system may give you hope, but it is believing in the Word's system that will give you signs and wonders. That's why the Bible says we should not be conformed to this world, but that we should be transformed by renewing our mind by the word of God. A good news in the world may bring instant hope, but the good news of the Word would bring instant signs. The hope from the world's system would most often take many ye...


TIMELY NOTES! If you're not ready to go forward, then don't expect the sea to give way. Until the sea saw the children of Israel coming, it didn't give way. Until Joshua and his people began to dance round the wall of Jericho, the wall didn't fall down flat. Until the woman with the issue of blood moved to touch the helm of His garment, her healing was not in view. Many believers like to wait till their problems go away, and that's why they never come out of problems. Until you move in faith, problems will not go away. They cried to God when they saw the red sea ahead, and God responded to Moses saying "Why are you people crying to Me? tell My people to go forward". In graphics designing, there's a tool called "Distortion tool", and what it does is to transform any shape to anything you want. That's how faith is; it transforms any challenge to anything you want. But there is no way you can distort a shape without the shape; that also ...


TIMELY NOTES! I'd prefer to give you a key than to give you a gift. Some people would think that you're a greedy person when you give them good counsel instead of the request they made. They forget that every purpose is established by counsel. Knowledge is key to everything. Jesus received riches, power, glory, honour, and many other good things at His resurrection; but instead of handing them over to us directly, He took them to heaven - which is a more secure location. The psalmist confirmed it when he said "in God's right hand, there are pleasures forevermore". In Matt 16:19, Jesus told Peter that He'd give him the keys of the kingdom of heaven, so that whatever he needs on earth will be supplied from heaven. 1 Pet 1:3 further tells us that "God has given us all things that pertains to life and godliness through the knowledge of Him that has called us". Everything we would ever need is available, but only through knowledge. In Luke 11:52, Jesu...


TIMELY NOTES! God wants us to live a comfortable life. But the challenge is; the price to attain God's kind of comfort is mostly uncomfortable. Not because God designed it to be so, but because there are many adversaries challenging our comfort in life. When what you do is just comfortable for you, then you're in your comfort zone. And if you must leave your comfort zone to greater heights, then you must be prepared to live an uncomfortable life. How did you feel the first time you began something new? Uncomfortable I guess. But after a while, it didn't just become a comfortable thing to do, you also grew. Everybody may be comfortable in life, but it's not every comfortable person that is happy. If true happiness is what you desire in life, then you need to expand your comfort zone. And the only way to do that is to do those good things that are naturally uncomfortable for you. You may think that the most successful people in this world are working really hard; but ...


TIMELY NOTES! Speaking in faith is often the first step to actualizing any miracle. I believe that spoken words have a force that mobilizes people to where their breakthrough will happen. The woman with the issue of blood spoke in her heart, and suddenly, she did what she spoke. Even though there were obstacles on her path, she still managed to touch the helm of Jesus' garment. Jesus spoke concerning the Centurion's servant, and before the Centurion could return to his place, his servant had already responded to the spoken word. If you want to see a blessing tomorrow, then speak to it today. Jesus spoke to the fig tree one day, and by the next day, what Jesus spoke had come to pass. Spoken words may not pay your bills, but it would move you to do things that will help you pay your bills. When challenges are becoming too tough, start speaking. As a matter of scriptures, spoken words are like hammer, and they're able to break any tough challenge. Things around you may be ...


THIS MONTH! No matter how well the moon positions itself, it can't overcome the darkness of the night! No matter how thick the cloud may get, day will never become night. Whatever is contrary to God's design doesn't manifest for long, and that's because whatever God has not planted shall be rooted out. On the other hand, whatever God plants cannot be removed by any circumstance of life. Habakkuk tells us that though everything may be failing, but he'd rejoice, because no matter what is happening, God will ensure that everything turns out beautiful. This month, it doesn't matter how long you've been struggling with those challenges, you're coming out! By the blood of Jesus, I command every thing confusing God's plan for your life to passover you! This month, you'd fulfill destiny! Whatever will not help you on the way will be taken away from you this month! Whatever is eating up your resources will be eaten up this month. And anyone who may ha...


TIMELY NOTES! Create blessings for others within you. In Is 65:8, the bible explains that when a cluster of grapes is going to be destroyed, people point out the ones that still have juice and say "destroy it not, for there is a blessing in it". Then it continued by saying "that is how God exempts His servants from destruction". You may be the worse person on earth, but with a little good within you, people will see you differently. Focusing on the bitter things about our lives would only create room for more bitterness. And that's because what you focus on naturally expands. If you focus on the little "good thing" inside you, it won't be long before it outshines all the bitter things in your life. God has special interest in those who create benefits within them for others. There is always a conscious feeling of God's divine presence around me whenever I carry a message inside me. Even to a point that if you insult me, I won't feel it ...