If you're wondering how a god should be operating, observe the life of Jesus all through scriptures. But most importantly, a god speaks, believing that what he says shall come to pass - unhindered. During the wedding at Cana, Jesus instructed the servants to serve the guests the water from the pots, and as they did, the water became wine. Jesus spoke to the fig tree - that it would never bare fruits again, and by the next day the tree had dried up. The storm was raging, and then He came and said "peace, be still", and the waters became still. He sent his disciple to get money from the mouth of a fish, and it happened.

That's how the Almighty God began creation; He spoke, and He saw exactly what He spoke. You'd discover that the moment God made Moses a god unto Pharaoh, Moses only needed to use his mouth to defeat Pharaoh. People have wondered why I declare the duration of time I want my prayers to be answered; well, it's because I'm a god, and gods have authority to say when and how things should happen. Jesus speaking in Matt 21:21, He said if we have faith, we can say to a mountain to be removed and be cast into the sea, and it shall be done.

That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; IF YOU BELIEVE IT, SPEAK IT! GODS ARE KNOWN FOR THEIR AUTHORITATIVE WORDS. Have a most fruitful day, in Jesus precious name!

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An Inspiration of The Almighty


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