
Showing posts from June, 2015


TIMELY NOTES! You're never too far from what you think. Thoughts are vehicles that enhances our movement towards our desires. If a man is not moving forward in life, then he's probably building his thoughts from what others think about him, or he's not thinking at all. You can't have a well-defined thought and not have a well-refined life. This is why people who try to change what others think about them waste the most productive seasons of life. I perceive that the reason why many people spend their days in poverty is because they used most of their time to prove a point. The world is not looking for people that will prove a point, no, the world is looking for people that will make a mark. Moreover, if I'm not a lawyer, and I'm not in a court, why do I need to prove a point if it already exists? Many people are building a court for a case that will never go to court. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Notes. But take these last words; THE S...


TIMELY NOTES! According to scriptures, the devil does not have power to resist the words from our mouth. In Luke 21:15, the bible says "For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist". The reason why many people are still suffering is probably because of what they're saying with their mouth. Many believers don't know how to talk. God gave us "mouth and wisdom"; and the wisdom of God is the word of God. That means our mouth is suppose to be speaking God's word and not contrary. Satan doesn't care about your appearance as much as what you say. Your appearance doesn't instruct him, it is your mouth that does. You may appear sick, but if your mouth says contrary, then Satan will agree, and the sickness will fade way. In Ps 18:44-45, the bible explains that "the enemy shall obey, become afraid and fade away as soon as they hear of you", not when they see you. That's how far w...


YOU WILL MAKE PROFIT! The fact that your product and service is good doesn't mean you'd make good profit. The bible tells us in John 6:63 that "It is the spirit that quickens, the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life". Everything we do in the flesh is earthly; and according to that scripture, our fleshly engagements have no capacity to yield profit. Little wonder then, this is why the world struggles so much to make profit. But I believe that God unveiled this truth to put an end to all of man's financial struggles. As believers, we're not supposed to struggle to make profit, because we have access to the spirit that quickens our products and services - and causes them to produce profit. That scripture explains that "the word of God is spirit and life", and what a joy, we have the word of God. Speak the word of God into your business, so that when you speak to people about your business, they...


TIMELY NOTES! We live in a visible world where the most valuable things are invisible. Someone had said "if we have to pay God for the air that we breathe, everyone would be bankrupt, and perhaps, we'd all be dead by now". Intelligence has nothing to do with how you dress; companies are not looking for people who can dress well, but people who can engage their invisible skills to produce physical results. If our level of intelligence is written on our faces, organizations would stop conducting interviews. Faith is not physical; yet the bible says the Just shall live by faith. Christianity is not written on our faces; the only way you can know a christian is if he lives by faith. Christianity outside faith is fake! The same way you'd know an intelligent man by his results is the same way you'd know a christian. The book of James explained this when it said "show me your faith without work, and I'd show you my work with faith". That could also mean t...


WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM? Yes, what is your problem? That's the question that came to my spirit when I was reading 1 John 5:14-15 this morning. It sounded funny, but God was serious about the question. God answers our prayers, but we don't seem to know that He answers them. That scripture says "this is the confidence that we have in Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, we should also know that He has done what we desire from Him". God's hand automatically performs what He hears. If He doesn't want to answer you, He'd close His ears - so that He won't hear you. The bible tells us that God closes His ears to the wicked; and I believe the reason why He does that is because He can't stop His hand from performing what He hears. In Numbers 14:28, God said "as truly as I live, as you say unto my hear, so will I do". As long as you're not a wicked person, God will always hear and d...


TIMELY NOTES! Everybody needs a listener. A relationship should be a platform to listen to one another; but in most cases - both sides are always talking. Personally, I hardly flow with people who don't listen to my dreams and thoughts. If you want to see the best of anybody, then be ready to listen to them. God wants us to listen to Him. The bible says "we should seek first His kingdom, and all other things shall be added to us". That could also mean, if you can give God a listening ear, you'd naturally gain access to His resources. The same way, if you can give any man a listening ear, he'd love you with everything he has. If people are not meeting your expectations, it's because you're not giving ear to their expressions. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; ONE OF THE WAYS YOU CAN PROVE THAT YOU'RE READY TO LISTEN IS TO REMIND YOUR PARTNER ABOUT THE THINGS HE HAS SAID. THIS ALSO APPLIES WITH GOD; ...


