I'm not afraid of what tomorrow may bring. Asides the good future God has prepared for me, I'm not expecting anything awkward to happen in my future. I'm not living for the future, I'm living in faith; and those who live in faith live for now, because faith is a now force. I'm not waiting for tomorrow; I'm doing all that has to be done knowing that God works out everything for my good, including the wrong things that happen to me. I'm not afraid of insufficiency; I'd give and not withold, for God has made me to have sufficiency in all things and abundance for every good works - my current possessions notwithstanding.

Why should I have fear for the unknown? God will not do anything until He has revealed it to His prophets, and Satan would not do anything to me until he reveals it to me. What God reveals to me requires faith to receive it, just as what Satan reveals to me requires fear to receive it. In other words, I can't receive from God without faith, and I can't receive from Satan without fear. It is fear that makes people run to Satan for help, just as it is faith that makes people run to God for help. But those who run to Satan gets destroyed even in their destruction, while those who run to God are redeemed from their destruction and kept in safety forever.

That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; GOD HAS PREPARED A GOOD AND EXPECTED FUTURE FOR YOU. THAT MEANS WHAT SEEMS TO BE UNKNOWN IS ACTUALLY KNOWN, YOU ONLY NEED TO WORK IT OUT. Have a most fruitful week, in Jesus precious name!

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An Inspiration of The Almighty


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