"I have heard your request about Ishmael, so I will bless him. But I will keep my covenant with your son Isaac, who will be born to Sarah about this time next year". That was what God said to Abraham in Genesis 17:20-21.
Abraham's thoughts were too limited. He was comfortable as a father to one son, when God wanted him to be a father to many nations. But even though his thoughts were limited, he was still open minded with God. He did not allow his desires to cloud his sense of judgment. He gave God room to do the things He also wanted.
I hear God saying concerning someone, "I have heard your prayers about getting a new job, so I will give you a good job. But I will still keep my covenant to give you a major business breakthrough". "I have heard your prayers about finding a spouse who will take good care of you, and I will bless you with such spouse. But I will also keep my covenant to give you a spouse that will give you peace".
If God has blessed your "Ishmael" as you requested, now open your mind and give Him room to deliver your "Isaac" as He has promised. If He has given you the caring spouse you asked for, now open your mind and allow Him to create the peace He promised. If He has given you the good job you asked for, now open your mind and allow Him to give you the business breakthrough He promised.
God may have given you what you asked for, but He still wants to give you what He promised. He may have given you the house you asked for, but He still wants to give you the mansion He promised. Do not ever allow what you have asked for take the place of what God has promised. Every parent would naturally give a child what he asks for, but they also have promises they have made to that child, beyond what the child asks for.
Let me conclude with this; God is not just a "ask me, and I will give" God, He is also a promise keeping God. So while He gives you the things you ask for, you should also give Him room to give you the things He has promised. God has too many things to give to us, and 99% of them are things that may never occur to us to ask for. No matter what God has given you, He has not finished with you. May God give us understanding!
God bless you, I love you, and don't forget to share!
Bringing knowledge to the people
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