TIMELY NOTES! You're never too far from what you think. Thoughts are vehicles that enhances our movement towards our desires. If a man is not moving forward in life, then he's probably building his thoughts from what others think about him, or he's not thinking at all. You can't have a well-defined thought and not have a well-refined life. This is why people who try to change what others think about them waste the most productive seasons of life. I perceive that the reason why many people spend their days in poverty is because they used most of their time to prove a point. The world is not looking for people that will prove a point, no, the world is looking for people that will make a mark. Moreover, if I'm not a lawyer, and I'm not in a court, why do I need to prove a point if it already exists? Many people are building a court for a case that will never go to court. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Notes. But take these last words; THE S...