In Matt 6:33, the bible paints a clear picture of what God is looking for. It says "Seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you".
God is looking for kings; but the challenge is that, the kings He is looking for are behaving like man - who is always looking for things.
Rev 5:10 tells us that Jesus has ordained every believer as kings and priests unto God, and they shall reign on the earth forever. Every king has a kingdom; that also means that every believer has a kingdom on the earth where he is expected to reign - forever!
Though our kingdom is on earth - which is a limited place; but our resources are drawn from an unlimited realm - which is heaven. Matt 16:19 tells us that Jesus will give us the keys of the kingdom of heaven, so that whatever you don't permit on earth will not be permitted in heaven". That also means that, if you don't permit poverty and sickness in your kingdom, heaven will make the necessary supplies to make that happen.
If this is the case, why are believers still seeking things, and not seeking the welfare of the kingdom? Does it mean that they don't understand the benefits that is attached to seeking the kingdom?
Kings are suppose to be kingdom-minded, and not "things-minded". In plain English, Matt 6:33 is saying "My son, take the responsibility of a king, and you'd freely enjoy benefits that ordinary people struggle to get". Honestly speaking, do I need to be told that kings enjoy benefits?
I think i should stop here! May God give us understanding!
Emeka Anslem
Bringing knowledge to the people
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