Forgiveness is like an access key to God. Any time you carry unforgiveness in your heart, you unknowingly drop your access key to God's blessing. In Matt 5:23-24, the Bible explains to us that if we bring an offering to the altar, and suddenly remember that our brother has hurt against us, we should drop the offering and quickly go and make peace with our brother. That is more like saying "when you get to your door post, and remember that you left the key somewhere, drop everything you are carrying and rush quickly to get your key. Oftentimes, our key to God's blessing is with those people we refuse to forgive.

Mark 11:25 tells us that "when we stand praying, we should forgive, otherwise God will not forgive us". How will God answer the prayers of a person He will not forgive? Many believers know these things, but they just choose to be obstinate about it. They think once they ask God for forgiveness, God will ignore the hurt that someone else has against them or that they have against someone. God may empower you to forgive or to seek forgiveness, but I can not guarantee that He will ignore any act of unforgiveness.

That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; YOU NEED TO FOLLOW PEACE WITH ALL MEN, OTHERWISE YOU MAY NOT SEE GOD. Have a most fruitful day, in Jesus precious name!

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An Inspiration of The Almighty


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