I visited a family over the weekend to pray for their son who was marking his birthday. And among the things I prayed for was that "Within six years, their son will become a football star. And that in seven days, everyone who had forgotten to help him will begin to remember him". Two days after, his parents met me and said a football club that is based in Argentina called their son for an interview.
A friend had a court case, with no money to hire the service of a lawyer. When he told me about it, I told him not to worry, that we would hire the "Judge of all". He thought I was joking until we prayed that God should become his lawyer concerning that case. The next day, according to him, a personality that dressed like a lawyer appeared to him in a trance, and asked him to explain everything that had happened to him. When he eventually explained what happened, the lawyer helped him to win the case - that same day.
A man called me at past 7pm that his wife had left the house since afternoon and had not returned. I went to his house, anointed the place and prayed that the wife would return in 30 minutes time. We finished the prayer at 7:30pm, and waited in the sitting room for her to come. At 7:59pm, we went to the gate to open the gate by faith, and to our amazement, she was standing right there.
Now, enough of the stories. Here's my point; God takes glory in honoring our spoken words or prayers. Jesus tells us in John 14:13 that "whatever we asked the Father in His name, He will do it, so that the Father may be 'glorified' in the Son". In other words, the reason why God is going to answer your prayers is because He wants to be glorified.
Let me conclude with this; speak boldly to any situation that confronts you. Isaiah 30:20 tells us that "as soon as God hears you, He will answer". If God has not answered you, it's probably because He has not heard you. When people are faced with challenges, ask them what they have said, rather than what they have done. May God give us understanding!
God bless you, I love you, and don't forget to share!
Bringing knowledge to the people
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