It's not everything you feel that you respond to. Some feelings are better ignored! Many workers loose their joy even before they get to their various offices. They sell their joy to mass transit drivers, passengers, conductors and so on. Many people blame the drivers for passing a route where there is "hold-up". They forget that everyday is a day that God has made, and all they need to do is "rejoice and be glad in it". If you don't want to be in the"hold-up" then leave your home earlier than you used to, if you don't want to have issues with drivers, passengers, and conductors then buy your own car! I believe, if you want things to change around you then you must initialize the change. You can't change things when you've not changed yourself! And in the process of change you must endure all that may come your way, otherwise you'd sell all the joy you have.
The devil knows you need joy to receive from God. The bible says "with joy, you shall draw water out of the wells of salvation", funny enough, it is also with joy that you buy bitterness, strife and anger". And when joy is replaced with these forces, it becomes impossible to receive from God! I've told you a story about a woman who started her day with complains, she got to the office very angry, she miss-processed a document in the process of her anger, and she got sacked that same day! You'd always have thousands of opportunities to sell your joy, but be wise! Nobody will buy a house that is tagged "THIS HOUSE IS NOT FOR SALE", so if you don't want to sell your joy, put a tag! May God give us understanding!
Inspired By:
The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit
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