WE CAN SAVE THEM! During my prayer time in the midst of the night, I was praying to God to save one thousand people that the devil has programmed for destruction today - around Lagos and Ota, Nigeria. Surprisingly, God hinted me that the number of people that the devil has programmed for destruction today within Lagos and Ota alone - were more than ten thousand. In His exacts words; "one thousand is small, they are in tens of thousands". I was moved with great compassion when I heard those words. It became worse when I saw a vision of multitudes of people clustered in a place that looked liked a coven - with fire on each of these people. My spirit got very upset with the scene that I began to take authority from scriptures. I began to engage the "power to thread upon servants and scorpions" - knowing that nothing would be able to hurt me. I began to loose them from the fire, knowing that whatever I loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. But I couldn't fr...


TIMELY NOTES! The word of God is the convicting power of God. This is why, no matter how intense you pray for an unbeliever to be saved, he won't, until he hears the convicting word of God. The reason why they're called unbelievers is not just because they don't believe the word, but because they're ignorant of the truth of God's word. They live in bondage because of their ignorance, and only the truth can set them free. Anytime I'm privileged to pray for the salvation of souls, I also include that God should position His evangelists on their paths - that would speak the true-word to them. An online friend was so convicted by one of my messages that He replied me with a desire to be born again the same day. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; LET'S PREACH THE TRUTH OF GOD'S WORD; THAT'S THE ONLY WAY WE CAN DEPOPULATE HELL! Have a most fruitful day! In Jesus precious name! #TimelyNotes An Inspirat...


TIMELY NOTES! The reason why many Christians are poor is because they don't understand their place in the Church of Christ. Jesus is the head of the church, and believers are the body. And even though Jesus is Omnipresence, He won't just enter everywhere across the nations of the earth; He prefers His body to move Him to places. I'm not saying He can't reach out to the world by Himself, no! I'm saying, if you want to clear your debts, do your part as a body of the church. Peter was owing taxes, but he couldn't pay until he moved Jesus to a point where money could be dispensed from the mouth of a fish. It's impossible to feed your body with solid food without your head. If you are hungry, you move along with your head to the dining table. Without your head, you can do nothing. Without Jesus, the church is helpless.  That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; GOD WASN'T JOKING WHEN HE SAID WE SHOULD SEEK HIS KI...


TIMELY NOTES! Watch and pray, otherwise you may fall into temptation. The reason why many people fall into temptation or deception is not because they're not praying, no, it's because they're not watching. Watching is a product of planning. There'd be nothing to watch for without a plan, just as there'd be nothing to pray for without a plan. God said we should come to Him with our strong reason, so that both we and God can discuss it. Prayer should be a platform where plans should be discussed, and not a nagging point. Many people are busy shouting on God in the name of prayers, while many others sort out issues within their plan in prayers. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; THERE ARE MANY INDIVIDUALS WHO ARE STILL FACING GREAT CHALLENGES DESPITE THEIR ANOINTING AND PRAYERS. THIS IS BECAUSE THE PRAYER THAT AVAILETH MUCH IS THE EFFECTUAL AND FERVENT ONE. AND PRAYER CANNOT BE EFFECTUAL AND FERVENT WITHOUT A PLAN. ...


TIMELY NOTES! By observation of scriptures, we'd discover that; every believer is attributed to two seasons in life. The first is the season when the devil tries to nullify the truth of God's word in them, while the second season is when Satan gives up for a later reinforcement. This also means that "the devil may leave us for a season, but he'd come back when he finds a reason".  As believers, we must understand that the word of God is our stronghold in season, and out of season. This is because, the moment Satan finds a reason to battle again, he'd come back. And when he comes, the word of God will be your only defense. After Jesus defeated Satan in the wilderness, the bible says that "Satan left Him for a season". But it was later recorded in scriptures that; Satan entered into Judas, and Jesus also addressed Peter as "Satan". I believe it was the selfish acts of Judas that brought Satan back to Jesus; but yet, the word still prevailed...
RE: MY JOY IS NOT FOR SALE - PART 3 Don't start a problem in your heart before the problem actually comes. Be careful what you think about! If you think adversely you'd eventually sink into adversity. No one would buy your joy if you're not willing or broadcasting it for sales. If someone admires your house, he won't ask you how much you'd sell it to him rather he'd asked you how much it would cost him to acquire such a house, unless ofcourse you offer to sell your own. Joy is a  fruit of the Spirit, just like an orange is a fruit of the earth. If you can't plant its tree then you might have to buy it each time you want it. Everybody likes orange, a person that doesn't like orange is probably not of this age. Now, everybody loves joy, even the devil rejoices when he destroys the souls of men. Everything we do is to rejoice at the end, whether what we do is good or bad. The fact that a person is a "kill-joy" doesn't mean he hates to be ...
RE: MY JOY IS NOT FOR SALE - PART 2 Bitter people would never see things that make them happy in you, they only see things that get them exasperated. To show the intensity of this statement, they'd even tell you to sit down and hear the bitter things they must say to you. They forget all the good you've done and focus on the one-thing you don't do. If you must successfully invest your joy then you must not waste your time with bitter people. They want you to be perfect in all thi ngs, which is practically impossible. Perfection is not of the person, but of the gift in the person. There are no perfect people, but there are perfect gifts. I might not be the perfect man you want me to be, but I have perfect solutions to certain problems that you're facing. My life is not dependent on what I don't know how to do, my life depends on doing what I know how to do well. God is not interested in how much you can do, no! His interest is in how much people you impact with th...
RE: MY JOY IS NOT FOR SALE! It's not everything you feel that you respond to. Some feelings are better ignored! Many workers loose their joy even before they get to their various offices. They sell their joy to mass transit drivers, passengers, conductors and so on. Many people blame the drivers for passing a route where there is "hold-up". They forget that everyday is a day that God has made, and all they need to do is "rejoice and be glad in it". If you don't want to be in the "hold-up" then leave your home earlier than you used to, if you don't want to have issues with drivers, passengers, and conductors then buy your own car! I believe, if you want things to change around you then you must initialize the change. You can't change things when you've not changed yourself! And in the process of change you must endure all that may come your way, otherwise you'd sell all the joy you have. The devil knows you need joy to receive ...


