When you eventually start a business venture or you decide to advance your career, and you see competitors who have gone far ahead of you, you see people who seem to be more intelligent, people who have gained the favour of almost everybody, you may even see companies that have all the facilities that you are still dreaming to have, do not be afraid nor discouraged, because God will be with you. The Bible said something similar concerning the children of Israel in Deut 20:1; it says "When you go out to battle against the enemy, and you see horses, and chariots, and a people more than you, do not be afraid of them: for God is with you".
Courage is the battle axe of God; without it, God can not fight for you. Many ideas never see the light of day because of the absence of courage. A man with courage will rarely experience shortage of blessing. David understood this principle when he confronted Goliath. Goliath came with a sword and a shield, but David came with courage. No ordinary weapon could penetrate Goliath, but courage took out his neck. Courage can penetrate the market, and make your products and services to lead in the market. Courage can simplify any complex subject or situation.
That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; COURAGE IS A THREAT TO ANY COMPETITOR; IF YOU REFUSE TO BE DISCOURAGED, YOU WOULD SURELY WIN THE COMPETITION. Have a most fruitful day, in Jesus precious name!
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An Inspiration of The Almighty
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