TIMELY NOTES! A certain woman had an accident that landed her in a very narrow drainage. The motorbike that conveyed her was resting on her, while the vehicle that hit them was resting on the motorbike. Yes, every body thought she had died, because there was no way anyone would survive that kind of accident. But here was the woman, she could not feel any other part of her body except her mouth. She kept on saying "I shall not die but live to declare the goodness of God". And mysteriously, when they lifted the car and the motorbike, they found her alive and well, there was not even a scratch on her body. When I woke up to pray this morning, I suddenly developed a stomach ache that made it very uncomfortable for me to pray. But I heard the Spirit of the Lord say "I have given you a mouth that none of your adversaries shall be able to resist nor gainsay". That woman should have died, but obviously, God has made our mouth more powerful than any situation or circumst...