TIMELY NOTES! The devil is the founder of fear, just like God is the Founder of faith. Fear is a snare to destiny, faith is a scent to destiny. People who live in fear can't maximize their intellect, while those who live by faith maintain a possibility mentality. The reason why many people can't think far is because they still think "fear". If you can take fear off your mind, then you can attain any height in life. Faith is formed by conscious and continuous positive thoughts , fear is formed by conscious and continuous negative thoughts. The devil is not everywhere, but he designed fear so that he can track it's victims anywhere they are. If you want to know how fast the devil can leave you, then be fast to stop fear. The devil moves about like a roaring lion, not looking for you, but those who have fear in them, so that he can devour them. No wonder the bible talks about thousands of enemies falling by your right and left side, and yet none shall come near you. ...


TAKE THIS ROD IN YOUR HAND!   "Going to church" is going to where God resides. And one of the things we're to expect during a church service is a rod that would put us in command of the challenges of life. Every time Moses went to meet with God, he always returned with a word that he could use to torment his oppositions.  Just imagine for a moment; if Moses didn't receive a word from God all those times he went to tell God his challenges, do you think Pharaoh would have released the people of Israel? I perceive that the reason why many church-going believers are not advancing is because they don't return with a word to confront their oppositions.  In Ex 4:17, God told Moses to "take this rod in his hand, with which he would perform miracles". Many believers go to church and believe God for a miracle; when the actual thing should be "listening, to receive a rod that would provoke the miracle they desire". The word of God is the rod of God; Isaia...


TIMELY NOTES! If you don't want to struggle later in life, then get committed early in life. Life is a very fertile soil, that's why the bible says "whatsoever a man sows, he'd also reap". It is your commitment to sowing seeds now that will determine the quality of your later end. The volume of seeds you sow today will determine how much harvest you'd get. Never see your commitments to life as a waste of time and energy. God sums all your labour to determine your harvest - whether they are fruitful or  fruitless. Joseph was committed to both fruitful and unfruitful things, but everything worked together for his good. Jacob engaged in many unfruitful labour, but God converted everything into favour for him. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Notes. But take these last words; GOD SEES YOUR INPUTS AND REWARDS YOU ACCORDINGLY. YOU MAY WASTE YOUR TIME WITH MAN, BUT NOT WITH GOD; FOR WITH GOD, ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD. Have a most fruit...


TIMELY NOTES! God has never had a "Plan B", rather, He has a plan. God is a Master Planner; He planned the destruction of the Wall of Jericho. When He sent Moses to deliver Israel out of Egypt, He had a well designed plan that was sure to work according to how He had planned it. It might even interest you to know that God knew how Pharaoh will respond to Moses' demands; because the bible tells us that God hardened the heart of Pharaoh - so that he won't release Israel. If what God sent you to do has not happened as He said it, it doesn't mean it won't work. Moses was frustrated because after all the weapon that God gave him, Pharaoh still held on to Israel. But God unveiled the final move when He said "I will yet release one more plague upon Pharaoh, and after that, he will let you go". The word "yet" in His words means that He had it in His plan all along. If God has given you an assignment, then He has a plan to prosper the assignment. ...


GOD IS LOOKING FOR KINGS! In Matt 6:33, the bible paints a clear picture of what God is looking for. It says "Seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you". God is looking for kings; but the challenge is that, the kings He is looking for are behaving like man - who is always looking for things. Rev 5:10 tells us that Jesus has ordained every believer as kings and priests unto God, and they shall reign on the earth forever. Every king has a kingdom; that also means that every believer has a kingdom on the earth where he is expected to reign - forever! Though our kingdom is on earth - which is a limited place; but our resources are drawn from an unlimited realm - which is heaven. Matt 16:19 tells us that Jesus will give us the keys of the kingdom of heaven, so that whatever you don't permit on earth will not be permitted in heaven". That also means that, if you don't permit poverty and sickness in your kingd...


TIMELY NOTES! There is no impossible case with God. And whatever God cannot do, no creature made by God can do it. Every man has a specialty; I've also discovered that God has a specialty. He defined His area of specialization to Moses when He said "I Am...". He completed the definition in Jeremiah 32:27 when He said "I am the God of all flesh, is there anything too hard for me?". God specializes in doing the impossible. As a matter of scriptures, He gets excited when He's given an impossible case to handle. Remember how He delivered Jehosaphat from the hand of those three nations. The word "impossible" is used when there's no physical evidence that what you desire can happen. If God does the impossible, then it means He creates the evidence so that what was actually impossible would become possible. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Notes. But take these last words; IF YOU WANT TO CONSULT GOD FOR AN IMPOSSIBLE CASE, THEN ...


TIMELY NOTES! The only thing that doesn't change is change itself. Even those things we really don't want to change still experience the power of change. Change is undeniable, because everything we do on earth naturally give birth to a change. The bible says "physical things are temporal", and the word "temporal" means "subject to change". That also means that; as far as life is concerned, everything is subject to change! If change is inevitable, why are many believers living in stagnation? Why are nations suffering the same challenges over and again? Every step you take in a journey makes a change in the distance; if you go forward, the distance reduces; and if you move backward, the distance increases. I perceive that the reason why many people and nations are suffering is only because they're taking wrong steps. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Notes. But take these last words; IF YOU WANT TO STOP THE SETBACKS, THEN TA...


TIMELY NOTES! Power should be part of the identity of every believer. The bible says "as many that believed, he gave them power to become the sons of God". That also means that it's impossible to be a son of God without power. I believe that the reason why God gives us power to become His sons is so that we can take responsibility for His kingdom. As a matter of scriptures, He has made us kings and priests already, which means we're already in charge of a kingdom. No wonder He is called the King of kings. Isaiah 60:22 tells us that our kingdoms are according to our level of believe; it says a little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation. If small ones are in charge of strong nations, I wonder what a big one would do. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Notes. But take these last words; KINGS ARE KINGDOM MINDED. DON'T LIMIT YOUR DOMINION TO TAKING CARE OF YOUR FAMILY ALONE, BECAUSE THE MINIMUM YOU'RE EXPECTED TO HANDLE...


TIMELY NOTES! Every believer needs a sight of faith. The reason why many believers give-up after a test is because they don't see the result of every test in their favour. When Moses asked God for His name, God replied with "tell them that, I AM sent you". Which means He is capable of becoming anything in my favour. I once prayed with a brother who had a court case, and had no lawyer to defend him. I prayed that God should become his lawyer, and it happened. According to him, a man in suite appeared to him in a trance - while he was going to church. The man asked him to tell him everything that had happened, which he did. That night, God appeared to his accuser and warned him to withdraw the case otherwise He'd make his children suffer the same thing. The accuser called this brother the same night, told him what happened, and withdrew the case. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Notes. But take these last words; DON'T BE TOO QUICK TO GIVE UP, ...


TIMELY NOTES! The reason why problems are hanging around many individuals is because of the kind of people and things they hang around with. It is true that goodness and mercy follows every believer, but what follows you is of less value when you don't follow back. I was on my way for a job interview many years back; and before I got to the organization, I had already asked God what the organization was into. When I finally got there, I told the panel that God told me the services their company offered and that I've been looking for a company like that. To my surprise, they put away the interview documents, and asked me "how a person could hear from God". That was how an interview because a lecture room for me. And when I finished teaching them, the exact words from their Director was "I wish to work with you, but the money you're charging is too much". The money was too much, but they called me after a month to resume work! That's how far we'...


TIMELY NOTES! We're in a very gracious season of the year. In Habakkuk 3:2, the bible tells us that God will revive His work and unveil His plans in the middle of the year". When God revives, He revisits His works, discovers flaws, and appoints his sons to fix them. The month of June and July are two of the most celebrated months in the commission where I belong. And this is because the plans of God are greatly revealed and manifested in these two months. But as much as God unveils His plans, He'd first assign them to those who are available to do His works. I believe God revisited our educational system yesterday, and when He discovered flaws, He went to the church, discovered a boy whose heart was ready, and made him His agent for academic transformation. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Notes. But take these last words; THE BIBLE TALKS ABOUT THE SONS OF ISSACHAR WHO HAD UNDERSTANDING OF SEASONS, AND KNEW WHAT ISRAEL OUGHT TO DO. I PRAY THAT YOU WO...


WHO AM I? I was praying for church growth this morning when God suddenly said to me "You're an agent of academic transformation; your job is to liberate the world from all academic misconception". If I didn't know God's word in Jeremiah 33:3, I would have thought that God didn't want me to pray for the church. The experience was like a playback of that scripture; I was praying to God for something, but He answered with something I didn't really know. He further told me to s tart praying for the educational system in the world, and seeking Him for solutions. I knew far back in 2013 that I've been given a liberation mandate, but I didn't know that I'm God's agent of academic transformation. This doesn't mean I'm the only one that can fulfil this agenda, rather, I'm an object that God has chosen to use to fulfil His plan. What a privilege! Now, permit me to ask you the big question; who are you? Are you just a banker, a l...


EDUCATION IS OUR DEFENSE! We live in a country where money is preferred over education. Scripturally speaking, money is a defense, and knowledge is also a defense. But more importantly, the same bible says that knowledge has an excellency over money, because knowledge gives life to them that have it. Over the years, money has accomplished great things for us – even though they never stand the test of time. But I believe that the reason why nothing lasts in this nation is beca use the knowledge to preserve them is not adequate. Knowledge is power, and money without power is meaningless. Our money should first be invested into acquisition of knowledge before anything else. Just imagine, if the amount of money that was released for fuel subsidy in the last 8 years was invested into educating our youths, won’t Nigeria be standing out today? What’s the use of cheap fuel when it can’t take me to school? Fuel subsidy may affect anything, but it should not be allowed to affect education!...


TIMELY NOTES! Create blessings for others within you. In Is 65:8, the bible explains that when a cluster of grapes are going to be destroyed, people point out the ones that still have juice and say "destroy it not, for there is a blessing in it". Then it continued by saying "that is how God exempts His servants from destruction". God has special interest in those who create benefits within them for others. There is always a conscious feeling of God's divine presence around  me whenever I carry a message inside me. Even to a point that if you insult me, I won't feel it - even if I want to. It just occurred to me that God is protecting the message in me - which will bless others. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Notes. But take these last words; START SOMETHING FOR GOD, NO MATTER HOW LITTLE. GRAPE IS NOT OFTEN PURCHASED BECAUSE OF IT'S BITTER TASTE. IF YOU WANT PEOPLE TO PATRONIZE YOU, THEN PRODUCE SOMETHING SWEET. Have a most f...


TIMELY NOTES! Commitment and consistency are unavoidable if one must excel in life. The value of any man's testimony depends on its accuracy. The testimony of an unstable man won't motivate anybody. People have asked me how I get the time to write like this. Well, I don't get the time, I buy it. People who use free time hardly commit themselves to hardwork. Time is free, but only those who choose to pay for it ever make the most of it. It's a known fact that the things you  get for free are less-valued compared to the things you pay for. For instance, life is free, and that's why we have more ignorant people in the world today. If we paid God for our lives, I'm sure everyone would live his life with a genuine purpose. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Notes. But take these last words; LUCK IS A WORD USED BY THE DEVIL TO DILUTE YOUR LABOUR WITH PLEASURE. AN UNDILUTED LABOUR WILL ALWAYS ATTRACT FLAVOUR. Have a most fruitful weekend! In J...


TIMELY NOTES! God often identifies with His sons by their assignments. Remember how he addressed Job and Jesus in the bible. I can imagine God telling the angels "see My son Anslem, his assignment is to bring knowledge to the people". He also supplies resources to his sons according to their purpose. I can also imagine God telling The Holy Spirit to always inspire me with knowledge, so that I can fulfil my purpose. The reason why many people are getting little resources from God is probably because they're doing little for God. Before I discovered my purpose, the financial gifts I used to get were surprisingly low. I wondered why a person at my age would be getting such ridiculous amounts as gifts. But it's now clear to me that it's not age that determines what you get, but grace. And grace grows when you work on your assignment. Today, people I've never met sow seeds into my assignment. That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Notes. ...